Status: You Should Know By Now I Always Start Somthing New.

Promise Me?


Like always, Miss. Tracey assigned an enormous amount of homework to her last period class. The class groaned and stood up simultaneously trying to leave the classroom. Rachel and Jazmine stayed back slowly gathering their materials.

“So basically your Timmy Stevens babysitter for the rest of the marking period.”

Jazmine sighed and nodded. “What am I suppose to do?”

“Invest in a gun.”

Jazmine hit Rachel with her elbow softly. “Seriously. Will you help me out?”

Rachel looked at her like she was being tormented. “Jazzy.” She whined.

“Please Rachel. I don't know how to handle that kid.”

A fakily girly indignant huff filled the classroom. The girls turned around to face three standing boys.
“That kid?” Tim crossed his hand over his chest. “Rude.”

Jazmine smiled apologetically at the him. Rachel leaned back in her chair and staired at Vince with incredulous eyes glancing at Jazmine.

“Where do you want to work, Tim?” Jazmine asked, pulling her backpack over her shoulder. He just shrugged. Of course he was annoyed that he would have to spend time actually studying.

“Where do you study?”

Jazmine stared blankly at the boy. “Are you kidding?”

“Your an idiot.” Rachel chuckled.

Tim rolled his eyes. “Shut up Ging.”

Rachel narrowed her eyes at Tim, menacingly. “Is that any way to talk to your tutor?”

Tim stared at her in horror just as Jazmine looked at her friend in enthusiasm. She wrapped her arms around her best friend tightly. “Thank you so much Rachel!”

And evil smile spread slowly on the red heads face. “No problem.”

A small, polite cough came from the front of the room. The four teen whipped around to face their last teacher of the day, Miss Tracey. Her arms were crossed loosely across her stomach and she had a small smile on her face.

“So it is true I presume? Mr. Peter filled me in on your now bright academic future.”

A wide smirk appeared on Tim's face. “I wouldn't take it that far.”

Her face became very serious. “I would. I think its a great idea to give you the one on one attention you need to succeed. That's why all of your teachers have decided to put their trust in Jazmine.”

Jazmine’s jaw dropped. “E - excuse me?”

She looked warmly of at Jazmine. “You can do it. And since Rachel to wants to be so helpful - why don't you tutor her as well?

“I DON'T need a tutor!” Rachel squealed indignantly.

Miss. Tracey rose an eyebrow at the girl. Tim snorted obnoxiously, “Rachel please. Ive seen your grades. Step off your pedestal.”

She shot him a glare and rose from her seat menacingly.

Jazmine immediately grabbed her and interlocked their finger. She looked back at Miss. Tracey. “I got it. Teach them, They get good grades. And I get extra credit?”

A triumphant smile made its way on their teachers lips. “Of course.”

Jazmine nodded in acceptance.

“Then lets do it.”

She pulled on her backpack and dragged her best friend out of the room with Tim following begrudgingly.

Vince stared at his teacher. “Whatever your doing is not going to change anything, Sara.”

Sara bit her lip. “And whatever you do isn’t going to change the way I feel about you.”
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Sorry about the wait <3