Starry Nights City Lights

Time of Your Life

Hallie sat on her bunk listening to Good Riddance. She had been listening to it on repeat since she heard the news. It was her depression song. She always listens to it when she’s upset. Sure, she knows there are people who are worse off than her. And she is thankful for everything she has. Sometimes she likes to wallow in her own misery, though.

After crying a little bit, she eventually just goes numb. For the last hour, Hallie was just sitting, staring at the wall, and thinking. She thought about how wrong everything seemed. She wondered why certain things happened. She thought about her old friends. She hadn’t talked to any of them since she left. They probably didn’t even care she was gone. Maybe Krissy did… Oh well, there was nothing she could do about it now.

“Hallie?” Billie walked into the room. Hallie pulled her headphones off and looked at him. “I went to the hospital.”

“How is he?” Hallie wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer.

“He’s fine. The doctor said they’re only going to keep him a couple more days. He has a couple burns, not bad though. They are more concerned about all the smoke inhalation. They said Joey is a very strong 5 years old.” Billie Joe was glad to share good news with Hallie. The poor girl has been through so much.

Hallie was crying now, but not because she was sad. She was relieved, almost happy. Joey was okay. Everything is going to be okay. “Thank you so much for going to check on him. It means so much.”

“No problem. By the way, I told him you were alright. He said he misses you and that he loves you. He promised not to tell your parents he heard anything about you,” Billie Joe told her.

“I miss him, too. Thanks, again.”

“You’re welcome, again” he smiled. “What are you listening to?”

“Good Riddance. It's something unpredictable but in the end it's right I hope you had the time of your life” Hallie sung.

“You’ve been listening to that all day?” Billie asked.

Hallie nodded. “It is brilliant. You are such an amazing song writer. That song has helped me through, a lot. It’s my depression song.” Hallie confessed, then smiled.

Billie smiled back and left the room. They understood each other. Something happened in that moment. Hallie was more than just some runaway they picked up off the street. Billie Joe was more than a member of Green Day and her hero. Things were looking up. Hallie was going to get through it. Things that don’t kill you can only make you stronger.
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comments=love. lol Thanks for reading. =]