Status: Needed to think of a way to continue but will do here

The Legend of Alexandria

The trails on Earth...

Alexandria soon stumbles across another plant like the previous one. Slowly she grabs a couple of seeds and puts them in the bag and keeps heading towards her house.
"How can I start on the search for something I don't even have a clue as into where it is?!" Says a very annoyed Alex. Letting out a sigh as she steps into the broken house she once called paradise, she slowly makes her way up the stairs that leads to her room and grabs a backpack and heads to the kitchen to fill the bag with some essentials in her quest. The materials she grabs were one pot, a week supply of food, some water and box of matches. She slowly heads back into the living room and gets a flashback of her and her parents laughing and sitting in the couch while just talking among themselves. A tear drops from the left and right eyes and roll down her cheek, but quickly shrugs them off and continues to the door but stops to look back.
Alex carefully looks at an old rolled up map of their town before the destruction of the elements. She grabs it in attempt to still figure out if its up to date since the years of torture and chaos the part in the world she lives in has been put through. Alex marks the first stop into her quest an old forest that hopefully is filled with the plants that give the colorful seeds like previously taken from. She then heads out of the house and doesn't look back and heads up north to the forest of ilozi.
"I should be careful in this forest... I hope the stories that daddy and mommy told aren't true..." says Alex with a worry on her face. "I mean it was just stories... right?" She kept reassuring herself they were just stories the whole way there. When Alex got to the entrance she glanced at the broken trees and rubble the destruction of the elements left the poor forest as with such a look. She slowly climbed through the gaps that the rubble left in the entrance and proceeded through the forest with caution. Alex almost let out a weep when she discovered staffs that impaled through what looks like a human skull.
"Oh my..." says Alex with a sickening feeling. She blinked twice and kept pressing forward looking for more plants but to no avail. Alex thought to herself for a bit to wonder if any of these plants even exist in this forest. Her attention soon was caught but a dim glow in the distance. By curiosity she ran to the glow and it was getting brighter the closer she was being drawn from the light.
"Gyaah!" Screeched a dark imp in the forest. Alex let out a horrible scream and blocked the attacking dark imp with her bag and stumbled hard on the ground. Letting out a moan of pain she quickly got up and ran from the imp and soon stopped in her tracks by more dark imps. Surrounding her she started to whimper and cry softly. The dark imps stopped and screeched in pain as the sun was slowly breaking through the dark rain clouds and breaking through the trees that make up the forest.
Alex looks up and smiles and mouths out thank you. Holding a necklace and kisses it she thanked an old but very loved person in her life. She pressed forward onto the glow to only see a dying plant with the glowing seeds. Quickly she got closer and grabbed the seeds that were left, only to see something that might have worried her a bit but not by much. It seems as if though someone was here before her and was trying to kill the plants and their seeds that are needed for her fathers cure. Alex didn't have any enemies so she couldn't think of someone who could do this harm to the plants.
Alex pressed even further through the woods, slowly the sun setting she needed to find a spot to make camp for the night. She found a nice dark cave with in the woods and took shelter there. Alex broke some wood from the forest to make a small fire, gathering plenty of wood to keep the fire alive and well. She then took out a can of soup to calm down her hunger and ate peacefully but quietly. Trying to fight tears back she heard a growl with in the cave and gasped and jumped in the spot she was sitting on.
As she slowly takes out a match and light the tip of the piece of wood she used it to light her way through the cave only to stumble upon the entrance to an eerie temple.
"Just like their stories.... wow." said Alex with such amazement. She slowly walked baby steps inside the temple and lit up two small torches that stood in the sides of the doorway. As the light of the fire lit up the place more the darkness slowly crept its self away and revealed a small chest. Alex with a curious look ran to it and opened it only to find nothing. Nothing was in the chest except for dust and a small note.
"In the box you will not find, What you were seeking so much that greed made you blind, If thou hearts as pure as the light, Soon the treasure will aid you in fight." Alex had a blank look on her face and could not understand anything the note meant. She folded the note and put it aside in her bag in a small pocket. Still worried about the note Alex turned around and left the small temple. As she was getting out the sun was slowly setting and she bit her lip trying to wonder where she could go to be safe from the dark imp's that roam this forest.
She thought to herself just to stay next to the entrance for now and pray for the best. Soon a loud crack of thunder roared through the sunset skies. Alex jumped and yelled a bit holding her legs close to her trying to keep warm inside the cold cavern entrance. Soon it started to pour hard, the sound of the rain hitting the ground sounded like small firecrackers exploding. Soon Alex remembered the pot she had with her and decided to make her some tea.
The nice warm feeling of the tea made her feel a little better and looked out to see more rain dropping hard every second. Trying to fight tears back she cuddled against her bag and pulled out a small blanket that covered just herself barely and stayed close to the small fire built. The sound of the rain made her very drowsy and dozed right off.
"mommy... daddy..." Were here words in her sleep.