Status: In process


Chapter Two: Which Way?

*Alarm clock buzzes*

I open my eyes not to the stage lights but to the flashing an alarm clock. I grumble to myself and push the alarm clock off the stand. Mikey sits up in his bed and turns to face me. "You had the dream again didn't you, Gee?" He asked.

I nodded and lazily dragged myself to the bathroom. The same dream once again.

After a few minutes of dressing, I walked out of the bathroom and finally said what needed to be said. What needed to be done. "We got to do something Mikes... I can't stand the same dream over and over again. We need to do something." It was close to if not practically a beg.

"Yeah.” He said as he stood up and stretched, “Agreed.” He picked up the clock set it back on the stand.


I don't know if it was healthy or not to count how many times I've had that dream, but I have been having the same dream now for almost 2 months. And each time that I have the dream, they grow. And the more they grow, the more I want it. They are becoming so real it as if I'm actually there.

Mikey scrambled around the kitchen, finding any remains of coffee we had left.

"Man, you'd think the dreams with end, wouldn't you?" he said as he pulled out a jar of coffee and began to put some in the pot. I nodded in response as he placed an empty cup in front of me.

We have thought about starting a band for a while now. But I've been too busy with college, and the rest of us never actually set down and thought it though. It was more like a fantasy at the moment. Too far out of reach. We thought it was to big for us. But is was something we have always kept in the back of our minds.

"Well,” Mikey began, “we can always talk to the guys again. But you know the band will interrupt your work schedule. After all this time at college, are you willing to give it up for this?" He looked at me. I knew he understood what I was thinking. He knew just as well as me. I didn't know what I wanted.

"Honestly Mikes. I have no idea." He poured a cup of coffee into the mug. I began to stir the coffee around with a spoon for a few moments. I looked up to see him still looking at me. "The dreams, are more like nightmares..."

He set himself up on the counter. "Well maybe, have you ever thought, they we're some sort of calling?"

I guessed my expression made him feel slightly embarrassed. "Sorry, crazy thought right?" He awkwardly started playing with a the toaster.

Have I ever told you about Mikey and the fork and the toaster? We can get to that later...

"No," I rummaged the shelves for something to eat. We hadn't got out much this month, all we had left we're a box of cheerios. I grabbed that and pulled out a single one and plopped it into my mouth. "I've actually thought that too."

"Ya never know." He got up and before he passed me and patted me on the shoulder. "Let me know okay, I'll call the guys if you really wanna go on with this. I'm going out, we can't live off cheerios..." He smiled.

Before he reached the door I called out, "You really think that I should do this Mikey?" I looked up for him, his response meaning everything right now. Because I have no idea...

"This is your decision bro. Your life. Whatever you agree with, I'll be there to support you either way."

Sometimes Mikey is too amazing, he can't even see it. "Thanks Mikey." With that he left and I was home to draw, watch TV, think and eat cheerios...