Starry Nights City Lights

Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too

“Are you a virgin?” Officer Brian Martin asked Hallie. They were a janitor’s closet in the basement of some casino in Las Vegas. Hallie was tied to a chair in the small closet; the smell of cleaning products was starting to get to her. Half of her thought passing out wouldn’t be the worst thing, but she knew it probably wouldn’t be too good to be passed out in the same room as this Brian Martin dude.

“Let me out of here,” Hallie spoke softly, she knew not to yell after what happened last time.

“Answer me,” he demanded.

Hallie sighed. “No,” she lied through gritted teeth. Something told her that telling the truth would make this whole situation worse on her.

Brian smiled the creepiest grin Hallie had ever seen, then turned and hit play on an old CD player. Paris Hilton came blaring through the speakers and Brian left the room, well closet.
Hallie shuttered. There wasn’t much more of this she could take. Paris was singing about how stars are blind, and just when she thought this couldn’t get any worse Brian came back and began singing and dancing along with the song.

Suddenly he stopped dancing. He leaned in so he was about two inches from Hallie’s face. She could smell alcohol on his breath, of course. Damn, is this dude always drunk? “Do you think I’m sexy?” he slurred his words and licked his lips. The whole thing was very disturbing.

“Of course, babe,” Hallie said pretending she wasn’t the least bit creeped out by the pervert. He smiled and went back to singing and dancing.

After two hours of singing and dancing to crappy pop songs, Brian left. Hallie was so relieved he was gone. She finally had some peace and quiet to come up with a plan to escape. She took a good look around the room. No windows. One door. Walls completely covered in shelves full of cleaning products. Then out of the corner of her eye, Hallie noticed something shiny and metal. Razor! Yes! She was so glad the dumb ass didn’t tie her hands very well. He did do a hell of a good job on her feet and torso, though.

After about 10 minutes, she worked her hands out of their roped boundaries and reached for the razor blade. She just about tipped over her chair getting it. After about an hour of sawing, Hallie was free. She stood up and took a step towards the door when she realized she hadn’t thought too far ahead in her grand escape plan. Sure, she was untied now, but she knew it wouldn’t take Brian much to get her safely secured to a chair again.

Hallie took a deep breath. Well, it’s not like I can just stay here. If he catches me, he catches me. I won’t be any worse than I was a little while ago. She then slowly opened the door glanced around the hallway and took off running. All she had to do was get in public and she’d be safe. If only she knew how to get there…
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So sorry for taking so long to update. Comments=love. :)