Starry Nights City Lights

Pretty Vegas

“I don’t understand why we aren’t in jail right now,” Mike said for what seemed like the millionth time.

The boys were sitting in Mike’s living room, just contemplating the recent events. They were all pretty confused and upset. They decided to take a break from the tour to figure things out, but so far things weren’t looking up.

Billie sighed, “I don’t know either. Her dad’s a fucking psycho. I mean he said in that stupid letter he was gonna sue us. I have no idea why he isn’t pressing charges.” He was really confused right now. The whole situation was just shitty. He didn’t want to deal with it right now.

“I think I know why,” Tré walked in to the living room and dumped a newspaper on Billie Joe’s lap.

“Holy shit!”

“What? Is she alright?” Mike asked.

“She’s been kidnapped… They think it’s this cop, Officer Brian Martin. They have a picture; he looks like that drunk guy that was chasing Hallie when we first found her,” Billie tossed the paper over to Mike.

“Well, how do we save her?” Mike asked after reading the article.

“Hmm… It’s probably best we don’t get involved. But, I don’t know. I’m so fucking confused. I don’t even know how we could help her anyway,” Billie mumbled.

“The cops are probably handling it,” Tré thought aloud.

The guys went silent. None of them knew what to do. How could they help her? They didn’t know where she was. They didn’t know if the police were looking for her or not. They didn’t know anything. All of them regretted leaving her that night. If they were there she would be fairly safe. Sure she would be with her parents, but that was probably better than that police officer.

“We’re gonna save her. We have to," Tré decided.

Mike agreed, but Billie still looked unsure. He knew there was nothing they could do. He knew they shouldn’t get involved, but at the same time he knew they had to do something.

“Well, you guys better have some genius idea to save her, ‘cause I got nothin’,” Billie told them.

“That’s the spirit,” Tré smiled a big stupid grin.

Billie and Mike rolled their eyes. Billie grabbed the paper and looked over the article again. Mike went on the computer and searched for any other articles on Hallie.

“Well, ya’ll seem to have the research covered, so Ima go order pizza,” Tré walked into the kitchen and grabbed the phone.

“That’s great. We’re having an emergency and all you can think about is pizza,” Mike shouted into the kitchen.

Tré peeked around the corner and grinned. “I’m hungry,” he shrugged and returned to the kitchen.

“You know I’m kinda glad he’s around. Sure he just about worthless in helping us find Hallie, but at least he has a positive outlook on the situation,” Billie told Mike.

“I guess. Plus, I am kinda hungry,” He said.

“Me too,” Billie Joe smiled. They would find her, he just knew it. There was no way they would let anything happen to her. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, maybe something would be on the news.

In other news, a New York teen was kidnapped for the second time in only a couple months. Authorities say she was last seen about a mile away from Las Vegas. If you have seen this girl, please call 1-888-RUN-AWAY or your local police station.

“We’re going to Vegas,” Billie shouted to Mike and Tré. He knew they would find her now.
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I am so sorry for taking such a long time to update. I have been so busy. Love to all who read. =]