Status: Needed to think of a way to continue but will do here

The Legend of Alexandria

As the wind speaks...

Long ago… when the earth was shattering slowly piece to piece by an unspeakable evil. There was only one man who was able to take it away and seal it forever inside his own mind but the hero hasn’t shown yet… it’s been years since the appearance of this hero, that legend tells of great power of unspeakable human nature beyond any has seen. The year is 2066 and the earth is slowly shattering day by day earthquakes come about, tsunami’s shower the cities of the people near the bodies of water, wild fires storm out through the fields and fields of trees destroying life before its heavy torment and lastly the strongest winds earth has ever breezed through taking away crops, houses of weak structure, and anything else that cannot stand its rapid winds bashing about through town after town…after town. The horror these humans have witnessed is bound to make any human crazy and even consider suicide. When one day…
Year 2058
“Alexandria come on!” yells her father from the rubble they name their house or at least what’s left of it.
“I’m coming dad wait a minute! I’m getting ready god!” replies Alexandria.
“Well I’m walking there so just catch up I guess, but sweetie…”
“What dad!?” Up comes Miguel from the downstairs to talk directly to his daughter.
“I love you sweetie and please be careful” says the man kissing her forehead ever so gently and blinks twice to hold in memories that were rushing every time he glances at his daughter for more than a minute.
“I love you too daddy” Alexandria with a laugh and a smile on her bright red rosy cheeks that matched with the red ribbon tied in her hair every day since her mother’s disappearance. “I won’t get hurt or anything dad nothing has happened for years you think it finally stopped? I mean the world ending or whatever it is that the heavens above say?”
“I hope so Alexandria…I hope so” says the father with pure disbelief in his words. “Come on now hurry I don’t want to be late to speak to the heavens with the council I’ll meet you there ok? I’ll wait by the usual tree spot if you arrive late ok?” says Miguel and then starts his departure to the council building. Alexandria nodding her answer to her father then continuing to brush her hair roughly to take out the knots that form in her hair after a shower. After 5 minutes of brushing her hair she is ready and makes her way down the stairs and through the well built in wall her father built when their wall caved in from the rough winds that passed through their small town.
As Alexandria goes through the new door and leaves her improved house her dad spent hours rebuilding for her sake she, comes across a newly sprouted tree with purple leaves, the vein’s on them glowing neon green and the tree itself colored the same as the leaves. With this fond discovery she rushes to the tree almost reaching the same height as the tree. Alexandria looks at it with astounded eyes and with a surprised look on her face as well. She gently and carefully touches the neon green lit leaves on the purple branches and then slowly closes in and smells the fresh sweet smelling scent the tree has sent through the air and in through her nose. So overwhelmed Alexandria decides to take some of the seeds that were still in late bloom because of the heavy rain hit from last night and stowed it carefully in her pouch her mother hand-made for her when she was only 3 years old and helped around in the garden.
Alexandria then waited for her father at the usual tree spot she was told to wait by. Hours have passed and she started to grow weary of her father’s late appearance.
“There is no way this stupid council meeting is this long! Ugh!” Said Alexandria to herself. After another hour of wait she goes forth to the council building…only to find a high priest overshadowing a figure that was lying still on the floor.
“Bidai? Is that you?” ask weakly to the priest that was overshadowing the still lying figure.
“Yes child it is I.” replied the high priest.
“Do you know where my father went? He said I should wait for him at my tree spot for him when I arrived tardy but it seems he is the tardy one” Asked the scared Alexandria.
“I’m afraid child your father is becoming ill with something I do not know of…please come to your dad’s side immediately child.”
“Father!” screams out in tears Alexandria rushing to the priest and the still figure known as her father. “Daddy are you o.k.? Please be o.k. you can’t go like this please be o.k.!” cries out Alexandria overshadowing her father’s still body on the floor few feet away from the Door of Still.
“My child I think it’s best to take him in our infirmary and we will try our best to aid him here.” Bidai replied to the grieving Alexandria.
“Please take care of my daddy please! I don’t want to lose him too Bidai please!” Alexandria says crying more and more harder.
“We will do all we can child for now he must rest and so do you and relieve yourself of this calamity and return to peace once again. Now go rest my child we will send for you when your father has gained his consciousness again.” Slowly but surely Alexandria starts to slowly walk to the door and looks back at the priests gathering around her father to aid in his transportation to the infirmary.
“I love you daddy please be o.k. please don’t leave like mom did…please don’t.” she says turning back to the double doors from where she entered and departed. Walking back through a long way to her house the clouds started to merge into one huge dark cloud and began to pour lightly then harder as it kept raining. Not caring that she was getting soaked in the pouring rain all Alexandria could think about was the fields of flowers her mother spread wildly through horizons and horizons of land. Remembering the soft touch her mother had the strong grip her father had when the three frolicked through the fields with her on her father’s shoulders and her mother next to him enjoying the vast beauty of the flowers she grew.
Bringing back more tears but trying her best to hold them back she breaks down tearing next to the same tree that she picked the seeds from and stopped and gazed at the beauty of the glow and color of the tree.
“My mommy would’ve loved growing more and more of you in the fields we once had before the world started to become corrupt with the evil it’s bearing. I wish I still had her by my side…I can’t stand the pain that is growing slowly inside my heart for my father.” Slowly tears again started finding their way through her eye’s and landed on the plot of dirt the tree was growing from and suddenly the rain stopped. Everything seems to have frozen in time and a large glow from within the same dirt spot the tears have landed on. Suddenly the voice of a familiar person came into mind with Alexandria’s…it was her mother’s.