Starry Nights City Lights

My Way Home Is Through You

Hallie sat up and yawned. She looked around trying to remember where she was. She excitedly jumped out of the bunk. It wasn’t a dream. Green Day is right out there. She walked back into the main room of the bus, yawning again.

“Hey sleepy. Why don’t you come have a seat,” Tré said.

“Morning,” Hallie mumbled as she walked over to the chair next to Tré and Billie.

“Morning? It’s already 1,” Mike told her.

“Hey. You owe us a story now,” Billie said.

Hallie sighed. She started from the beginning. She told them everything. She finished with her decision to leave.

“Did you ever get that head injury checked out?” Billie Joe asked, sounding concerned.

Hallie shook her head. “I’m probably fine. I’ve slept since then and I’m not in a coma am I?”

“You should still get it checked out.” Mike said, but Hallie refused. She knew her parents would have found out she was gone by now. If she went to a hospital in the city, they would surely turn her into the police.

“You guys have a concert tonight. Don’t you?” Hallie was glad she looked at their tour schedule before she left.

“Yep. You’re gonna have to wait backstage. Is that alright with you?” Tré asked.

“Of course!” My first Green Day concert, I can’t wait. Yes!

“Oh, we had the bus driver go back for this. We figured it probably had some important things in it,” Mike handed her, her bag.

“Thank you so much! I was so scared I lost it forever. I have pictures of my brothers in there. And all my band tee’s. And basically everything that was important to me that I could fit in there,” Hallie thanked the band.

“So is there anything else you wish you could have brought with you?” Billie asked.

Hallie thought about it for a second. Besides her brothers there wasn’t really anything else… “My brothers, of course. And my guitar,” Hallie told the guys.

They talked about music for hours. They debated about which guitar was better, and which band affected punk music more. They played cards and watched TV. Hallie was the happiest she’d been in a long time. She felt a little guilty for leaving, but only a little. She tried not to think about it. She was so happy and thankful to be here. And she couldn’t wait for the show tonight.