Starry Nights City Lights

Everything We Had

Hallie got up and went to the kitchen for some breakfast. As soon as she looked at the boys she knew something wasn’t right. It was only her second day here, her second day home. What did she do? Are they kicking her out? Even worse are they turning her in? Hallie was getting nervous. She ignored the grim looks on their faces and grabbed a cup of coffee. She sat down next to Tré and took a deep breath, bracing herself for the worst. “What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?” she asked.

Billie Joe sighed. “It’s not you. Um…Take a look at this.” He handed her today’s paper. The headline read Man Snapped and Burnt Down Home. Hallie took a deep breath. It had nothing to do with her. Everything was okay, right? She continued reading.

Last night at 10 pm neighbors called 911 saying that the Stewart’s house was on fire. Firemen rushed over, but it was too late. There was nothing they could do to save the house. Mr. Lawrence Stewart and his wife Adele are alive and well. They are the happy parents of 3 children, Hallie, Matthew, and Joseph. Hallie has been missing since Wednesday night. Matthew is okay, but Joseph is in critical condition at Sacred Heart Children Hospital.

Police looked into what caused the fire and locals were shocked to learn that it may have been caused by Stewart himself. Police Chief McNally stated “It was definitely more than your average electrical fire. That house went up on purpose.”

Stewart is being held in Orange County Jail until further notice. Bail is set at $100,000.

Hallie was in shock. She couldn’t speak, she couldn’t breathe. My father burnt our house down. Little Joey is in the hospital. Dad’s in jail. How could this happen? Were they fighting? Of course they were fighting. How could he set the house on fire with Joey inside? What the hell is wrong with him?

“Are you alright?” Mike asked. He knew she wasn’t, but someone had to say something. The awkward silence wasn’t helping.

Hallie shook her head. She was crying now. She took another deep breath and composed herself enough to speak. “If I didn’t leave would this have happened? Was I the one that caused that fight? What if Joey isn’t going to be okay? This is too much. I can’t deal with this. I can’t take anymore of this bullshit. I want to march into that jail and tell my father what an asshole he is. Tell him how much I hate him. Tell him to never hurt mom and the boys again. What did we do to deserve this? Make it stop. Make it all go away!”

Tré wrapped her into a hug. The guys all tried to calm her. She wasn’t listening. She was in her own little world or regrets and sorrows. She stopped crying. She hated crying in front of people. She hated crying in general. She was stronger than this. What happened?
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