Sick Little Games

Expensive habbits

Alex ignored the witty remarks shot at him by the other sophomores in his class. His mom had told him that if anyone tried to pick on him because he was English, it was only because they were jealous. But he also ignored his mom.
Why would anyone be jealous of an English kid? 

He was now laid, face first, in a heap at the bottom of the stairs to the entrance. Being beaten up and chucked around wasn't the first thing that sprung to mind when Alex though first day, although seeing seemed to be believing.

He felt a little helpless, collapsed on stone steps and so he laid for a while expecting the obvious, and it did happen- much to his dismay.
He heard the revolving doors open and someone come out. But only when he knew the person had stopped he looked up.
Converse, Jeans, hoodie,
Alex surveyed the boy before him, obviously a senior- they were the only ones allowed to leave at this time.
Dark brown hair decked his matching eyes and hung around his ears. 
There wasn't too much Alex could think aside from wow, but who knew- he was probably just here to give the soph' another serving.

'What the fuck are you doing?' he questioned, seeming more confused out of his mind than angry.
This caused Alex to hesitate with the moving factor a little, he rather looked at his hands, and rose to sit (ignoring the strange pains he got when he screwed his face up like such.).

He smiles at the older boy, 'Im sorry,' he offers, 'I was just picking myself up.'

This statement doesn't do much to relieve the confusion of the senior- or so it seems. So Alex stands up and reaches out to shake his hand. 
'I'm Alex Gaskarth.' he grins, only slightly offended when the elder declines the motion and turns away.

'Jack Barakat.' he smiles. Maybe he just wasn't a toucher.

'Nice to meet you.'

The taller man looks him up and down disapprovingly, yet smiles. 
'Yeah, alright.' he quips, in a smart way.
Alex sighs under his breath.
'See you around.' Jack finishes, lively walking down the four other steps and marching straight over to a car. What a weird chipper.

'Jack Barakat...' Alex sighs under his breath, sitting down to regain the blood in his head.
He was gorgeous.