Status: Active

My Relationship Has Reached It's All Time Low

7: New Kids

Karma's P.O.V.
"Ok we have...FIVE new students? Really?" Mr. Dale asked shocked
"Yup! Me and my 3 sisters and then there's my brother!" A girl with blue hair said
"Ok all of you introduce yourselves."
"Well my name is Scarlet but people either call me Scar, Skye or Skyler the last two because of my am Day's twin!" The blue haired girl said
"I'm Daytona you can call me by my full name or Day. Um...I'm older then Skye by 8 minutes and I have a pet snake!"
"My name is Veronica but you shall call me Ronnie or Ron I refuse to be called Veronica. Um...I am the youngest in the group...and that pet snake used to be mine! But I didn't get her anything for her b-day so I had to give her my snake." a girl with a flat bill said
"My name is Tayllor spelled with two l's! You can call me by my full name or Tay or TayTay. Um...I'm Ronnie's twin older by 9 minutes...the reason me and Ronnie are in a higher grade is because a couple years ago we skipped a grade!"
"I'm Anthony...the oldest...I'm not exactly related to dad was cheating on their yeah I don't know my parents." he said
"You and me both." I mumbled
"What was that Ms. Kale?" Mr. Dale said
"Nothin' just....talking to...Kari." I said
"Is it something you would like to share with the class?"
"Ok...well since he said he didn't know his parents I said 'you and me both' Happy?" I asked
"Karma is something wrong? You've been acting different since that day." Alex said
"What day you mean yesterday? Oh I don't know maybe it's the fact that Jack has a date after he said we weren't exactly over or the fact that his date is with Stacey." I said
"I'm sorry." Alex said
"No you're not cause if you were sorry then you would've stopped him!" I yelled
"Are you guys forgetting that 'him' is right here?" Jack said pointing to himself
"Well I don't want to speak to you Jack."
"Ok back to class...Anderson's take your seats wherever you see an empty one."
"Is it ok if I sit here?" Anthony asked pointing to the seat where Jack usually sat
"Yes you can!" I said
"Knock knock knock! Special surprise!" I heard a voice then hands were covering my eyes
"What the..."
"Who's super awesome and the best friend ever?" the voice asked
"JO JO!!" I screamed "What're you doing here? Wait no you're supposed to be here! I can't believe you made it!!!"
"I know! Hey what's Anthony doing here?"
"Me, I used to live in Indiana and Jordan was my neighbor."
"Cool. So how long are you here?" I asked
"I don't know yet...Andy's here!"
"Watch it Amber is right there and I don't think she wants to see him." I said
"Amby do you want to see Andy?" Jordan asked
"YES!!!" she yelled
"OH ANDY!!" Jordan yelled
"Wassup losers in high school?!"
"You are so lucky the teacher left right before you came!"
"Hey Jackary." Jordan mumbled
"Jordan." Jack said
"So Karma do you want to go somewhere on Saturday?" Jordan asked
"Hey you know she still is my girlfriend right?"
"Jack if you get to go on a date then it's only fair that I can!" I said
"So what happened anyway? Drunk or he just got sick of you?" Jordan joked
"Shut up...did you bring a lighter? Mary threw mine away and it's hard to light cigarettes with a match."
"Yup here you go sweet tart!" he laughed, inside joke,
"You know those things kill you right?" Jack said
"You smoke!" Amber snapped at him
"Ok since when did I become the bad guy?"
"Since you asked out the sluttiest girl in school when technically you're still dating my sister!" Kari said
"Wow I didn't know it was a crime to think about my relationship with the girl I love!" Jack said
"You know what Jack...maybe we should just end it...for good." I said tearing up
"Karma are you sure you want that?" Kari said
"It doesn't matter if I want it or not! I know it's gonna happen anyway!" I cried
"'s ok's ok." Alex said giving me a hug
"So you're ending it? For good? Like we're through?" Jack asked
"Yeah cause I just can't handle it." I said
"Save it Jack I don't want to hear you say those three words again...I mean come on you're going on a date with Stacey!" I said
"Can I have one last thing before we're over then?" he asked
"One last kiss." he said
Then I walked over to him and kissed him and soon we were making out then I pulled away
"I shouldn't have done that." I whispered
"Cause now I'm not sure this is what I want." I said
"So don't do it!" Amber said
"I...I...I need some fresh air...just tell Mr. Dale that I had to puke." I said running out of the class
"Karma! Karma wait!" Jack yelled
I got outside and sat on the sidewalk and Jack came out
"Karma if this isn't what you want then don't do it!" He said
"Jack you're going on a date with STACEY!" I yelled
"Do you think I wanted to? No it was a stupid bet that I made with Brady! I lost so I had to ask her out since we were taking a break! I sure as hell don't want to go out with the slut!"
"So don't go!" I said
"The only way I wouldn't be able to go is if we were back together! I've had enough time to think and even though it's only been two days I hate life without you! I love you Karma Kari Kale!" he said
"Jack...I don't want to get back together so I can be your ticket out of a date with the slut!"
"It's not because of that! It's because, I. Love. You! Ok? I love you I always have and I always will! How else do you want me to show you I love you?!"
"I don't know...something creative!" I said
"Well I know we're too young right now but...look up at the sky." he said...I looked up and one of those skywriter planes had wrote "Marry me Karma Kale? -Jack <3"
"Really? You mean it? Like as soon as we turn 18?" I asked
"I know this is gonna sound really cheesy but the day you do...I do." he said
"Two things! One that is the cheesiest thing I have ever heard and two...yes!" I said
"Thank you so much Karma! Oh and here's your ring." he said taking out a beautiful ring and placing it on my left hand
"Vintage! I love it! It's simple yet different! But it must have cost a fortune! You know I don't like you spending a lot of money on me!"
"Ah but I didn't love! This ring has been passed down in my family for 20 years!"
"I love vintage rings! Thank you so much!"
"Your welcome...I saw it at a store and asked the lady how much it was...she just laughed at me...then I realized that that's the ring mom had told me about...and I'm happy cause I knew that you always wanted a vintage ring so I was so happy when mom gave it to me to give to you!"
"I love you Jack!"
**Back in class**
as we walked in everybody awed
"What?" I asked
"Window right there..."Amber said
"LEMME SEE THE RING!" Kari yelled
"Wow that's just like the ring you described when you were telling me about the one you wanted"
"I know right!"
"That ring should be on my finger!" Stacey yelled "Jack is mine!"
"No I'm not! I never even wanted to go out with you! It was a bet!"
"WHAT!?!?" she screamed
"Nice going Jack."Amber said
"WAIT!" Jordan yelled
"So does this mean no date Saturday?" he asked
"No date...sorry buddy!"
**After School**
"What?" Mary asked walking out of the kitchen
"I'm engaged!" I yelled
"At 17?!"
"We're going to get married when I turn 18 so in August! I already have a was my mother's...well so I hear."
"Well go put it on! I want to see it!" Kari said

"Well?" I asked as I came out
"Oh my goodness Jack is going to be speechless when he sees you! I can't wait!"
"I know!"
"Alex what do you think?"
"I think...I think my little sister's growing up!" Alex said giving me a hug
"You look amazing!"
"Jack is going to tear up!"
"Wow..."Jordan said
"Amazing!" Andy whispered
"And finally Amber."
"I'm speechless!"
♠ ♠ ♠
this is Karma's ring
here's the dress
and here's the veil...ignore the dress with it!

not my best chapter but...whateva! I LOVE Karma's ring! and the sister wore one just like it! so remember to...
always hug a tree when they look sad!