Starry Nights City Lights

Tales of Another Broken Home

At the Stewart’s.

Mr. Stewart was out of jail. He had a good lawyer, he won the case. They were living in a small, cramped apartment. Mr. Stewart was jobless; Mrs. Stewart worked at the laundry place next door. Matt was failing school and getting into trouble all the time. Joey was scared to leave his room most of the time.

“What are you watching? You know, you woke your father up. He is not happy! Can’t you turn the volume down? You have no respect!” Mrs. Stewart stepped into the living room screaming at Matt.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, bracing himself for when Mr. Stewart would come out. He did not want to get beat.

“What is that?” Mr. Stewart asked as he walked into the room. He didn’t sound happy.

“It’s a Green Day concert. Last night, they played in Texas. They decided to put the concert on TV, so the fans that couldn’t make it to their concerts could see them play,” Matt was glad he got to see Green Day. They had become his favorite band, ever since Hallie left.

“Did he just say…? You shouldn’t be listening to this music,” Mrs. Stewart lectured.

Matt sighed. He didn’t understand why they had such a problem with this type of music. He really didn’t understand why they had such a problem with swearing in songs. They are constantly cursing. He picked up the remote and was about to turn the TV off, when Mr. Stewart stopped him.

“Look! That little bitch, she ran away to go follow some fucking band around! What the fuck is wrong with her? Oh, she is going to get it when she gets home!” Mr. Stewart screamed, then turned and stomped off.

What the hell is his problem? Matt thought. He turned back to the TV. Holy shit, it’s Hallie.
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Love to all who commeted. lol =]