Status: Finished. Taking requests

Crossing Perpendicular Lines

Heat Stopping & Jaw Dropping


I could hear whispers behind me, “Hey William? Who is that?”

And I could hear William’s voice clear as day, “Oh her? That’s Sam. Brendon’s sister. She’s going to be on tour with us. She’s going to be out tour photographer.”

I could hear an accent under his low voice, “I thought your sister was going to do it.”

“Oh Courtney? No. She has an internship she couldn’t miss out on.”

I never liked being talked about even if it was a good thing. It made me feel uncomfortable. I think it was a family thing because I knew my siblings were the same way. Especially my twin Brendon.

Yup, I was Brendon Urie’s twin. We were the youngest out of the bunch and I was practically an identical twin except the fact I dyed my hair red with my blond bangs. Brendon had his fun dying his hair when he was younger but he kept the dark boring brown.

We were really close. I never really minded it. We weren’t stereotypical twin close but we told each other everything. We saved each other’s assess enough time to respect each other. It was a natural thing for us to do. It’s how we were raised.

Now I’m sure hiding Brendon’s weed back in ninth grade wasn’t exactly a good thing but he helped me out when I was out past curfew.

“Hey guys. What are you doing?”

I could hear Brendon’s voice as he talked to William and who ever was with him. I had known William for a while now. When I met Pete and he told me he’d love to have me as their photographer to cover Courtney’s position I was so excited. William had been there and told me he loved my talent. That alone boosted my confidence.

Ever since I had met William and Pete they promised to watch over me. Pete said Brendon couldn’t be at my side all the time so he was making William make sure I was alright. Not that I really minded but I felt reassured.

I had met a few new people and they’ve all been really helpful. The nice thing of all of this was the fact that I was close with my brother’s band. I was even bunking with them on their bus. This made things a lot easier because I could just stick with them and get what photos I needed at my own pace and always was with someone I knew.

“Hey Sam.”

I turned around, “Hey Bren. Oh! Hey William.”

William waved slightly, “How are you adjusting?”

“Good, except for Brendon’s over protectiveness. It’s like he’s going to lose me or something.”

William shrugged, “That’s normal. Have you meet Chizzy?”


The third guy who had been asking about me looked at William with a blank look before looking at me and William continued, “This is Michael Chislett. We call him Chizzy. He’s our temporary replacement for Tom.”

I held out my hand and pretended I hadn’t heard their conversation, “I’m Samantha Urie. Brendon’s twin. You can call me Sam.”

He shook my hand and nodded, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

I smiled softly, “Not to sound weird but were do you come from? You sound Australian.”

He smiled and I felt my hear stop, “Right on. I am from Australia.”

We let out hands drop and Brendon came over to me. He wrapped an arm around me and looked at the camera resting in my hand. I had been out here going over some of my equipment to make sure they hadn’t lost anything of mine. I might not have had much but it meant more to me then anything.

Brendon’s voice was low, “You alright?”

I nodded, “Yeah. Of course. I was just checking stuff.”

Brendon gave me a light squeeze figuring I probably was fine, “How about a photo of us three? Huh sis?”

I nodded, “Sure.”

Brendon walked back over to William and Michael. William rested his head on Michael’s shoulder and beamed stretching ear to ear. Brendon on the other hand decided to strike a pose. I think he was trying to pretend he was playing guitar. I never really understood him when he got like this.

Lastly, Michael gave a weak smile that seemed to stop me from breathing.

I snapped a photo and William dragged Michael away. They mentioned a thanks and Michael said he was happy to meet me. I returned the comment and watched them to they leaved not really caring what Brendon was telling me.

“Hello! Sam?”

I looked at him and stopped the waving limb in front of me, “What?”

“I asked you what you thought of Michael.”

“He seems quiet.”

Brendon nodded, “He doesn’t talk much. It’s kind of weird.”

I laughed and put the lense cap on my camera, “It’s because you talk too much.”

“Hey. What the hell is that supposed to mean?”


It was our third night on the tour and about half way through William set with his boys. I had finally met them all and knew them all on first name basis and making a side note to especially get to know Michael. I didn’t know what attracted me but he seemed so interesting. Granted, he never really talked to me when I was around but he at least made eye contact. Sisky said that’s how he normally was around new people. I guess he was a really shy guy.

I had found out he had been a guitar tech for the band till Tom left and then became a part of the band because he knew the parts. It was easier then getting a replacement who was a complete stranger. Michael seemed to like the playing for the band. He was such a great musician and I was great I got to hear him play.

I was taking quite a bit of photos. I was near the side with Mike and between the barricade and the stage. I was getting some great angles from the band. I could see Andy from here and snapped a few shots of him. The security watching the crowd let me slip past as I stood near the middle of the stage.

I captured some great photos of William and caught a few of him smiling right at me. It was so nice to do what I did best and to be in the environment that I loved. I lived for concerts. They were so much fun and adding my other favorite activity only made the atmosphere even better.

I had made my over to Sisky and Michael. I was in love with how much they were pouring their hearts into the music they were playing. It was so nice to see them so lost in music. Though I was wishing I could catch Michael smiling. He kept this blank look for most of the song.

“Michael!” And when he looked over at me I spoke as fast as I could, “Smile!”

He did and I snapped a quick photo before he looked away. I could hear a few cat calls from the audience and a few quick blurbs of how Michael looked so cute. I thought he was handsome. He was definitely crush worthy.

I grabbed a few more pictures before letting myself outside to take a breather. Brendon and Ryan saw me and called me over to them. I could see they were smoking and taking their time with getting ready tonight.

“So how are the TAI boys tonight?”

I turned off my camera and let the protective cap take it’s place, “They sound great. I had to laugh because William shook his hips and the girls went crazy. It was so funny.”

Brendon laughed, “I think I might do that tonight.”

Ryan let out a puff of smoke, “You do that every night.”

“Hey you two! Get you asses over here, your set is about to start.”

Brendon made some acknowledgement to Zack and they both put out their cigarettes. They led my back into the venue. I stayed back with Zack like I normally did and watched. The Academy Is boys left the stage and came near me while the crew guys started to take down and put up the next set of equipment.

Zack Hall was kind of like the Fueled By Ramen bodyguard of the bands. He also was taking time to protect me. The fans can be a little crazy and when I’m trying to do my job he helps me from getting grabbed or nailed by a crowd surfer. He also made sure we had everyone. He was responsible for anything that happened to the members.

I heard his voice besides me, “Where the fuck is Adam?”

I smiled as I could see Sisky wave a hand in front of Zack’s face, “I’m right here! You’re blind as a bat some days.”

I could hear Zack give back a remark but got distracted by William coming over to me with a water bottle in hand, “Can I see some of the photos you took?”

I nodded and turned to show him the screen as I turned my camera on. The first photo to come up was one with William singing into his microphone but letting his arm rest on Michael’s shoulder while Michael was singing to his own microphone for backing vocals. It wasn’t the greatest photo but it was cute regardless.

I had showed William a few more including the set of him trying to kill Sisky with his microphone stand. William caught a kick out of those and made note about the few I had taken of Michael.

William eventually waved Michael over to us, “Michael, come over here and look at these.”

I could see Sisky lean over William shoulder to see what we were doing as Michael came to see what we were hovering around. William gently took my camera from my hands and showed Michael the photos I had taken.

“Go back a second.” Michael had whispered softly and then looked at a certain photo with a smile plastered on his face, “Oh that’s awesome.”

William nodded, “You look great. This is going on my blog later.”

I continued to watch them look through my photos and even Andy and Mike had come over and started to stare and give me feedback on what photos they liked. I was kind of surprised how much they liked the photos yet I hadn’t even edited them yet. Made me feel so special.

“Uh no offense guys but can I have my camera back? My brother is about to go on.”

William nodded with a light chuckle and handed my camera with the boys looking at me, “Sure. Sorry.”


“So does staring at him make him talk to you?”

I pulled away from my staring at Michael and over to my brother, “Shut up Bren.”

Brendon sat down next to me on the curb as we waited for the busses to fill up with gas, “I take it you like him?”

I shrugged, “He’s cute.”

It was day twenty of our tour and I was beginning to get homesick. Being on the road as much as we were wasn’t exactly as fun as I thought it was. We were having some great times with all the bands but I missed my apartment. Though I knew, I didn’t want this to end regardless of what I felt.

I had become close with all the bands on the tour and a lot closer with Michael in such a short period of time. I was beginning to want to pace my attraction to him. I didn’t want to appear to be some crazy fan girl. I had really gotten to know him and see him for he was. He ever talked to me now when he could.

“Well, a little bird told me he likes you back.”

I turned my head to him, “What?”

I could see the mischievous grin on his face, “I was taking to William and how I felt about you crushing on Chizzy.”

“What did he say?”

Brendon chuckled, “He said Michael has been trying to get over his own little crush. Saying that he is terrified I’m going to get all protective on you and ruin anything you could have with each other.”

I sighed, “You are pretty damn protective.”

He pulled me into a hug, “Of course. You’re the baby.”

“By what? A minute?”

Brendon shook his head as he released me, “That’s not the point. I’m supposed to protect you. It’s the brother thing to do. Matt and Mason would agree.”

I placed my arms beside my sides on the curb to hold me up as I leaned back, “So any guy I like you’re going to give them shit?”

He nodded, “Naturally.”

I shook my head and let out a laugh, “I hate you.”

I couldn’t help but stare at Michael and William. They were both leaning against their bus and I would kill to know what they were talking about. I had at least found out Michael liked me. Though he was scared to go for it and I couldn’t make the first move. I would be too scared.

Pathetic, I know.

He got serious as he lit up one of his cigarettes, “I know you do but if you want to go for him I won’t stop you. You’ve guys have gotten pretty damn close. I swear if he hurts you they’ll be looking for a new guitarist all over again.”

I stood up and started to walk away from him, “Thanks.”


Day sixty seven was pretty damn interesting. We were on a day off having fun in the city and it happened to be my birthday. Brendon had promised he would take me somewhere that I loved for a decent lunch and we invited a few others to come with us. Zack of course was required to come no matter what. Not that I mind. I loved him like an older brother.

So we ended up in a local restaurant and pulled a few tables together. I was sitting next to Brendon of course and the seat to my other side stayed open for a bit. Then out of no where Michael came and sat next to me. William sat next to him and I had to look over at Brendon to cover my blush.

I felt so pathetic with how much of a young teen I was acting with this crush. Not to mention half of the people knew I liked him. I was terrified Michael knew. I knew he liked me but I was still scared.

I could see Ryan sit across from me. I looked over at him and he looked at Michael then back to me with a smile on his face. Michael hadn’t caught the notion but it did earn Ryan a kick in the shin.

He tried to get me back but missed. I smirked and we all started to look at the menus to get something to eat. I was happy to find out that Michael was a vegetarian. I was practically a vegetarian but not completely but I was happy that he wouldn’t hate me for being a meat eater regardless of what I chose. We had a decent conversation about it and I felt like I was honestly learning more about him.

He really had what I wanted in a guy. He was funny, nice, creative and a vegetarian. It couldn’t get any better then this. Well, the fact he liked me was enough to make the whole deal sweeter.

I just need to get over the fear of rejection and go for it.

We all had a decent time sitting together and just taking our time with our meals. There wasn’t a rush, we didn’t have to worry about running late and we could just relax. Well, until I had found out Brendon had told the restaurant it was my birthday.

They had come out with a little treat with a candle on it and did a little chant. I let them have their punishment and watched the workers walk away. How they could do that was beyond me. I would have quit before singing a song that lame.

Our group started to sing happy birthday and I got to make a wish. Now I had decided to pick something stupid. It was overly cliché but I didn’t care. I thought it could be reasonable so I wished for Michael to kiss me.

I know, I could have wished for a new car but this was at least a realistic wish.

I could hear Pete down the table, “So what did you wish for?”

Brendon smirked and dived his fork to cut off a piece of the treat, “For Chizzy to kiss her.”

The table stopped talking and I punched my brother in the arm denying what he said. He was laughing but still complaining about how I had hit him. There were a few light chuckles but I felt the heat on my cheeks.

I could hear Jon from the end of the table near Pete, “Nu uh! She wants me to kiss her!”

I shook my head, “Shut up Jon. I don’t even know were you’ve been.”

I could hear Ryan snort and try to cover his laugh, “Oh nice one.”

Ryan leaned over the table and gave me a high five. I still couldn’t look at Chizzy or anyone down that side of the table. It was worse knowing he was right next to me and had heard Brendon clear as day.

I could hear Chizzy’s voice beside me with his accent thick and voice low, “Is that what you wished for?”

I turned to him, “No. Brendon’s just being a jerk.”

I could see William smirk, “Well, they do say twins can practically read each other’s minds.”

“We’re not that close William.”

William shrugged with a smile still on his face, “If you say so.”

Though what I hadn’t expected was Michael to cup my cheek and lean in to kiss me right on the lips. They felt so delicate against my own and I was sure my heart stopped. I couldn’t even breathe if I wanted to. All I could do was let him kiss me and listen to the cat calls around us.

When he pulled away I could see him smirk and he let his hand fall. I released the breath I was holding and felt my chest cavity let those butterflies swarm. I’d have never been kissed like that. I’ve dated a few guys before but that kiss right there felt like he poured his soul into it.

Brendon pulled the remaining of the chocolate sweet in front of me to him, “Told you.”

I turned to him with a smirk, “Shut the hell up.”

“Well, that was one hell of a photo.”

I looked over to Ryan to see him holding a camera. He turned it towards me and you could clearly see Michael and I kissing. I tried to reach over for it but Ryan tilted back on his chair laughing.

I sat back down and turned to Michael, “I am so sorry.”

“I’m not. I’ve been wanting to do that for a while anyways. This wasn’t exactly the place I was planning on but…” His voice carried off.

Zack groaned, “Oh leave the love birds alone and let’s finish. We need to hurry if we still want to go to that movie.”

I didn’t mind the rest of the restaurant time. I had felt Michael grasp my hand and intertwined our fingers. Such a simple gesture was enough to tell me that I wasn’t going to just be a friend to him.

I couldn’t ask for more.

♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked it hun. Please comment and subscribe! I may end up making this into a series. :)

I'm always taking request even if it takes me forever to get them done.

Thanks so much for reading.