Perfect Stangers.

Short Story

Perfect Strangers
A Short Story by:

"A Chinese legend used to say, that gods tie an invisible red string around the pinky fingers of men and women who are destined to become soul mates leading them both to one day marry each other. The two people connected by the red string are destined lovers, regardless of time, place or circumstances. This magical string may stretch or tangle, but will never break the unbreakable bond that the two share. Even if they were perfect strangers..."
"My name is Hidoka Honaka and I am 19 years old with an extreme baby face, but I'm not complaining since it makes me look more feminine. How should I say this, I like to dress as a girl and I can proudly say I look like a cute girl and I get to be who I am at the job I work at. But relationships..are a bit..sad when I tell the guy that I am a boy. That has happened so many times, that I quit dating.." Hidoka sighs and mutters softly as he rubs his fat baby cheeks walking home. Then he grunted loudly and muttered,"I pass this man everyday on my way home from work.." He looked at the man laying casually on the bus stop bench with a book covering his eyes making him look like he was sleeping and he said to himself quietly, "I wonder if he's a hobo, I want to see his face..." Hidoka walked up to the bench and his hand shook nervously as he slowly took the book of the man's face and his eyes widened in shock. "It's a pastry book? Hmm.. he's actually very handsome, but he still can't compare to me..," Hidoka said softly then he gazed for awhile at the man's silky beautiful, light-pink hair then at his long lashes then he brushed his finger against the man's flawless lips. Hidoka's eyes widened when the man's hand grabbed his wrist tightly and said in a rough voice, "Who are you..?"

"Eh," Hidoka blurted out when he saw the man's beautiful dark-gray eyes then the man examined Hidoka, Hidoka's hair was a cute strawberry-blond color and his hair was long with curls. He had an big white bow to the side of his head and his lashes were thick and long with volume making his round strawberry-colored eyes glow. His lips were soft and shiny with nude pink lipgloss and his face was round to make up his cute girly baby face then the man hovered down and saw Hidoka was wearing a puffy white fur jacket with a sparkly silver top and a plaid pink skirt with cute heels to go with it. "Can you please let go of me," Hidoka muttered softly as he tried to release his dainty little hands then he watched as the man sat up then he muttered, "Let me borrow this for awhile.." Hidoka blushed red when the man laid his head on Hidoka's chest then the man turned and tossed his head around sadly then looked up at Hidoka. "You have absolutely nothing up here," the man said as he started to pat his hands around Hidoka's chest.
Hidoka's fist twitched and he punched the man in the head roughly then the man blinked rubbing his head then looked down and saw a clip on name card of Hidoka's face and he began to smirk softly. Hidoka stomped all the way home angerily when he finally reached his apartment room, he flung himself on the bed and started kicking off his heels tiredly. "I feel exhausted," Hidoka muttered softly feeling a bit sorry for himself then he sat up and walked to his refrigerator and popped a can of coke open then began to drank it greedily. "I hope I don't see him again but I know that's a false hope," Hidoka whispered softly as he slept on his couch. The morning came and Hidoka woke up and looked around at the forty coke cans spread out on his end table and he groaned loudly. He walked past the mess and went to the bathroom to do his daily transformation to girl mode, he wore a big jacket to cover his work uniform so no weirdos come up to him. He left the apartment and got in a subway train he looked into the train's window looking at his reflection in his mirror and he began to smile when suddenly more people got squeezed into the train. Making the train packed, the train started to move unexpectedly fast making Hidoka stumble and fall until the man with the light pink hair wrapped his arm around his waist preventing his fall. "T-thank-you," Hidoka muttered softly feeling embarrassed then the man smiled then wrapped both arms around Hidoka tightly making Hidoka blush hard and whisper, "W-what are you doing!?" "Honaka..Hidoka, is your name isn't it," the man asked in a low and deep voice. Hidoka's eyes widened and he whispered, "H-how do you know my name!?"

Hidoka thought to himself, "I hope he's not one of those crazy stalker guys!" "Don't you want to know my name, Honaka," the man whispered softly in Hidoka's ear. "W-what is..your name," Hidoka asked shyly then the man smiled and whispered, "Hanase Miyazaki.." "H-hanase..," Hidoka blurted out softly. "Why does that name sound so familar..," Hidoka muttered to himself softly trying to think hard then Hanase said softly, "I work at the same maid cafe you work at, "Sakuramochi." Hidoka's eyes widened in surprise and he turned to him then whispered, "Why haven't I seen you then!?" Hanase laughed softly then said, "I work as the head pastry chef in the back, that's probably why you've never seen me but the workers always call out my name for orders so that's probably why the name sounded familiar.." Hidoka blinked and blushed a bit embarassed then whispered softly, "I'm sorry for not noticing you, Miyazaki-kun.." Hanase blinked then blushed lightly then he tilted Hidoka's chin up and whispered softly, "I should be saying sorry for not noticing such a cute boy like you." Hidoka's eyes widened and he blurted out loudly, "How did you know I'm a boy?!" Hanase covered Hidoka's lips with his finger to quiet him then he whispered gently, "When you get real angry your voice gets a bit more deeper than a girls and no girl can have so much strength in one punch."

Hanase laughed softly and Hidoka pouted then slowly started to laugh too then he looked down sadly and said softly, "You don't think it's disgusting that I try to dress as a girl, Miyazaki-kun..?" Hanase looked at Hidoka's eyes start to water then he pulled Hidoka to his lips and kissed Hidoka passionately, Hidoka's eyes widened then lowered slowly as he felt the warmth and love pour into him, making him miss the warmth you get from your lover's lips. Hanase pulled away slowly and stared into Hidoka's eyes then said gently, "Can I love you, Hidoka-kun..?" Hidoka's heart throbbed loudly and his cheeks turned bright-pink then he began to nod slowly feeling at any moment he might start to cry. Hanase smirked and hugged Hidoka tightly in his arms then whispered, "Your so cute, Hidoka.." Hidoka gripped Hanase's shirt tightly and warm tears began to drip down on Hanase's shoulder then he whispered softly, "Hanase-kun..." Hanase held Hidoka tighter then said, "Yes..?" Hidoka whispered softly, "Your a lolicon, aren't you..." Hanase blinked then smirked then said teasingly, "How did you know!?" Hidoka gasped then blushed hard then pouted until Hanase kissed him gently on his lips and said, "Your really cute, Hidoka." Hidoka thought to himself while smiling happily, "Maybe I'll try love again..."