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Love Is Hard

Too Much Going On

The following day it took some time for Ali and I to get settled back into California time. Justin had called me last night and we talked for a good hour.

He made me say hi to everyone; Pattie, Scooter, Kenny, Ryan, Alfredo, Everyone. It was so funny, because then after a few minutes he would yell at them and say, "Hey that's my girlfriend!" and take the phone away and I could hear them all cracking up in the background.

Justin really loved what he did. He really loved everything about his job, I could see his face light up on IChat when someone talked about a meet and greet or going to see kids in hospitals. Justin wasn't just a regular guy, he was special. I knew he was.

We spent the day with my mom, Scott, Jess, David, Jackson, Dani, Jenna, and Dustin. Just family time, it was perfect.

My mom and Scott's relationship must have been going good because we got to meet Scott's two sons, Anthony, 28 and Bryan, 25. They were nice and each had wives and families of their own.

Anthony had one son with his wife, Colette, who was expecting another one. Bryan had one daughter with his wife, Laura. I had learned a lot about them in that one day. They seemed nice enough to get used to being around. Their kids got along with ours and it was a good day.

January 4th rolled around and I had to get Aliah back into her schedule. She was excited to go back to school to see her friends though. She really liked pre-school. She came home everyday talking about her friends that she talked to and what they did but the stories never made any sense.

On January 7th I got a phone call from Bailey.

"Hello?" I answered. "Ava! I have news. I am going to be induced the tomorrow."

"Why?" I asked knowing the answer but just wanting to hear what Bailey was going to say, "Well the doctor she said that the baby wasn't really moving that much on her own and because I was due yesterday well now we made an appointment for me to be induced."

"I'm getting excited now! I just want this pregnancy to be over with. I'm sick of being fat and not being able to do that much," I laughed into the phone, "I was the same way and I always used to complain to you,"

She laughed. We chatted for a little bit more before hanging up. I told her about everything that had gone on over New Years with Justin. Soon after I was bored, with Ali at school, I really had nothing to do.

I called Justin, wanting to hear his voice. I missed him a lot, even if it had only been six days I missed him like crazy. It rang a few times and it was finally answered.

"Hello? Ava?" The voice who answered definitely wasn't Justin's.

"Hey where's Justin?" I asked the person that I couldn't connect the voice to the certain person.

"He's out on the stage talking with Dan, do you want to talk to him?" I finally realized it was Scooter who was talking.

"Sure, hold on." I waited and then heard Scooter say to Justin, "It's Ava, make it quick." I knew Justin must have been busy.

"Ava." I heard him say my name and it immediately made me smile."Look Justin if you're busy. Go, I get it you're famous. You need to put that before talking to me on the phone." I heard him sigh. "Ava, I haven't talked to you all but three times since we saw each other, I can take five minutes. It won't kill anyone, trust me, without me they can't do that much." I heard a door shut. "Now I'm alone." I smiled.

"I miss you. It's been six days and I miss you." I stopped talking, not knowing what else to say. "I miss you too, I've been so wrapped up with making sure these last shows are perfect, that I've been forgetting to call you. I've been so tired and I just can't wait to get back home, with you." I smiled.

"Justin hurry up." I heard in the background. "Look I have to go. Can I call you later?" Before I could answer he hung up.

I understood he was working, but to not say goodbye. Or even let me say goodbye.

**Justin's POV**

I looked at Scooter. He had interrupted my conversation with Ava and then grabbed my phone away and hung it up. He had taken my phone away from me.

"What do you think you are doing? You know you can't baby me anymore right? I'm not that 14 year old kid you once remember me being ok?" He just smiled, "Justin, you are still that kid. I see it the way you act, you make everyone of these people here feel like they are 18 again. Even you, you aren't 20 to me. Hell, I'm not treating you like a kid, this is your job and if I didn't think it was best for you to put down your phone and go out there and practice for one of your last shows of the tour then I would say you could talk to her, but you have your whole life ahead of you to take time away. You have four hours to get ready for this show." I nodded understanding what he was saying.

I watched him put my phone into his pocket, "And once you are done, you get this back." I just smiled.

I walked out of the dressing room and back out to the stage. My side stage guys helped me fit the microphone into my ear and as I walked out to the front of the stage, I heard my name called from behind.

"Yes?" I asked turning around. "You ready for the show tonight?" I nodded and we began the run through.

Ava's POV

The following day I received a text around 4pm. It was from Bailey.

Just arrived at the hospital. Please come see me and keep me company.
I knew that she had wanted me there with her because I had been through that with Ali, and her mom was going to be there too.

I quickly texted her back.

I will be there. Have to go drop of Ali and will be there soon!!

I went to drop off Ali at my moms and then rushed to the hospital. When I arrived I found out what room Bailey was in and knocked on the door before walking in.

Bailey was laying on the bed a nurse was at her side. Bailey's mom was sitting in the chair across from her bed. I waved hi before walking over to the side of her bed.

"How you doing Bails?" She smiled. "Right now, pretty good. I'm just done with this whole pregnancy, I can't wait to hold my baby girl in my arms."

I smiled, I remembered thats exactly how I was. The days leading up to Ali's birth I was a wreck, partially because Dylan wasn't there. Speaking of...

"Where's Levi?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"No idea. I called and texted him but he didn't answer. It's not like him." I was astonished.

"Do you mind if I try to call him?" She shook her head, "Go for it." I walked out into the hallway and pulled out my phone dialing Levi's number.

It rang twice before it was answered. "Hello?" I didn't hesitate once before speaking.

"Levi, your girlfriend, soon to be wife is going to be giving birth to your daughter in a little amount of time. So you better get to the hospital now."

"I don't need to be there she will be fine." He didn't sound like himself, and actually I never even met the guy more than a few times and the way he acted I didn't like it.

"Are you high right now?" He laughed. "No I am not. But I'm not coming. Bailey doesn't need me. If I'm there it won't make a difference. I don't even care." I was furious with him right now.

"Are you kidding me right now asshole? You need to get your ass down to the hospital right now. I know you don't like me but think about it, it's your daughter, it's Bailey for crying out loud. You are supposed to love her." He made another obnoxious laugh, "I don't like you and I don't like that Bailey talks to you all the time. You don't need to give me advice on how to act towards Bailey. I will see her when she gets back home." I made an obnoxious laugh just to mimic him.

"Well I think you need to wake up and act like a man. Because you are about to become a father and you can't act like a child anymore." He said nothing before the line went dead. I didn't want to have to bare bad news to Bailey right now but she needed to know.

I walked back into Bailey's hospital room. She looked over at me and smiled, "I'm guessing you got a hold of him?" I nodded, "Bailey I really think you need to re-evaluate who he is." I said kind of disappointed in the guy she had chosen. She always picked the worst guys, I remember in high school she decided to go out with the guy who treated her the worst.

Bailey was going out with Luke again this week. He was starting to become so overprotective. We weren't hanging out as much anymore and we barely saw each other because of him. It just wasn't ok. I had decided just to hang with Mel and Cassie.

The following day at school Bailey wasn't there. It was a weird occurrence for her not to be there. When the day had ended and after asking many of our friends if they knew where Bailey was I had decided just to go over her house.

When I got there Bailey's mom, Irene answered. She told me Bailey was in her room, that she didn't feel good. I didn't buy it, Bailey hated missing school. She would come to school all the time being sick, even if everyone told her to go home.

I walked up the stairs to Baileys door. It was decorated with pictures. I especially liked the one of me and her when we had gone out on the boat tubing the past summer.

I opened the door with no warning to her at all and I saw her laying under the covers and I heard the television on quietly. I walked into her bedroom more and yelled her name, "Bailey." She sat up quickly and smiled.

"Hey girly what are you doing home all day?" She shrugged her shoulders.

I walked over to the side of her bed and sat down on it. "What are you not telling me?" She sighed. "If you promise not to tell anyone." I stuck out my middle finger and we wrapped them around each other. It was just something we did when we learned what the middle finger meant and it stuck.

She pulled the sheets from around her and I saw bruises all on her arms and wrists, she lifted up her shirt and I saw a big bruise on her stomach, she pulled up her hair and there was red marks all on the sides of her neck.

"What the hell happened?" She began her story and she cried the entire time. I hugged her and told her it would be alright. Luke was beating her, he was abusive and threatened her, constantly.

"Mom can you go get me some water?" Bailey had asked her mom. She nodded and walked out.

"What do you mean Ava?" She asked and I stuttered before speaking, "I just talked to him and he was high and he says you don't need him here, that he doesn't care and that he will just see you when you get home." I walked over to her and held her hand, "But don't worry I will be here the entire time babe." She smiled through the tears that were falling down her face.

The door opened slowly and a woman I didn't recognize walked in.

"Hello Bailey. How are you doing?" She asked her sitting down in the chair her mom once had.

"Hi Nancy, right now, I feel alright the contractions haven't really started yet." She nodded, "Where is my son?"

I saw her roll her eyes, this was Levi's mom, "He's not coming." She suddenly looked worried, "Why not?" She blatantly said, "He just doesn't seem to care for me or our daughter." She looked just as mad as I felt. I couldn't imagine what Bailey was feeling.

A few hours had passed and Irene, Nancy and I were helping Bailey with whatever she wanted, nurses would come in every so often to check on how she was doing and she still had a few more hours. I was on twitter when I saw a tweet from Justin.

Traveling for the night, waiting for a text ;)

I immediately decided to text him.

Hey sorry, I'm with Bailey in the hospital, she's in labor right now.

I went back to twitter and saw all the replies to Justin's tweet. They were all saying things about me or saying waiting for your girlfriend, I smiled. But then I started to see the hate. I had never really taken the time to look at all the hate that I was getting on twitter.

@avawhit just thought i'd let you know, you aren't good enough for @justinbieber
@avawhit is not even pretty, @justinbieber #whatareyouthinking
@avawhit why does @justinbieber even like you?
@avawhit heard you have a daughter. what are you like 20? slut
@avawhit has a daughter? wow what a whore how could justin date her?
@justinbieber why would you want that slut to text you?

I closed out the twitter app and put my phone in my pocket. I looked at Bailey who had fallen asleep. Her contractions had been pretty bad before but now she was asleep. I decided to step out of the room.

Immediately I let tears fall. Why had I been so oblivious to all of that before. The fact that they had decided to bring Ali into all of it was not ok. My phone began to vibrate like crazy. It was a phone call. From Justin. I wiped the tears from my eyes and answered it.

"Hello!" I tried to sound happy. "Hey baby girl!" He sounded so happy, "I miss you. I only have a few more shows and then I will be home bound. I have a lot of press crap the next two weeks and practicing because I have to change everything for my Madison Square Garden show in New York in the beginning of February."

"Thats good. I start school soon." I knew he could tell I sounded upset. He always knew when I was.

"Are you ok? Have you been crying?" I tried not to tear up again but I did.

"Ava, what's wrong?" I sighed, "Everyone hates me." He coughed, "What are you talking about?" I told him some of the things that I saw on twitter.

"I just hate how famous you are Justin. I hate how your fans can hate someone they don't know, that they can judge me like that! They don't know anything about me and its not ok." He didn't answer right away.

"Look Ava, they are haters, it's what they do. I have tons. I just brush it off. Because more people love me than hate me." I sighed, I couldn't think of one tweet that said they liked me.

"Maybe its because you are the famous one and I am the one that is dating you. No one tweets me nice things. And if they do, I can't see them because I get flooded with hate." He didn't say anything.

"Look I have to go. Just ignore the hate alright. They don't know you or me. I love you Avs. You mean more to me than anyone else. I love you." I spoke softly, "I love you too Justin. Talk to you later." With that we both hung up. I understood what he was saying but I just didn't get it.

As I walked back into the room. Bailey was still asleep and I went to sit down. Irene was taking a short nap in the chair she was sitting in and Nancy was reading a book.

"You know I talked to Levi? He really didn't care about being here." I said whispering. She looked up from her book, "That just doesn't sound like my son to me. I thought his father and I had raised him to be better than that." I shook my head.

"I guess you never know what your kids could turn out like. I'm afraid Ali, my daughter will be like I am when I am older and I'm not sure I want her to be who I was or am. I am trying to raise her to the best of my abilities but she has her own personality and I can't control what she will end up like."

She nodded, "You're what 20? And you are smarter than I am." She laughed. I shook my head, "I think about it a lot. I can't control who she will be in 10 years. She will act the way she wants. I just want her to be my daughter and behave while she lives under my rules."

She nodded. "I found out my son had gotten Bailey pregnant and I was devastated, he dropped out of college and then called me one day out of the blue and told me. I was upset. I had no control, but I still let myself get mad. I flew out here because he told me her due date and I wanted to be here for both of them, to see my granddaughter. But now he's acting like this, it's sad." I nodded my head.

I saw Bailey moving and noticed she must have awoken from her nap.

I walked over towards her. She was turned on her side. "How are you Bails?" She shook her head. She turned back onto her back. Then she got a contraction and I could tell. She clenched her teeth tightly and braced it. Little did she know what she was in for.


It was 10:34 and the doctor had come in. Bailey was ready to deliver her daughter. With no signs of Levi coming, she immediately pulled me to her right side and grabbed my hand.

At 11:02, Lillia Jane Morrison was born. Bailey, Irene and Nancy were crying. I admit I teared up when Bailey first caught sight of her daughter. It reminded me of when I saw Ali for the first time, crying and she was perfect. She grew up way too fast.

I decided to spend the night with Bailey because Nancy and Irene were both going to go home.

The following day came around and I spent the entire morning with Bailey keeping her company and then at three I went to pick up Ali from school, and came back to the hospital so she could meet Lillia.

Then the following day on the 10th it was the day of the twins baptism.

I had got myself dressed in a new outfit that I had bought myself especially for the occasion and was excited to wear. I decided to call Justin before the ceremony. He was in Louisiana today, and I didn't want to wake him up too early so I did it later in the morning.

"Hello?" He sounded a little tired but he sounded like he had been awake.

"Good morning Mr. Bieber how are you doing today?" He chuckled.

"Is the concierge from the front desk calling me?" He asked, I just laughed. "No, of course not. This is your beautiful girlfriend." He didn't hesitate when speaking, "Who says I'm your boyfriend?" I just laughed.

"Every person in the world that knows you, knows we are dating." I spoke softly knowing he was just kidding.

"I love you." He said into the phone and I heard some yelling in the background. "What are you at breakfast?" I asked and without an answer I heard Ry Good yelling, "Tell that girl of yours to leave you alone!" I just laughed, Alfredo came out with something good and everyone in the room said burn but I couldn't make out what he had said.

"Look Ava I should go, talk to you later?" Of course the guys had to ruin our conversation.

"Yeah, love you bye." Before hanging up I could hear Justin giving them shit and it made me laugh a little before his line disconnected.

I had gotten Ali all dressed up and took a picture of her and sent it to Justin. She was wearing a dress with black and white sparkly design on the top and the skirt was a beautiful teal color. She picked out her own shoes to wear and wanted me to put her hair into braid.

Justin replied to me within a minute of receiving it. She is so cute. I love her! Have a good day today. Sorry about before! Call me later.

Soon we were off to the church, when we arrived mom and Jess were already there. Jess was holding Jenna in her arms and mom had Dustin, both in their white outfits. The one Jenna was wearing was the one Jess and I had worn for our baptisms, Dani, had also worn it for hers too.

"Where's David and the kids?" Jess quickly answered, "In the garden over there, he's trying to keep them occupied from getting bored. I think, or maybe its him thats bored." I laughed.

They soon came back over and then Scott arrived to keep my mother company. Aunts and uncles and our grandparents arrived.

This was the place my mom lived as a child, her entire family was here. My dads family was back out in Michigan.

We got in the church and it was a short ceremony, although longer than most baptisms because there was two that needed to be baptized in this situation. And after it was over we were all invited to go over Jessica and David's for dinner.

Aliah was so good during the ceremony that once it ended and everyone began to talk, she tapped my knee and asked, "Is it ok to talk?" I nodded at her and she began to ramble on and on and on to me about something, but I wasn't too sure exactly what it was.

"Aliah calm down!" She just giggled. "Mommy I need to uh go uh uh uh." She stuttered it was like her new thing when she wanted to say something it took her about 15 minutes to tell me.

"Bathroom." I shook my head. We walked to the back of the church and she walked in I waited outside for her.

When she came out I made sure to ask her if she had washed her hands. "Yes!" She said but she looked like she was lying. "Did you?" She shook her head. I knelt down and smelt them and they did not smell like soap.

"Go wash your hands missy!" She laughed and ran into the bathroom again.

After that escapade was done with everyone was heading back to Jess and David's house so I got Ali in her car seat and we were off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter up! I hope you don't mind the mid switch POV. I have never done that before and I don't really like when it is done, but I really wanted to. Anyways... So this story is going to end in I think a few more chapters, whenever it ends up being Ava's birthday that is going to be the last chapter! I'm excited for the end!

I literally have been trying to write this story and just didn't even work. So it has taken me a total of 10-15 days to write this chapter.... I didn't plan for this to happen. I wanted it out two weeks ago! Part two will be up in the coming weeks before I leave on vacation!!

And I am also announcing now that the poll is over with! I have the title for the sequel and I am so excited to write it!!