Starry Nights City Lights

I Know What You Did Last Concert

Hallie was sitting on the couch mindlessly watching South Park. Butters was singing some stupid song. She was bored out of her mind. The guys went out shopping and they had to pick up the mail. She hadn’t even realized they could get mail while on tour; she was such an idiot sometimes. She sighed and got up to get a glass of water. She was starving and there was no food on the bus. She hoped the guys got back soon.

“We’re home!” Tré called.

“Yay! Food!” Hallie yelled as she jumped up from the couch to greet them. “What’s with the long faces?” Billie and Mike looked like they had just seen a ghost or something; they were so pale.

“You got a letter,” Billie said glumly.

It took a second for the news to hit her. A letter, so what? She liked letters. Then she realized no one knows she’s here; the grim look on their faces. It was all coming together. She was found.

Billie handed her the letter. She couldn’t move she stared down at the letter. Green Day’s fan mail address was written in her father’s sloppy handwriting. After what seemed like forever, she slowly tore open the letter.

Hallie read to herself, than out loud:

I know what you did last concert. You didn’t really think you could leave forever, did you? You are such a stupid little bitch. Who runs away and a couple months later goes on national TV? You crack me up. I didn’t raise you to be such a dumb ass. By the way I got rid of all your shit. Bye-bye guitar. Bye-bye CDs. It all went up in flames. Ha Ha!

Me and your mom are coming to get you. And don't expect your stupid little band to be around much longer. We are going to sue their asses to Mars. When the media finds out about your kidnapping no one’s going to like them. Don’t know why any one likes them now…
See you soon, sweetie. I love you and miss you oh so much. Dad

“‘Sue their asses to Mars?’ What the fuck? What is his problem anyway? He wants me gone, so I left. Ugh. I’m used to him bashing me, but why the fuck does he have to bring you guys into this? And why am I such a dumb ass? What was I thinking going on stage?” Hallie was freaking out. She paced back and forth asking a million questions at once.
Billie, Mike, and Tré sat there rereading the note. They didn’t know what to do.

Billie sighed. “I’m sorry. The concert was a bad idea. This whole thing was wrong. God, we can’t just take someone’s kid off the streets. Shit. I don’t know what I was thinking. I felt so bad for you; I wanted to help. This isn’t good. I’m so sorry. I really am. I’d hate to see you go back to this. I just don’t think we have any other options. I am so, so sorry.” He hung his head in shame. He couldn’t help her. He tried and he ended up just fucking things up more for her.

Hallie walked over and wrapped her arms around him. “It’s okay. You saved me. I’ll never forget that.” She let go of him and walked away. She didn’t want to cry in front of the boys. She felt horrible for dragging them into this. She doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t know how to save herself, let alone them. She sighed and curled up under her covers. Tomorrow is gonna be a shitty day.
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Sorry for not updating for a while. =] Commets=love. I like feedback. =P