Status: Active

My Relationship Has Reached It's All Time Low

2: Adopted

**At Hooters**
"Ok so just follow me to that table over there! You take that half and I'll take the others ok Amby?" I asked
"Yup yup." she said
"Hi my names Karma can I start you off with something to drink?" I asked the people at the table
"Karma? My you've grown! You look so much like your mother! She was a great friend." the man said
"I'm sorry you must have the wrong Karma! I look nothing like my mother." I said
"Oh they didn't tell you?"
"DAVE!! Quit it! Sorry um...I'll have a sweet tea with lemon." the woman said
"Same only with lime." 'Dave' said
"Uh...can I have a beer? I don't care what kind as long as it's a beer!"
"And I'll have a root beer." a girl that looked JUST like me said
"Ok I'll be right back to take your order" I said

"So your parents never told you?" The man said
"Dave drop it ok!"
"I'm sorry about my parents they argue a lot and they are a little drunk they've been drinking all day." the girl said
"Oh believe me I've dealt with a lot of drunks here...who's your ride home? Cause if it's them I could drop you off." I said
"Thank you, I'll give you directions in the car!"
"No problem and I promise I wont look at the address I never pay attention to other people's unless they're a friend."
"Ok so in 30 you can take us ok?"
"Alright I'll be back soon."
**In the car**
"Ok take a right up here and it'll be the 4th house on the left." she said
"Alright here we are. Do you need help with anything?" I asked
"Um...No we're good. Thanks for the lift!" she said
"No problem."
**Next Day at school**
"KARMA GASKARTH!" a woman yelled
"Do I know you?" I asked
"You bitch! You don't even remember me?" she yelled
"Yes I'm your fucking mother!" she yelled slapping me and soon everyone formed a circle around us
"Mom stop!" I said
"Don't fucking tell me what to do bitch!" she yelled pushing me to the ground kicking me
"Mom! Beating her wont bring Daniel back! You always knew it wouldn't!" Alex yelled
"How dare you! If that skank hadn't yelled at him he wouldn't have killed himself! I knew I shouldn't have adopted her!" she yelled
"Y-you what?" I asked
"Yeah bitch you're fucking adopted!" she screamed and started kicking me again
"I called 911 they're on their way!" Amber whispered to Alex
"Karma! I love you!" Jack yelled and that's all I heard before I blacked out!
Jack's P.O.V.
**At Hospital**
"Come on baby wake up!" I whispered to the sleeping body on the hospital bed
"Jack she's fine. I'm fine!" she whispered
"KARMA!" i yelled then the doctor walked in
"Ok I checked and the babies are fine."
"BABIES?!" we yelled
"Yes Ms. Gaskarth is pregnant...with twins." the doctor said
"Oh shit!" i said
"Karma Gaskarth?" a man asked
"Yes?" she said
"Um...I have to inform you that now that no adult is able taking care of you or your sister then you both will be sent to a new family next week! Don't worry you're still going to the same school!" he said
"Oh...ok." she said
"Listen if you step out of line then we have to send you to a new family."
**Next Week**
Karma's P.O.V.
"Hi you must be Karma and Kari! I'm Mary and this is Andrew!" a woman said
"Yeah whatever where are we sleeping?" i said
"Follow me." she mumbled and lead us to a room with black walls
"Sorry we didn't get a chance to paint it! It looks terrible." Mary said
"Are you kidding?! It's fucking sick!" Kari yelled "Right Karma?"
"Yeah this place is like my dream room!" I yelled
"Ok so since you've never been here they gave you all my classes! Follow me!" I yelled as we ran to English
"Jack! I missed you!" I yelled
"The house is so empty without you!"
"Jack this is my REAL twin Kari! Kari this is my boyfriend Jack!" i said
"Nice to meet you! Oh that over there is Alex he's the one who we thought was her twin!" Jack said pointing to Alex
"ALEX! Bro I missed you!" I yelled
"Who's this?" he asked
"This is my real twin Kari! Sorry Alex but you've been replaced!" I said
"Oh it's ok Jack replaced you as my twin! And don't worry mom is in jail now! I'm really sorry." Alex said giving me a hug
"As long as she's gone! I never want to see her again!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 2 is up! YAY!!! oh i'm looking for a co-author if you're interested just tell me what you would do for the next chapter or who's P.O.V. you would want to do! :)
Read, comment, and subscribe! <3

be nice to hobos :P