Starry Nights City Lights

Give Me Novacaine

Hallie Stewart was lying on her bed with her iPod’s volume turned all the way up. She tried desperately to block out the screaming.

“You bastard!” She could hear her dad yelling. Poor Matthew, he really needs to learn to stay away from them when they’re like this.

Slam! Crash! Crack! Matthew let out a loud scream, then a whimper. Fuck, what did that asshole do this time? I hate seeing Matthew and Joey get hurt. I don’t know when they will learn to stay away during fights like this. Those two coming around is making everything worse. Hallie got up and opened her bedroom door a crack. Matt was curled up into a ball Mr. Stewart stood screaming over him.

Joey stood shaking in the corner, Hallie called him over. “What happened this time?” Hallie asked.

“Da-Dad-Daddy, was yelling at mommy. Matty was trying to- to get to the phone. He wanted to call 911. Daddy got really mad and-and he slammed Matty into the wall. Then his nose started bleeding real bad,” Joey started crying.

“Shh, Shh, it’s okay. Go in my room okay everything’s going to be alright. I promise,” Hallie hated lying to Joey; she knew it was never going to be alright. Poor Matthew, he’s only 9 years old and he has to go through such hell on a daily basis. He was just trying to protect mom and Joey. Joe is only 5 years old. He’s covered with bruises, we all are. Damn it. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to stop it. “Dad! Guess what! Green Day is going on tour! I’m so excited. I-,”

“You little bitch, can’t you see I’m in the middle of something!” Mr. Stewart yelled at his daughter. Hallie mouthed to Matthew ‘Run!’ She braced herself for the pain as her father walked towards her. She was ready for the punch, the hit, or whatever pain was about to hit her. Mr. Stewart grabbed her arm and twisted. With her arm still painfully twisted around he dragged her out of her doorway. Better me than Matt. Better me than Matt. I’m stronger, I can take it.
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AN: Um... Let me know if this sucks or not. I love getting feedback. BTW this chapter and the next are based on my siblings real life problems at home. Hallie is my real sister. :)