Status: Keep or Kick?

Clipped Wings

A Happy Day

A Happy Day

Such a smile he has. It befits this joyous occasion, his thirteenth birthday. He has even dressed in his best pallets of green. Shades befitting the gentleman he is growing to be. Yes, he will grow to be quite the man with the ladies. No worry or troublesome thought clouds his soul as he steps proudly down the staircase to greet his proudly lit mother and father.

“Happy Birthday, my baby boy!” his mother’s singing tone rings through the enclosed walls of the house as she steps forward to pull her only son into a loving embrace that only a mother could give. The woman’s eyes quivered as tears glossed over her vivid blue irises. He smiled brightly with color hinting in his cheeks as he clutched his mother firmly back, leaning to kiss her softly on her cheek. A gentleman he will indeed become.

“Happy Birthday son. Growing up just like your old man, amazing.” The older man reached out to place an aged hand on his son’s shoulder, giving strength and reassurance in his touch. Feelings and bursts of joy, excitement and love filled the small area of the kitchen as the moment lapsed into another. It was, in fact, a happy day.

With a smile from the satisfied feeling blanketed over me, I eased myself to lean against the wall on the far side of the brightly lit kitchen. Watching as the mother began to scurry about the counter and dig into cabinets, I felt as if the whole world was smiling in celebration of this young boy’s special day. The room quickly filled with lovely aromas and clattering of silverware and plates as the breakfast feast was whipped together. Occasional wisps of paper sounding from the older man’s paperback book helped me to space out the passing seconds and keep myself enjoying the event longer. The young boy took the opportunity of everyone’s occupied mind and hands to slip out of the room for a momentary second. But as much as he would have wished to, he did not go unnoticed. He should have known, he was the star of the day and everyone always has their eyes on the star. I could only attempt to hold back a laugh as his mother’s voice trilled out in question of where he was scampering off to.

“Oh, nowhere mother. I was just going to get some air and check the mail. Is that alright? I won’t take too long.” I could feel the smothering fog of anticipation as he paused in silence, waiting for a reply. With a chuckle I whisked away from the wall to stand next to the boy’s mother. Gently, I reached out my hand and placed it with feathered care upon her shoulder, feeling as reasoning and tolerance filled her body with soothing warmth.

“Please be fast. Don’t make me have to call for you Ember.” She smiled though her voice hinted sternness as she patted flour against a hand towel slung over the slim oven handle.

“Yes. Thank you mother! I’ll be back.” The fog clouding over him dissipated in an instant as he bounded down the hall and out the front door. Calmly, I removed my touch from the woman and paced my steps after the boy, slipping silently out the front door. He truly is a beautiful young man. As he cut through the trimmed crisp grass to the mail box, sunlight appeared to glisten off of his smooth hair and broad smile.

In that moment as I watched him peer into the hollow metal of the mailbox I felt a pang warmth flow through me. I felt proud. My Ember was turning thirteen. Quietly I sat down on the steps of the porch, watching him with joy filling the air as he stood on the lawn, glancing up at the sky with wide hopeful eyes. But my joy shortly dulled as Ember ran with fueled excitement back up the lawn and to the porch. His young happy handsome face looked straight through me and past me as he continued to step back into his house.

Oh what I would give to wish him a happy birthday, for him to feel my caring along with his parent’s. I would love to share the joy of growing up with him to feel the excitement of growing older and the fear of what comes with the progression in age. Just to think of what it could have been like to have been the young boy’s brother! But time has frozen me still, painted me in perfection and hung me to preserve. Just to share a laugh or a smile, to have that moment between us, between anyone. I’ve been at his side since this very day thirteen years ago and he is completely unaware of my presence.

Sadly, I smile as I pull myself up and make motions to slip back inside of the house. I should be smiling just like Ember and his loving proud parents. It is, in fact, a happy day.