Starry Nights City Lights

Another 6 Months I'll Be Unknown

Hallie winced as she looked out at the bright day. Before she even had a chance to step out of the bus her mother ran up to her and squeezed her into a tight hug. It was weird. Her mother never hugged her or showed any type of affection. It was probably all an act. Once she got home her mom would ignore her and her dad would ‘teach her a lesson.’

“Hi, Mom,” Hallie mumbled.

“Oh, sweetie, we missed you so much!” Her mom squealed and hugged her tighter.

“Can’t breathe,” she muttered under her breath and stole a glance at her father. He was saying something to a police officer. He had a face of mock seriousness. He saw her watching and gave a fake smile and waved sweetly. Hallie rolled her eyes.

Finally her mother let go of her. “What’s happening?” she asked. She had so many questions; she didn’t know where to start. Hopefully her ditzy mother could explain what’s going on.

“Well, when you ran away you really hurt me and your dad. We had so many sleepless nights. We thought we would never see you again. Do you know how much you hurt us? How would you like it if your kid ran away from your home? We worked so hard to give you and the boys a nice home. We worked so hard to give you everything. We—“

Hallie didn’t bother to hear the rest. A nice home? Was she serious? She figured the only way she was going to get answers and hopefully find out about Green Day was to ask one of the cops. Before she could walk more than a foot, though, someone grabbed her. She turned around and stared into the eyes of a short yet scary looking police officer.

“Young lady, where do you think you’re going?” he asked sterenly.

“To talk to my Daddy,” Hallie smiled sweetly.

“Do you know how much trouble you caused?” Hallie rolled her eyes. Here we go again… “Do you really think you are just free to go on your merry way? You gotta go down to the station. Tell your stupid story, and then go to the hearing. You’re in deep shit. You can’t just run away and expect everything to be just dandy. You’re gonna be in trouble,” he said and started laughing maniacally. He grabbed her arm again and dragged her to a police car and shoved her in the back. He jumped in the front and sped away.

Hallie looked back. No one seemed to notice she had left. She dared to glance at the man in front; bad memories came rushing back. She could have sworn he was the drunk man from the night Billie Joe saved her. She gasped.

“What’s the matter pretty lady?” the creep asked.

Shit. I gotta get outta here. I gotta find a phone and call Billie. But, I can’t get Green Day in bigger trouble... The man up front was muttering something about her. She winced and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and tried to hold back tears. She grabbed the door handle and prepared to jump out.

“It’s locked sweetie. You’re in a police car, remember?” the creep told her and began to laugh again.

Hallie leaned back into the seat. She sighed and let the tears fall.