Starry Nights City Lights

For A Pessimist I’m Pretty Optimistic

“Don’t want to be an American idiot/One nation controlled by the media/Information age of hysteria/It’s calling out to Idiot America”

Hallie was backstage watching the performance. This had to be the best day of her life. She met her favorite band. She went to their concert. But most importantly they saved her. Really saved her.

The band played an awesome show. After wards they hung out and talked a bit. They asked what Hallie thought of it. She told them how amazing it was. How it was the best concert she’s ever seen and that she wouldn’t have done anything different.

Once again Hallie went to bed smiling. She couldn’t wait for tomorrow. It can only get better from here. She went from getting beat everyday to touring with Green Day. I have a feeling this is the start of a beautiful thing. Tomorrow is going to be awesome. I get to hang out with the band all day. Then in two days there is another concert. I can’t wait! Hallie continued to think about how good her future looked until she drifted off to sleep.
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Sorry, I know it is extremely short and a lousy chapter. It's just a filler chapter and it's needed for the next chapter. I will post the next one soon and I promise it will be better than this one. My apologies...