Starry Nights City Lights

Never Looked Better and You Can't Stand It

Back with Hallie and Green Day.

The concert just ended it was around midnight and Hallie was just about to head to bed. It had been a long day.

“Thank you guys so much! That was definitely the best day of my life. Being on stage with you guys was absolutely amazing. You really didn’t have to get me anything. Thank you!” Hallie must have thanked them thousands of times already. She was just so happy. She had never really celebrated her birthday before. It had always just been another day, maybe she’d get a few cards. She couldn’t believe Green Day would do that for her.

“You’re welcome for the millionth time,” Tré said. “Are you excited to finally go home?”

“Definitely! I can’t thank you all enough for saving me. I can’t wait to go home. Hell, I can’t wait to go to school. I want to be normal. I want to go to school and not have to hide the bruises on my arms. I want to actually want to go home when school’s over. I want to be happy. And you guys are really helping me. Being here means the world to me,” Hallie really was thankful. She still couldn’t believe she was actually on tour with Green Day and that she was going to be living with Billie Joe.

“We love having you here,” Tré said.

“It’s not like we could send you home,” Mike added.

“We couldn’t leave you on the street, either. I am worried though. I’m sure your parents haven’t forgotten about you. They will find you eventually,” Billie Joe said quietly.

Gee, thanks for bringing up my stupid parents… Hallie sighed. “Do you really think they are going to come looking for me? How would they know I’m with you anyway?”

“I don’t know. But, they are your parents and even if you don’t think so they love you and they’re probably worried,” Mike told her.

Later that night Hallie was lying in bed thinking. There was no way they could find her. Right? Even if they knew where she was they wouldn’t want her back, or would they? She was so confused. She was finally in a good place, finally happy. And she was determined to stay that way. She wasn’t going to let her parents find her. She was never going back to them if she could help it.