Starry Nights City Lights

Getting Older and Older all the Time

2 months later.

Hallie woke up and just laid in bed for a while listening to music. She was kind of sad. The tour was on its last leg. They had been all over the East coast and they even went to England. Tonight the boys would be playing in Texas. Then they had a couple more shows in the mid-west and the west coast, before the tour was over. Hallie got out of bed and was surprised to see the band was still in bed. She always woke up before them. She quietly walked out of the room and went to get a bowl of cereal.

She sat down in front of the TV and turned on the news. “Woman murdered, city bombed, bank robbed.” Hallie changed the channel she didn’t want to hear all about depressing things. She turned to Fuse. Loaded was on. Yes, My Chemical Romance videos. Hallie finished off her cereal and watched a couple more TV shows until the guys woke up.

“Good morning,” Hallie said cheerfully.

“Morning,” Tré mumbled.

Hallie and the guys talked for a while. There wasn’t a lot of time until sound check. Hallie was just going to stay home this time, though. Sound check wasn’t all that fun. She had things she needed to do, anyway. She was writing a story. She was going to give it to the guys as a thank you. She wanted them to know how grateful she was. She wanted them to know that they saved her.

“Guess what” Tré suddenly said.

“What?” Hallie asked.

“We got you some presents” Tré sounded excited.

“Why?” Hallie was confused. Why would they get her presents?

“What’s today?” Mike asked.

“July 28. Oh my gosh. It’s my birthday. I forgot. You guys didn’t have to get me anything,” Hallie laughed at herself. She couldn’t believe she forgot her own birthday.

“Of course we had to get you something,” Tré said.

Just then Billie Joe walked out carrying a big box. “Happy birthday” He smiled and handed her the box.

Hallie took the box. “Thanks guys. You really didn’t have to get me anything.”

“Well, are you gonna open it?” Tré asked.

Hallie smiled and tore open the box. It was awfully big. She wondered what could be inside. Hallie finally got the box opened and looked inside. She couldn’t believe her eyes. There was a black guitar case.

“Oh my gee,” Hallie said quietly. She pulled the case out of the box and opened it. There sat her dream guitar, a Gibson Les Paul Studio in alpine white. After getting over the shock, she stood up and hugged the guys; she couldn’t believe they would actually get her a guitar. She hadn’t expected anything.

“Give her the rest of her present,” Tré sounded like he could barely contain his excitement.

Mike stepped forward and handed her a slip of paper. “What’s this?” Hallie asked.

“You get to come on stage for our concert tonight,” Billie told her.

Now Hallie was jumping up and down, she couldn’t contain her excitement. She was going to be on stage with, in her opinion, the best band ever. “Are you serious?!?! That is so awesome!” Hallie was saying as she hugged the guys again.

Billie Joe, Mike, and Tré were glad to see her happy. A while ago she had told them her parents had never gotten her anything for her birthday, not even a cake. They really wanted to make her birthday special.