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Love Is Hard

Apologizing Too Late

I had been upset since the day I yelled at Justin, it had been like 2 weeks. The first few days he tried to contact me, texting me saying stupid things.

I miss you, I'm sorry, just call me, please

why can't you just call me, i miss you.

hows Aliah? I miss her,

It technically was all my fault that I hadn't tried to contact him. I hadn't been getting Aliah to eat or do anything. She was upset because I was upset, I sent her to my mom for a few days just because I wasn't able to have her around me.

I called Justin. Two weeks after storming from his house, two weeks after he picked me up from the airport.

It rang four times, it started the fifth ring and someone answered. It was a girl,

"Hello?" She asked me,

"Hi, did I call the wrong number? Isn't this Justin's phone?" I asked ridiculously.

"No this is the right number, he's taking a shower right now, do you want me to have him call you back?" I was hurt, "No, actually don't even tell him I called, I shouldn't have."

I hung up. Some girl was answering his phone while he was in the shower. So much for apologizing, I waited too long. He had moved on.

I texted my mom, Can Aliah stay a few more days? I am just not ready to have her back. Tell her I love her. Have her call me before bed tonight

A minute later I got one back, Honey, you have to get over it soon, it's going to be a week soon, she needs you. Get over him, apologize or something.

I replied, I tried to apologize he's moved on, please just 2 more days, I promise.

No reply. She wasn't going to either. Then I got another text.

why did you call me?

what did that bitch tell you I called?I told her not to.

no there is such thing as caller id, duh, what did you want?

nothing, goodbye Justin

what? I'm calling you.

Less than a second later my phone was ringing, I wiped the tears from my eyes and answered.

"Yes?" I asked. Knowing it was Justin, not wanting to talk to him.

"Have you been crying?" He asked.

"How are you always on top of everything and know what is happening?" I asked kind of forming a smile.

"Because, haven't you heard, I'm Justin Bieber. And he's sorry."

"Justin, I should be apologizing, I shouldn't have." He interrupted, "Just let me take you out this afternoon for coffee, drop Ali off at your mom's?" I smiled, "Coffee sounds great and she's been there for 5 days."

"5 days?" He asked, "Yes, I was upset and she wasn't eating, I think it was mainly my fault but I wasn't able to take care of her. I'll explain it this afternoon at coffee." I explained and he replied, "Coffee, I'll pick you up in 10." I smiled and he hung up. I hung up the phone after put the phone on the kitchen table and jumped up and down. 10 minutes. I had to get ready.

I jumped into the shower really quick. I was only in for about 2 minutes. I got dressed, put some product in my hair and blow dried it so it was in my natural hair. I looked ok, I mean it was only coffee and it was raining.

But Justin and I had finally apologized to each other and that is all that mattered at this moment. I think I was finally going to fall in love. It was going to take some getting used to.
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sorry its been a while. i was on a cruise all week and i just got home. Hope you like the chapter. its a little rough. have to get back into the writing, still on cruise mode. changed the theme. hope you like it. made it myself.