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Love Is Hard

That One Moment

There is a moment in everyone's life when you know you have made a horrible decision. But then again there are those choices and you end up choosing the right one.

I chose the right thing. At least I think I did. I felt someone shake me awake. It was Ryan.

"Ava, the plane just landed." That was my choice. I left. I left Ali, with my sister for 2 days. I left Bailey waiting for Levi for 2 days. Just so I could see if I could fix this stupid relationship with Justin. Wait no this relationship wasn't stupid at all. This relationship was everything to me. I loved him. So much. I finally had gotten over everything that he had done and wanted him.

I finally just wanted him. "Ryan, who's coming to get us? Where are we going?"

He looked at me, "First I have to get my suitcase and then someone I know is coming to get us. Then who knows where we will go? Maybe to my house? Do you want to see him?" I thought about it. Did he want to see me?

It was nothing like my dream. This was reality. Ryan never had to go get a letter so he wasn't late for the plane ride and none of that conversation I had with Justin happened. I didn't know the real reason Justin had left. It was all just a dream.

I nodded. I wanted to see Justin. Ryan pulled out his phone and turned it on. I did the same. I had one text message from Jess and one from my mom.

I dropped Ali off with mom. I had to do some things and I needed to give her my kids. Haha. Call me when you land.

Ali wants to call you. She misses her. Please call me when you land.

The one reason I didn't leave Ali with my mom was because we still hadn't been talking. Why had she sent me a text? It didn't make sense.

I decided not to call either of them. I needed to focus. I needed to get Justin back. As the plane got to the gate everyone around us stood up. Ryan looked at me, "You don't mind if Justin comes to get us do you?" I shook my head.

On the inside I was jumping up screaming but on the outside I just looked happy. I realized I probably looked like crap.

"Ryan, I really have to go to the bathroom." I said quietly to him. "What is with women? Why do you always have to pee?" I was nervous but I didn't have to pee. I needed to change I was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt. If Justin was coming to get us. I wanted to look pretty.

As the aisles of the planes began to file out, Ryan got my carry-on from above and put it on in front of me as I stepped out from our seats.

I followed Ryan out of the plane pulling the carry-on close behind. As we got off the plane I walked to his side, "Look I have to go get my luggage so while I do that, you can go to the bathroom. Justin said he would be 15 minutes anyways." I nodded.

"Ryan?" He looked at me, "Do you still hate me?" I had been dying to ask that question all day. Just being alone with him, I felt tension, but maybe it was just me.

He looked at me. We kept on walking, "Ava, I don't hate you and I never have." We walked up to a bathroom. "Look Ryan, we can talk about this after alright?" I asked. He nodded.

I walked into the bathroom quickly, taking the suitcase with me. I put the luggage on the sink. I pulled out the clothes I was going to wear and quickly slipped into the bathroom. Taking off the sweatpants and sweatshirt and putting on one of the outfits that I had packed for the vacation.

Taking off the flip flops that I was wearing them and replacing them with Sperry's that my sister had mailed me for my birthday this year.

I walked back out to my suitcase and put away the clothes and pulled out the small bag with my makeup in it.

Putting on a little mascara and eyeliner would never hurt. I put the make-up bag back in the suitcase and pulled out my hairbrush. Combing through my hair quickly, then taking the hair tie on my wrist and pulling my hair up into a messy bun. I put the brush back and put down my bag.

As I walked out of the bathroom door, I walked to the escalator. There were relatives waiting for family members everywhere. I looked and saw a woman about my age with a daughter about Aliah's age. I smiled. They walked over to a man and the little girl jumped into his arms. The woman walked over and kissed him. It made me smile.

I wanted that, I wanted to be able to see Justin and just kiss him. But I couldn't. As I stepped on the escalator I took a deep breath. I stepped off at the end and looked for where Ryan might be.

He wasn't anywhere around. I walked down to one side of baggage claim and saw no sign of him. As I walked towards the other side of baggage claim I sent a text to Ryan, I walked right into someone. I obviously wasn't paying attention.

"Sorry," I said, "No it's alright. I wasn't paying attention." I laughed, "Neither was I." I looked up a cute guy was standing right in front of me.

I didn't see Ryan around and he didn't answer my texts so I chatted with the guy.

"What are you doing in Canada?" I asked.

"Family, visiting before I go back to college." He answered smiling. "You?" He asked.

"Visiting a friend, at least I think. I kind of lost my other friend." He looked at me confused, "Nevermind," We chatted for a bit longer. I learned that he lived in Florida and he is 20 just like me. We exchanged numbers his name was Conor.

After a while of chatting and those awkward moments when no one says anything, he had to go. He hugged me goodbye and while we were hugging I looked right behind him. I saw Ryan standing there with Justin.

Justin didn't look happy at all. I probably had just ruined everything in that one moment. I grabbed my bag and ran off to catch up to them. Justin had stormed off.

"Ryan, where were you?" I asked as I got close. "I have been texting and calling. Justin did too." I pulled out my phone. 5 texts. 3 calls. I was so infatuated with Conor I hadn't even realized that people I knew were actually trying to contact me.

We walked out the airport doors trying to catch up to Justin. I was probably the last person he wanted to talk to right at the moment.
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Sorry I didn't update over the weekend but I was so busy with THanksgiving and then a birthday party and my confirmation party. I had this tab open all weekend with like 2 paragraphs written and finally after school today I decided to write. I wrote this chapter instead of my research paper for english class. Consider yourselves lucky.