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Love Is Hard

Making Things Better

As I walked with Ryan to catch up to Justin I was only thinking of how I messed things up. I shouldn't have been talking to Conor. He meant nothing to me. I didn't want him in my life even if he was cute. Justin was the one I came here for. We finally got to him and he was sitting in the drivers seat of the car.

I saw the window slowly roll down, "Ryan get in the car, Ava find your way back to California."

Ryan looked towards me and then looked at the car. He took a few steps towards the other side of the car before getting in the passenger seat. Justin was still looking at me, with a face of hatred. The music playing in the car stopped.

Justin turned around and Ryan was getting out of the car. He came over towards me, "I am going to find someone to talk to, I am not leaving until you two talk about whatever the hell you need to talk about." He walked off towards the building.

I looked at Justin and he looked at me. I didn't say anything and he didn't either. I wanted to say something, but I wasn't sure what.

"Come in the car Ava." He finally said something. I put my bag in the back and got in the seat next to him.

I heard a heavy sigh from him and he spoke, "You know I love you? Right?" I nodded.

"Justin, if I didn't love you I wouldn't have come here when I have a daughter I need to take care of. If I didn't think this was the right choice I wouldn't have come here. I needed to see you. You just left. Left without telling me goodbye and you think thats ok? You think thats alright?"

He shook his head. "You have no idea. I just needed time to clear my head. You know Canada's my home, I will always call this place home and when I need it most its the first place I go. I needed my old room, my grandparents. It makes me feel 12 again." I smiled.

"That guy, Justin I accidentally bumped into him and when I couldn't find Ryan instead of looking like an idiot I just started to talk to him, it was a stupid idea, I wish I didn't," he stopped my talking with a quick kiss on the lips.

I looked at him and he spoke, "You have no idea how much I've wanted to do that,ever since I saw you in that perfect purple dress, I fell in love with you." I smiled.

We talked for a while about everything. I told him about my sisters house and I told him about the crazy dream I had. He told me about seeing his grandparents again. He really missed them.

FInally after like an hour Ryan came back.

He got in the car and handed Justin the keys noticing that we had been talking. On the car ride to Ryan's the music was playing and Justin and Ryan were talking but I was taking in the scenery. It was a short car ride nothing compared to L.A., no traffic. Something I wished didn't exist.

When we pulled into a driveway, Ryan got out of the car and Justin did too. I heard the trunk of the car open and I got out to say goodbye to Ryan.

I figured I might not see him for a while and it was nice getting to know him.

Justin and him were talking kind of secretively and I was getting suspicious but I didn't even care. I went to say goodbye and hugged Ryan.

"See you soon," he said. I nodded and got in the passenger seat. Ryan took his suitcase and walked into the house. Justin came back into the car and began driving.

I started to get nervous. I was going to have to meet these people that Justin adored and I was going to meet them. I did not want to screw up.

"You ok?" Justin asked, while he was driving.

I nodded. "I'm fine just a little bit nervous thats all. I have to meet the people that you care about so much and I just don't want to mess up."

"Ava, just be yourself, honestly they don't care ok? They will love you the way you are. Because thats the person I love." I smiled. I calmed down and Justin pulled into a driveway. It was a small house and I saw two people come out the front door. Justin got out of the car and came to open the door for me.

Once I was out of the car, he went to go get my bag. He brought it to me and then took my hand. He looked at me reassuringly and I nodded. He walked over to them holding my hand.

"Grandma, Grandpa, this is my girlfriend, Ava." I smiled, "Ava, this is my grandma and grandpa."

Justin let go of my hand, "Hi," I said. I wasn't sure what to say.

"Oh Justin she is just as beautiful as you described." His grandma spoke, and I smiled. Justin laughed a bit.

"Come on inside, we were just going to eat lunch. But I'm sure you want to see the place Justin grew up in." His grandpa said.

I nodded. It was something. I walked into the house following Justin. He took my bag and stuck it somewhere. I walked into the kitchen, the table had four chairs and the kitchen was small. It was very cute.

"Sit down," His grandma spoke, she brought over a bowl with some soup in it. Justin came and sat next to me. Waiting for his grandma to bring over another bowl for him.

While we were eating my phone started to ring I looked at who it was, my mom.

"I'm sorry I have to get this." I stood up and answered the phone and walked into the other room.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Mommy!" It was my beautiful little girl.

"Hi honey, how are you?" I asked, "Where you?" I smiled, "In Canada with Justin," I answered.

"When you come home?" She asked, I had a tear fall from my eye as I sat down on the couch. "Soon, I just needed to come here for a little while. Are you being good?"

"Yes mommy. Canada fun?" She asked. "Yes Canada is fun. What are you doing?"

"Nana make lunch," She answered. "Oh anything I want?" I asked, "No peanut butter," She answered.

"I think I want some peanut butter right now." I said to her and she laughed, "No mommy you can't have that." I smiled. I liked listening to her laugh. It was cute.

I closed my eyes to keep me from crying, it was less than a day and I already missed her. She was my entire life I couldn't function without her. I missed her.

"Aliah, you be good ok? I will be home in a few days. I love you," I spoke into the phone and I listened, "I love you mommy, be good in Canada." I waited until I heard her hand the phone off to my mother and hang up the phone call, before I stopped the call.

I sat there with my phone in my hand, I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up. I walked back out to the kitchen. Justin looked at me and noticed something was up, "You ok?" He asked, I nodded, "Just Ali calling, I miss her thats all." He smiled. I sat back down to finish my soup and Justin's grandparents stood up and put their bowls in the dishwasher. Justin was still waiting for me to finish.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked me. I smiled, "I don't know. You've lived here for a long time. You know this place more than I do. You show me the places that make you, you. Show me the places that mean the most. I want to know those places." He smiled.

His grandparents were cleaning up the kitchen and Justin took my bowl with his to the dishwasher. "Do you need help?" I asked his grandma, "No, you just sit there and make my grandson happy." I smiled and laughed.

"Justin where are you taking her today? It better be good." She said to him. "Don't worry, I know exactly what we are going to do." He said to her.

"You brought a sweatshirt right?" He asked. I nodded. "You should probably go get it." He brought me into a room, there on the bed was my bag. "Is this your old room?" I asked. He laughed and nodded. "You get to sleep in here tonight, I'll take the spare room." I looked up from my bag and looked at him, "Justin no, I'll take that room, it's ok." He shook his head.

"No, it's not, I want to, the bed in there isn't half as comfy as this bed and I kind of figured since I can't be with you tonight, it would be alright." I looked questioningly at him, "Where are you going to be?"

"I have to go do something but I will be here till 8 tonight and I will be here when you wake up. I promise."

"Justin, you can't even tell me what you're doing?" He shook his head, "Before you leave, you will know. I want it to be special. I want it to be a surprise."

I grabbed the sweatshirt out of my bag and followed Justin out to his car. I didn't know where we were going and what we were doing but I figured we wouldn't be back at the house anytime soon.
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Sorry I haven't updated. So I won't be updating till next Sat. Hope you all like the chapter.