Starry Nights City Lights

When I Come Around

It’s been a week since the fire. Joey was out of the hospital. Everything was okay. Hallie and the band had just arrived in New York City. Hallie was excited. She had never left her own small town and now she’s in New York. There was another concert tonight and Hallie couldn’t wait. She was sitting on her bed listening to her iPod and writing, when her stomach began to growl. She was starving. She sat her iPod on the bed and walked into the main room of the bus.

“You have to go to school,” Billie Joe just randomly said.

I have to… what now? Hallie looked over at him thinking maybe he was on his cell talking to one of his sons. Nope, he was talking to her. “How am I supposed to go to school? I’m a runaway, incognito. Remember? If I go to school they are gonna ship me back to my parents.”

“Yeah. We’ve been thinking for the last week that school is important especially at your age. So-” Hallie cut him off.

“You’re gonna send me back to my parents?!?! You can’t do that! They are unstable. My dad almost killed my brother! Remember?!?! Plus, if you send me home, my parents are going to think you kidnapped me and-” This time Hallie was the one cut off.

“Relax. We’re not gonna send you home,” a smile played on his lips. Hallie could tell Billie was holding back laughter.

“Hey. It’s not funny! Can you blame me for being paranoid?”

“Okay, okay I get it. Anyway like I was saying you are going to school. You will continue to tour with us. Once the tour is over, you can chose to live with any one of us. And go to school in California. Of course if you don’t want to you can leave, but if you’re staying with us you’re going to school,” Billie Joe told Hallie the plan.

“That’s great, but I still can’t go to school. I’m a runaway. Also, you need parents to go to school,” Hallie told the band.

“We happen to know a guy who makes awesome fake ID’s. You’re new school will think your just our adopted daughter.”

“How do you like the plan?” Mike asked.

“Who do you want to stay with?” asked Tré.

“The plan is awesome. Illegal, but it just might work,” Hallie smiled. “Umm… You guys are all awesome. Umm… I guess I’ll stay with Billie Joe if that’s okay with you.” She turned to look at Billie.

“Yeah, that’s fine. Let me just call Adrienne and tell her to get a room ready for you,” Billie Joe said as he pulled out his phone.

Hallie couldn’t believe it. After the tour she was going to live with Billie Joe Armstrong. She was going to go to school as his ‘adopted daughter.’ This was going to be awesome.
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comments=love. lol Love to all who read and commented. =] =P