Starry Nights City Lights

Let the Flames Begin

Hallie ran up the stairs and through another door. She turned down a hallway that looked like it might lead to somewhere safe. She turned down another hallway and ran straight into someone. Please not Brian, please not Brian! She hesitantly looked up at the man. Her fear quickly turned to pure happiness. She hugged Billie so tight never wanting to let go.

“Are you okay?” Billie Joe asked her.

Hallie looked up and smiled. “Now, I am. Can we get outta here? Brian might be coming back…”

“Hey, you’re not where I left you!” Brian slurred and stumbled on his way to Hallie and Billie.

“Let’s go,” Billie said and pulled Hallie away. She looked back at Brian who was still trying to figure out why she wasn’t still locked up in the closet. She laughed out loud and ran to catch up with Billie.


“I’m so glad you’re okay!” Tré hugged Hallie.

“Me too,” Hallie was very happy to be back with her friends.

“Uh… Hallie… You know the last thing we want to do is send you back to your parents, but… I—I don’t see what else we can do… We have no other choice.” Billie told Hallie quietly.

Hallie got up and hugged Billie. She then moved to Tré and Mike giving them each a big hug. “I’m sorry I got you guys into this mess,” she mumbled.

“Aww... It’s okay. We understand why you ran away. We don’t blame you for anything that might happen to us. We just want you to be okay,” Mike told her.

The sound of sirens interrupted the four friends. Hallie ran to the window of the tour bus to see at least 5 cop cars rush by. They appeared to be headed towards the casino Brian was at. Two more cars, however, stopped in front of the tour bus. Hallie’s father’s van followed close behind. Hallie gasped. She had been prepared to leave her friends, but she wasn’t expecting this to happen so soon.

Hallie turned to Green Day. “I—I’m not ready to—to go back there. Not yet…” Her voice came out as barely a whisper.

“I’m so sorry, Hallie,” Billie Joe said as he ran up and hugged her tightly. Neither one of them wanted to let go. A sharp knock on the door interrupted the two friends’ embrace.

“Did you call them to come get me? I don’t care if you did, I was just wondering.” Hallie asked.

“No, we didn’t,” Tré told her. “We wanted to talk to you about it first.” Hallie nodded.

“They’re prolly after that bastard, Brian,” Mike added.

“Yeah, I hope so,” Hallie muttered just as another loud knock rang through the bus.
Billie Joe sighed and answered the door.

“Do you happen to have Miss Stewart in here?” asked a kind looking cop.

“Yes, we do actually. We rescued her—”

“Yes, we know all about Brian. He’s just been taken to the police station for questioning. Thank you for your help in getting her out of there. Where is she?” the cop interrupted.

“Um, you’re welcome. She’s right here,” Billie said and stepped aside to make room for the police officer to come in.

“There you are! We are so glad to see you are okay. Your parents will be delighted! We’re just going to have to talk to all of you about what happened in the casino and then you can go home,” the officer said to Hallie.

“Oh, I’m sure they will be delighted! I just can’t wait to answer all your questions so I can finally see my Mommy and Daddy again. I’ve just missed them so much,” Hallie’s voice was dripping with sarcasm.

“Miss Stewart, just because you were kidnapped does not mean we have forgotten about you’re little running away incident. You should stop being sarcastic and start cooperating so we can figure things out. It’s for your own good. By the way, I’m Officer Way,” the cop said sternly, yet still kind. You could tell he really cared about his job and the people he was helping.

“Okay. Let’s start these questions.

“Alright. Let’s just say hello to your parents first,” Officer Way said.

Yay! I just can’t wait to see them! Hallie thought to herself. Damn, I really need to stop this sarcasm…
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry it took so long to update. I've been so busy! Also, I'm thinking about ending this in a couple chapters, so tell me what you think.

xo. EasyTargetxx