This Love


I stood on the red carpet, the flashes from every angle practically blinding me, and kept a smile on my pale pink painted lips. My deep turquoise dress made my eyes pop out, and stood out just enough against my naturally olive skin. Once I could barely see, I waved slightly and walked to my agent who was standing just a few steps off from me.

“No matter how many flashes I deal with, I still go blind,” I said grabbing my extended clutch from her.

“At least your still grounded then,” she said causing me to smile, “Alright, we have to get you back to your green room. You’re one of the first presenters to go up.”

“Okay, just let me sign a few autographs real quick,” I said digging a marker out of my clutch and passing it back to her.

I walked over to barricade that was packed with fans, and was greeted by more flashes, and magazines and pictures being shoved into my face. I kept the smile on my face as I signed away, and even took a few pictures with some of the people who asked.

“I’m really sorry guys but I have to pull her away now,” my agent said causing the crowd to make noises of protest.

“Don’t worry guys, if you see me on the street, and I’m not busy, I’ll be more than glad to take pictures and such,” I said before blowing a kiss and walking behind my agent.

I walked in step with her as we walked inside the building, and I sighed, happy for the reduction of volume. I fished my phone from my clutch, and mindlessly checked and updated my twitter as we made our way into the backstage area where I would be practicing soon and remaining for a while in the show.

“Audrina, we need you over here so you can go over the lines a final time with Christina, we have some minor changes,” a show producer said dragging me towards the faux podium in front of a small teleprompter.

I gave Christina a quick hug, and immediately started reading the lines meant for me while she did the same for herself. We went over it a few times, tweaking what we did and didn’t like so we could make it our own, before getting the okay from the producer to stop practicing.

“Girl, you look amazing,” she said as we grabbed champagne from the bar, “I wish I could pull off the colors you do, or at least your tan.”

“I wish I could pull off your hair,” I said motioning to her blonde locks, “I’ve always wanted blonde hair, but the damn Italian in me makes it impossible. I’d look like a horrible Barbie Doll!”

“I highly doubt that’s possible,” I heard a smooth voice say from behind me causing me to raise an eyebrow and turn around.

“Adam, leave the poor girl alone,” Christina said rolling her eyes.

He merely made a comment back to her, but I ignored it while taking in his appearance. His hazel eyes sparkled as he laughed with Christina, showing off his perfectly straight, and white, teeth, all while being surrounded by a large amount of scruff. The sleeves of his black button down shirt were rolled up, and I could see the hints of tattoos popping out from under the cotton.

“I’m Adam Levine, since Christina clearly forgot we needed introductions.

“Audrina Elyashkevich,” I said placing my manicured hand into his much larger one, “Pleased to meet you.”

“Likewise,” he said with a smirk on his lips, “Attending any after parties tonight?”

“Just the Vogue one,” I said noticing Christina had walked away, “How about yourself.”

“It was either that one of Nylon mags, but Vogue’s sounds more appealing suddenly,” he said causing me to casually roll my eyes.

“Well, perhaps we’ll bump into each other there,” I said with a smirk of my own, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to head to makeup before going out to present.”

He gingerly took my hand, and kissed it, before dropping it back down and allowing me to head over to one of the chairs where my hair and makeup could be touched up and made camera ready.

The rest of the show went by in a blur. Christina and I presented some award pertaining to fashion in a movie, and after that I was allowed to go to my seat or mingle with some of the other celebrities. I chose to sit in my seat, only to watch the musical performances, and was almost shocked to see Adam standing up in front of me and singing a song that I had heard countless times on the radio.

The Vogue party, as usual, was packed with many A-List celebrities and a handful of B-listers as well. I wasn’t surprised when I was approached by Adam, him offering me a drink, or when the two of us ended out on one of the terraces of the mansion talking while admiring the city lights.

“Great performance tonight, I now know the face behind one of my favorite songs,” I said bringing the glass of wine to my lips.

“Thanks, although, TV performances are nothing compared to one of our live shows,” he said putting the neck of his beer to his lips, “You should come to our next LA one, it’s in a little under a month.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” I said licking over my lips, “And I hate to drink and dash, but I have an early morning shoot tomorrow. Thanks for keeping me company.”

“My pleasure,” he said, “Is there any chance I get to see you after this?”

“We’ll see,” I said opening my clutch and grabbing my card, “This has all of my contact information. Have a nice night Adam.”

I accepted his hug, and did something that surprised the pair of us by kissing him lightly on his left cheek. I smiled, not bothering to point out the pale pink shimmer on his cheek, and turned away heading inside so I could get a town car home.
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Hope you like it.
And the girl is played by Lisa Ruocco a model and girlfriend for All Time Low frontman, Alex Gaskarth.

I'd appreciate thoughts on this :)
Also, it's all planned out/partially written so updates shouldn't take long to come by :)