Status: In progress... - I Plan on changing the title so any help in that area is deeply appreciated.


There was silence, pure and crude silence. My feelings were numb. I couldn’t feel the cold. I couldn’t feel the warmth. Neither could I hear the silence. Or the noise. Thump. I couldn’t see the blank space. Or the crowded room. Thump. I couldn’t smell it. Thump. Hear it. Feel it. Thump. See it. And even taste it. Thump. Neither did I have the intuition to know why. Completely nothing. Thump. Thump. My brain felt useless.

Thump. Thump.

Thump. Thump.

Thump. Thump.

As fast as the nothingness had absorbed me, the noise had too. It was bouncing of the interior walls of my skull. Echoing. Filling up the empty space. Until it eventually faded away.
I felt a slight tingle in my finger. The tingle grew more and more until I eventually felt it all over my chest, my back and my face. It was cold. Though as far as I knew there was no up or down.
All of a sudden it came to me, as I smelt the cheap and overused disinfectant through a tube stuck to my nose, I was in a hospital. But why? I couldn’t remember a single thing about my life. My memories, they were gone. GONE.
“How did the operation go?” a young male voice said.
“Fine. Her heart is responding positively to the transplant.” said an older voice that sounded like a doctor. “She should recover soon.”
“When do you think she’ll wake up?”
“I don’t know… she suffered a really bad-”
Suddenly the voices stopped. I didn’t recognize any of them but one sounded familiar so I tried to speak. Maybe, that was the reason why they stopped. I heard several metallic noises. Followed by the flow of water. It slowed down until it eventually became a constant drop falling. By counting the drops surrounded by the complete silence, the nothingness consumed me again. I was drawn armless to the consuming battle.
Please note: I might change the title and I take suggestions cause I suck at titles :) hehe. So if you are reading this hope you like it.