Status: Active

My Relationship Has Reached It's All Time Low

11: A Christmas Surprise!

Kari's P.O.V.

Christmas Day

" she alive?!" I asked Jack as we looked at my sleeping sister
"I don't know...should we poke her?!" he asked
"No if we do it's gonna be like an episode of Alligator Hunter! We'll poker her, she'll get mad, and we'll be running around the house yelling SHE'S ANGRY SHE'S ANGRY!" I said
"Well I want to see what she does!" he whispered
"Don't blame me if you lose your head!" I said
"Ok...give me the stick!" he said so I handed him a stick and he poked her
"I didn't steal your cigarettes!" she mumbled
"I know baby but you gotta get up. We have school!" I said
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" she screeched
"SHE'S ANGRY! SHE'S ANGRY!" Jack yelled laughing
"You're dead...after my nap!" she said
"Oh hey I got you a Christmas present!" I said
"PRESENTS!" she yelled taking the bag from my hand and pulled out the t-shirt that said "Procrastinators of the world unite...tomorrow."
"Thanks sis!" she said sarcastically
"Ok your real present is this!" I said throwing her a small box
"Ok." she said opening it seeing the custom guitar pic that says "I play guitar mother fucker"
"AW! Thank you so much sis!" she yelled
"Well that makes my gift seem like a giant piece of shit!" Jack pouted bringing out his present
she yelled
"I have my ways!" Jack said "Ok I went to a concert a couple weeks ago and I asked him to sign a couple of things for my girl and he was more than happy to!"
"This does NOT make your present look like a piece of shit!" she said holding up the pic
"Your right...that makes mine look like a piece of shit!" I yelled
"I still love yours sis but I mean come on Tom Morello signed my luck acoustic AND my luck electric but now I can play them more!" she said

"KARMA!" Ronnie yelled
"Hey you'll never guess what my amazing sister and best boyfriend ever got me!" she yelled
"What did y'all get her?!" she asked us
"I got her a guitar pick that says 'I play guitar mother fucker' and the shirt that she's wearing." I said
"And I took her lucky acoustic and lucky electric to get them signed by Tom Morello and I also got new cases for them! So I've had to hide them whenever she came." he said
"TOM MORELLO?!" Ronnie asked
"Yeah! He's my fucking idol! I've learned most of his tricks!" she said
"Really?! Me too! When they do the Holiday concert in a couple of days then we should so ask if we can do that!" Ronnie said
"FUCK YEAH!" she yelled
great my sister and Ronnie going up on stage...and showing off...with pedals and guitars!
"Are you really gonna do that?!" Jack asked
"Sorry Jack but you know you're not the best guitar player ever!" Karma said
"So you'd rather date Tom than me?!"
"Well I can't date Tom...he's too old for me!" she said
"Did someone say Tom?!" we heard
"'re...oh my goodness! Dude you are my freaking idol!" Karma yelled as she saw TOM MORELLO step through the door
"Merry Christmas Karma! Did you like your boyfriend's present?!"
"Like it? Dude I fucking loved it! What are you doing here?!" she yelled
"Jack's uncle is a very good friend of mine so he asked if I would like to come and spend Christmas with you guys!" he said
"Oh my god! Jack your uncle's got you beat! His present's better! Even if it is for everyone!" she said
"So you were saying that you know some of my tricks?!" he asked
"Yeah me and Ron know them!" she said excitedly
"Well could you show me?!" he asked
"I don't have the pedals set up!" she sighed
"Oh yes you do! I knew he was coming so I figured that I would set them up for you!" Jack said
"Ok you ready Ron?!" I asked
"Hell yeah!" she said

"Wow you guys are amazing! Not as good as me of course but really close!" he said
"Really?! Hearing that from you's just a dream come true! Thank you so much Tom!" Karma said hugging him and he laughed
"Before you leave...can we get a video playing with you because nobody will believe us!" Ron said
"Oh yeah that'd be awesome." he said

"Thank you so sister is so happy now!" I said
"No problem...your sister has talent she has a very good shot at being a legend! With those tricks that I haven't even made up! Keep an eye on her for me...make some videos or something...I hope to see you guys again soon!" he said
"Bye!" I said

Next week
"So how was your winter break?!" our HR teacher asked
"Good!" we said and Karma had a ridiculous smile on her face
"Karma you seem rather happy...why don't you share first!"
"Ok well my sis got me the best custom guitar pic ever and Jack got my lucky acoustic and lucky electric signed by Tom freaking Morello AND we got to meet Tom and me and Ron got to play with him!" she said and the class laughed
"How bout a true story." Randy said
"It is true! And I have the video to prove it!" she said popping it into the computer and then the video started playing
"Hey guys! Tom Morello here and I am about to show Karma and Ronnie a couple more of my guitar tricks then we're gonna have a little guitar battle!" you saw Tom step back and started showing more of his tricks
"Ok so now it's time for the battle!" Alex yelled
"Shut it Gaskarth let your sister have her moment!" I yelled then they started the battle

"I WON!" Karma yelled
"No sweetie I won!"
"I think we all know that the master won!" Tom said
"Fine...well who was second?!" Karma asked
"Lets take a vote! Who thinks Karma?!" Jack yelled raising his hand along with Tom, me, and Alex
"Now who thinks Ronnie?!" I asked and Tom, Rian, Zack, and Jordan raised their hands
"Dammit it was a tie! You suck Tom! You voted for both! That's cheating!" Ronnie tried to yell with a serious face but ended up laughing
"Ok well that's all...LATER!" Tom yelled shutting off the camera
"So still think we're lying?" Ronnie asked
"I so won that battle!" Karma said
"NO IT WAS A TIE!" Ron yelled
"Tom just didn't want to hurt your feelings!" Karma teased
"No I was clearly better!"
"Well did Tom sign your lucky guitars?! I didn't think so! HA HA HA!" Karma laughed
" won!" she laughed
"Oh and my sister got me this shirt that says 'Procrastinators of the world unite...Tomorrow.' nice right?!"
"Whoa! You know Tom Morello?!" someone yelled
"Does she know him? He said that my baby girl has talent and she has a real shot of being a legend!" Jack said
"He said that?!" she asked and I nodded my head
"!" she whispered
"Can I go outside?! Kay thanks!" she yelled not waiting for and answer and I followed her

"Sis are you ok!?" I asked
"My idol said I have the talent to be a legend! I made up tricks when I learned most of his! I MADE my own tricks because I admired him! How would you feel?! I'm freaking out!" she said happily pulling out her pack of cigarettes and lighting one
"Can I have one?" I asked
"Yeah here!" she said handing me the pack and lighter
"Do you wanna start a band? Like instead of SFTSO?" I asked
"What do you think? Tom said that I have a chance!" she said
"Ok...who should be in it?!" I asked
"I think it should be us and a couple of the girls!"
"Ok so I'm guessing you and Ronnie are gonna want to be the guitarists?!" I asked
"Yes! And you can play bass then Skye can just do drums! I think we should defiantly do this!"
"Ok we'll get the girls together tomorrow!" I said
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok I LOVE Tom Morello I think he is an amazing guitarist and one of my friends actually did have him sign her lucky electric guitar! And my friend's brother got her a guitar pic that says that lol

Listen to Tom and dream sweet dreams about lollipops and unicorns lol