Status: Active

My Relationship Has Reached It's All Time Low

9: I just can't

Karma's P.O.V.
I don't know what to do...I want to travel...but I love Jack more than anything!
I think I know what I have to do
"Jack!" I yelled
"Yeah baby?"
"Listen I was thinking...and maybe we should get until we're older and we know it's not just a high school crush."
"No I mean it! But if I change my mind I'll tell you! I will still wear the ring cause I do wanna be engaged to you but we should just...wait a bit longer."
"Fine." he mumbled
"I'm sorry."
"Whatever...I'll see you later." he mumbled then walking away
"Why does he have to make this even more difficult?"
"I don't know...but you did what you felt was right!"
"Thanks Skye you're a good friend." I said giving her a hug

"Karma? Are you ok?" Anthony asked
"Fucking perfect." I mumbled
"Ok what's up?"
"I told Jack that I wanted to wait to get married so I know that it's not just a high school thing and all he said was 'Fine..' then walked off! He's making thinks more difficult then they already are." I said
"Wow...well I think you guys are too young to get married anyway."
"Why does everyone keep saying that!"
"Maybe because it's true...ever think of that?"
"Yeah but...I do love him and I know it!"
"Well like you said you want to find out if it's just a high school crush or something."
"Yeah...I guess...but why does he have to act like this?"
"Well how would you feel if you asked someone to marry you and the next day they said they wanted to wait a couple of years."
"Yeah...I guess I get it...thanks Anthony." I said giving him a hug then saw Jack right there with a shocked look on his face
"Jack! Listen-"
"Just forget it. I don't want to hear it anymore...maybe you could tell Anthony!"
"Jack he was giving me advise about YOU! And why you made this even more difficult then it already is!"
"How do you think I felt when the girl I love told me that she didn't want to marry me?"
"I didn't say I didn't want to marry you I just want to wait until we're a bit older and we know it wasn't just a fucking high school crush!"
"Fine I guess you're right...but if I see you and Anthony that close I wont wait for an explanation I will start throwing punches!"
"Ok." we said at the same time
"Juniors and Seniors to the gym for a special announcement! Juniors and Seniors to the gym for a special announcement!" We heard over the intercom
"TO THE GYM!" me and Jack yelled

"Ok so as you know last week the freshmen and sophomores had their talent show last week so now it's your turn! Sign up will be in the office right by the conference some of you have already signed up and I would like to read the names so you know if you are signed up or not. Wow I already don't like this band...Jack Barakat, Alex Gaskarth, Rian Dawson, and Zack Merrick with their band All Time Low, and....wait that's all who signed up so far....alright then make sure you sign up before Friday of next week." The principal said
"Jack you guys should either do Stella, Dear Maria Count Me In, or Weightless!" Stacey said
"Well I think you should sing Poppin'."
"YOU GOT ME POPPIN' CHAMPAGNE!" Alex yelled cause of a bet we made...I told him that every time he heard the name of that song...or just the word he had to yell the first line of the song
"Gaskarth! Quiet!"
"Sir yes sir!"

"RONNIE! KARI! SKYE! ANTHONY! Please tell me you guys can play instruments!" I yelled
"Guitar!" Ronnie yelled
"Bass!" Kari yelled
"Drums!" Skye yelled
"I can sing!" Anthony said
"Can you do screamo?"
"LET'S MAKE A BAND! But we're not making our own songs! This is SFTSO!"
"What the hell is SFTSO?"
"Strictly For Talent Shows Only!" Kari said
"Ok! How bout we sing Sweet Blasphemy by Black Veil Brides!"
"No not enough screaming for Anthony!"
"Oh I know! This song doesn't involve screaming! But you both can sing! It's called Call me by Shinedown!"
"No...I'm not a big fan of Shinedown."
"ANTHONY!" some guy yelled "We're making a band! You wanna join?"
"Go ahead Anthony we'll have a lot easier time figuring out a song."
"SURE!" he yelled running over to them
"Ok lets do I Get Off by Halestorm!"
"Perfect! Me and Skye know it! How bout you Kari cause obviously Karma knows every word already."
"Yeah I've been playing that song ever since it came out!"
"Karma can you play her part in guitar?"
"Hell yeah!"
**Talent Show Audition**
"You don't know that I know you watch me every night
And I just can't resist the urge to stand here in the light
You're greedy eyes upon me and then I come undone
And I could close the curtains but this too much fun

I get off on you getting off on me
I give you what you want but nothing is for free
It's a give and take kinda life we make
When your line is crossed I get off, I get off

So much left unspoken between the two of us
It's so much more exciting to look when you can touch
You could say I am different and maybe I'm a freak
But I know how to twist ya to bring you to your knees

I get off on you getting off on me
I give you what you want but nothing is for free
It's a give and take kinda life we make
When your line is crossed I get off, I get off

What you don't know what you can't see
It's what you I do for you I do for me

I get off on you getting off on me
I give you what you want, yeah

I get off on you getting off on me
I give you what you want but nothing is for free
It's a give and take, kinda life we make
When your line is crossed I get off
I get off, I get off, I get off." I sang at the audition thing
"Ok tomorrow we will post who's in and the order!"
"Ok you know that if we win we have to have another song prepared."
"Shit! Let's do...Poppin' by...MY BROTHER!!" I yelled
"Would they let us?"
"I don't know...ALEX!!!"
"If we win can we sing your song Poppin'?"
"YOU GOT ME POPPIN' CHAMPAGNE!" he yelled "Sure go ahead! We're singing Stella but changing the name a few times."
"Awesome! Thanks bro!"
"No problem!
♠ ♠ ♠
I was in the Talent Show! I sang Call Me and I won! Yeah it was cool and I hear that next year my little sis Twix is gonna be in the talent show!!

Remember to respect your elders...or not!