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Love Is Hard


It was around 10:30 when we landed in LAX. I was tired and Ali slept the entire plane ride which was good, but when we landed I had to wake her up. She was a mess, she cried and the people behind us glared at me but I just didn't let it bother me. When we got to the gate and the flight attendent said it was ok to use phones, I called my mom.

"We just landed mom," I told her, "Ok honey let me go back to sleep now," She laughed quietly.

"Well don't you have to come pick me up?" I asked so confused, "No, well yes, but not anymore," she said and I was still so confused. Then she hung up on me. How were me and Ali supposed to get home now? I picked Ali up and she fell back asleep in my arms.

We went to baggage claim and got the luggage when the attendants and pilot let us off the plane. I was carrying Ali and my carry-on and my purse. I didn't know how but I was. I wish I had someone to help me get the luggage.

When we got to baggage claim I saw someone who looked vaguely familiar. It was Justin. Don't tell me he was the one picking us up, but boy was I glad to see him, he could get the luggage.

I walked over to him and put down my carry on and purse and hiked up Ali on one arm.

"Hey Bieber, wanna help me with something?" I asked him, he turned around, "Ava," I liked the way he said my name.

"Here either take Ali or go get the luggage on second hand take Ali, you don't know what our luggage looks like." I laughed. He did too, "How long as she been asleep?" He asked, "Like for a couple hours, I did wake her up when we landed, but she fell back to sleep immediately." He smiled, "Go get the luggage so I can get you home," I nodded and ran off, waiting for the luggage to come out on the belt.

Waiting there made it feel like forever. Maybe it was forever, but who knows, I looked back and Justin was swaying back and fourth with Ali in his arms. It was a picture perfect moment. The belt started to beep warning everyone that the luggage was going to start coming.

I watched intently as the hundreds of bags went by. I got 2 and was waiting for the last one. I turned around and Justin was running around with Ali, chasing her. It might have been the cutest thing I had ever seen. Someone looked at me and started speaking, "Your daughter and husband?" I wasn't really paying attention and didn't notice that she had said husband so I nodded.

Then I got my last suitcase and she started talking again, "You're lucky, he seems like a good dad," I was confused, "What?" "Your husband playing with your daughter," I shook it off, she must have gotten confused.

I walked over trying to pull the three suitcases. It wasn't working too well. Justin came over to help and he called Ali over she came right over. If I had to do that I would have had to yell her full name. Justin brought us to his car and he drove us home. After the longest day ever I just wanted to crawl in my bed and fall asleep, except that it was like an hour and a half ride to my apartment. But I closed my eyes leaned against the window and fell asleep. Justin would wake me up when we got to the apartment.
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woo! another chapter at midnight. nighty night.