‹ Prequel: Means the World
Status: hiatus.

Ready to Start


George showed up late to Elise’s Friday dinner. He’d had a particularly rough time when he spilled some potion on him; the skin on his leg was still rather flaky from the burn, even though he healed it. Flustered, he opened the door.

“Oh, you’re just in time, George.” Elise said pleasantly. “Good that you’re wearing the shirt I laid out for you…but your pants.” She said sternly.

George put his hands in the air. “I nearly burnt my bloody skin off! That warming potion you made was far too strong.” He advised.

Elise shrugged. “Whatever, at least you’re presentable.”

George eyed everyone. They were all dressed nicely-Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Angelina, Alicia, Lee, and Oliver were wearing their best. Even Abby and Teddy, who looked as if they’d rather be playing on their toy broomsticks in the building’s hidden courtyard, were standing there in a dress and dress pants.

“What’s with everyone?” George asked.

"We just wanted to dress up." Elise said brightly.

After a few minutes of idle chatter, the door was knocked on.

"I didn't know we were expecting someone else." George said.

Elise smiled mischievously and opened the door. “Hi Sydney, come on in.” she said loudly.

George’s jaw dropped. He couldn’t believe it-leave it to Elise to be nosey and try to set him up with someone, especially his business partner.

Sydney walked in shyly. She was wearing a blue button down dress and wedges. Her hair, long and straight, flowed down her back. “Hi.” She said shyly.

“I asked Sydney to come over.” Elise said. “Sydney, this is Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Hermione and Ron Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Lee Jordan, and Oliver Wood. Oh, you know George as well…and my daughter, Abby. This is Ted Lupin, Harry’s godson. Everyone, this is Sydney Lake.”

While everyone enthusiastically greeted her, she shyly waved. George could tell she was quiet and probably overwhelmed.

They all sat down to dinner. It was the usual chatter…Hermione and Ron arguing, but making up in the end, Alicia, Angelina, and Lee discussing work, Oliver and Ginny talking Quidditch, or Elise talking about the store. George watched Sydney, who picked at her food and tried to follow the conversation.

“So, how did the fitting go?” Alicia asked Ginny.

Ginny smiled. “It was perfect…the wedding will be absolutely perfect.” She said, blushing. Harry grinned broadly.

“Who’s getting married?” Sydney quipped.

Ginny smiled. “Harry and I are in three months. We’ve been engaged for a year now. We wanted a good, long, proper engagement.”

“As if long engagements worked out for anyone in our families.” Ron snickered. Elise blushed.

“Oh, shut it.” Elise said.

Sydney stayed quiet. George actually started to feel bad for her; she seemed very uncomfortable.

The dinner ended and everyone went off to their own thing. Angelina and Lee, who were now dating, were playing with Abby and Teddy. Alicia and Oliver were talking Quidditch, and how she planned to take it up again. Harry, who’s arm was around Ginny’s waist, was talking with Hermione and Ron, who were also clutching to each other. Sydney awkwardly stood by the window.

Elise was washing dishes in the kitchen, watching her curiously. George brought in some dishes.

“She’s not very vocal, is she?” Elise asked.

George shrugged. “I suspect she’s a bit overwhelmed, I don’t think she expected to meet so many people tonight.”

Elise stuck her nose up. “Being able to make friends easily is an important trait. Clearly, she lacks that.”

George felt oddly defensive. “Hey, you don’t even know her.”

Elise gave him a look. “We gave her a chance this night…I thought she’d be a good match for you, but she really isn’t. You’re funny and smart; she just seems quiet and stuck up.”

George gave another defensive look. “Don’t be mean, Elise.”

After Elise rolled her eyes, George walked away to the window. Sydney was startled by his appearance. “Oh, hi.” She said. Her face was red and flustered.

“How about I walk you home?” George asked. He felt bad; Elise was being rude.

Sydney nodded. “That sounds good right now.” She walked to the kitchen and set the glass she’d been drinking from in front of Elise. “Thank you for inviting me. Are you sure you don’t need any help?” she muttered quietly.

Elise gave her a now suspicious look. “No, it’s okay. Goodbye.”

Sydney followed George to the door. Nobody even noticed that she left.


The two of them walked through the streets.

“So, did you enjoy yourself?” George asked.

“I don’t think your sister-in-law likes me very much.” Sydney pointed out.

George sighed. “She’s just very…up front.”

Sydney nodded. “I’m not very good with new people.”

George snickered. “Ah, well we saw that tonight.”

Sydney groaned. “Oh, was it that noticeable?”

George laughed. “Don’t worry, she’ll warm up to you.”

Sydney grimaced. “I’ve never been good at first impressions…my sister was always the social one.”

George was taken aback. She had a sister?