Starry Nights City Lights


“You’re Billie Joe Armstrong!” Hallie was in awe. She had always dreamt of being cool and composed if she met Billie Joe, but this was a complete surprise. She was in shock.

“I know,” he chuckled. “And you are?”

“Hallie. Hallie Stewart.”

“Well, aren’t you up a little early?” he questioned.

“Try a little late,” Hallie was back to her old self again. Damn it. “You’re Billie Joe Armstrong!” How pathetic can I get? He must think I’m a stupid teenie…

“Your parents must be worried. How ‘bout we take you home?” he asked.

“Nah, they’re not worried. They’re not even up yet.”

“You should probably go home. They’ll be up eventually.”

“I’m not going back there,” Hallie said stubbornly.

Billie Joe sighed. “You look awfully tired. Why don’t you come in and rest up? Once you’re up you better have a good reason for running away.”

Hallie followed Billie Joe into the tour bus. It was amazing. It was luxurious, yet it wasn’t. It was perfect. It felt like home. “Mike, Tré, This is Hallie,” Billie Joe snapped me out of my thoughts. Mike, Tré, and I said our hellos. They acted like it was perfectly normal for them to pick up a girl at 5 AM and let her sleep on their bus. Hallie followed Billie Joe to the back. There were two sets of bunk beds. One was obviously being used as storage.

“Um… well you can sleep in my bed until we clean that one out.”

I can’t believe it. This has to be a dream. Am I really laying in Billie Joe’s bed. Was I just talking to Green Day? Are they really letting me stay with them? I must be dreaming. If I am I hope I don’t wake up anytime soon. I finally feel home…
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Sorry it's so short. Comments=love. I shall update shortly. =D