New in School

At Leto's

It was Friday and I couldn't help just jump around all day. Pedicone was being a dickhead and wouldn't do anything funny unless I told who had the party I was going to.

After school I ran around a tree that Pedicone and Ray sat under. We were waiting for Mikey and Bob's last lesson to be over. Ray signed "Can you please just sit down, Frank? You're driving me crazy!" and I fell on my back in the grass. Since Ray and Pedicone didn't really react I guess it must have looked like it was on purpose. Pretty lucky 'cause it wasn't..

"Mike says that you don't wanna go to Jared's party. Why is that?" Ray asked. I looked at him surprised that Pedicone hadn't told him. "He is going to another party." he said. Well you just ruined my thought..

"At who's?" Ray asked. Fuck it, I thought. "This girl called Shannon." I said. Pedicone and Ray exchanged looks and then looked at me with goofy smiles. "Do this party happen to be five blocks away from Bob?" Ray asked and I slowly nodded. They broke out laughing and I just stared at them.

"What's so funny?" I asked a bit annoyed. "Shannon isn't a girl! He is Jared's brother! The Leto brothers! Don't you even know them?" Ray said between his laughs. WHAAAAAAAT? That means that I have to go to a party with them.. Fuck! Poor Shannon by the way.., such a weird name to give your son, I thought.

When they stopped laughing Pedicone asked "Who asked you to go to the party with them?" , I wondered if I should tell them. I didn't want to so I just changed topic.

"By the way I totally forgot to tell you guys this, but guess what Mikey did." I said. They looked curious at me. "He finally admitted that he have a crush on Alicia, but he don't want to ask her out nor let us do anything.." I said and Ray nodded. "Then what? Should we just push him in a way that does so he doesn't notice?" he asked and Pedicone grinned evilly.

"You don't have to worry your.., what ever is under that fro, bro. Me and Frank are gonna take care of this." he said and I wondered what he meant with that. He had said it to Gerard too. I didn't ask him though, I would wait 'til we were alone.

After that Mikey and Bob joined us and we hung out a bit before we all went home to get ready. I ran around in my house looking for clothing I wanted to wear. A few times a ran past my mother and promised her that I wouldn't get too drunk. I found an Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt and some very tight black jeans. I applied a little bit of eyeliner and tried to style my hair.

I signed as I looked in the mirror. My hair was dyed black and it was getting boring I thought. I went to my parents bathroom and found some red hair dye. I thought for a moment if I could do something cool with it. I smiled wide as an idea ran through my mind and I started working on my hair.

I met Gerard in front of the closed school. I was wearing a hoodie and it did cover my new hair. Gerard was wearing black skinny jeans as well and a long jacket. He flung is arms around me and planted a sweet kiss on my lips. I smiled against the kiss and putted my arms around his waist. We moved our lips together in a perfect rhythm. It was long and gently.

We started walking towards the party and past Bob's house. I had told Gerard that Pedicone, Ray, Bob, Mikey, Spencer and even Ryan were going too. I explained the misunderstanding I had had with Shannon's name and he laughed hugging me while we kept walking. He let go of me when we was only a few houses away.

When we walked up to the front door we could music from inside. Gerard knocked and a stunning boy opened. "Hey Gerard and guy I don't know!" he said happily and Gerard smiled at him, "Hi Jared. This is Frank.".

"Well nice to meet you, kid." He said and shook my hand. "Come in! There is snacks and drinks in the kitch.." he trailed off when he saw a bowl of chips in the hallway. "Or maybe not.. Well there is snacks and drinks everywhere." he said waving his hands in the air and walked into the crowd of people in the living room.

We walked into the kitchen and a boy was sitting on the counter with a beer. He saw us and smiled like a maniac. "'SUUUUP GEE?!" he yelled and jumped Gerard into a hug that knocked them both over. I laughed and held out a hand to help the boy get up when he had playfully punched Gerard a few times. He took it and stood up. I did the same with Gee.

"Fuck you!" he said and brushed his clothes. The boy just laughed and Gerard flipped him off. The boy then turned to me, "Hey, kiddo, I'm Shannon!" he said and held out his that I shook. "Frank."

So this was Shannon.. He didn't seem like a Shannon, though. He reminded me way too far of an animal to be a Shannon..

"Why are being all lonely here in the kitchen, Shan?" Gerard asked and Shannon shrugged. "Wanted time to actually drink a beer and not spill it or have some chick stealing it." he said. Gerard nodded.

"Why are you guys still wearing outerwear?" Shannon asked at pointing at our clothes. "Dunno, forgot to take it off.." Gerard said and took his jacket off. I pulled off my hoodie and when is was off Gerard was staring at my hair. Shannon stared at it too and said "Dude, your hair is fucking awesome!" "Thanks." I muttered not liking Gerard's staring.

A smile slowly spread across his face then. "Holy fuck, Frankie, your hair looks amazing!" he said and I beamed. I had shaved my sides short and painted them red while I had a long black fringe covering half of my eye.

"Wanna go out to the others and dance?" Shannon asked and we both nodded. We went in and saw people rubbing up against each other while doing drunken dance moves. I felt someone nodge my shoulder and I turned around and saw Jared stand with three beers. He offered me one that I took and gave Gerard the other one. I opened mine and took a big sip before crashing into the the middle of the party.

I looked to my side and saw Gerard right next to me. "Wanna dance?" he asked smiling. I nodded and we started jumping to the beat while rubbing against each other, laughing.

After a few songs someone grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Gerard. As soon as I was a meter away from him, people started filing the empty space. It did so me and Gerard couldn't see each other. I turned to see who it was. It was a seriously drunk Alicia.

She pulled me out of the crowd of people and sat down on a empty couch, bringing me with her. I looked confused at her, "Alicia.." I tried but she cut me off by waving her hands in front of her face. "No no no.. Frank..!" she said like she had just spotted me. She gave me a hug which I awkwardly returned. She pulled away and her face was dangerously close to mine. Her breath stinked like alcohol. I moved a bit away from her.

"So, I need to know somethings.." she muttered and I just kept staring at her. "Do.., Mikey in ANY WAY.., hahha, his last name is Way... Oh yearh question.. Does Mikey loke meh?" she said and furrowed her eyebrow and closed her eyes "Loked... liek.. liiiikee.. like! Me!"

"Why are you asking?" I said and watched as her body was fighting the alcohol. "Because I luuuuufeee him!" she said dreamingly and smiled that the word that sounded like 'love'. I raised an eyebrow, "How surprising.." I said sarcastic.

"BUT!" she yelled and I kept staring at her, my eyes kinda wide. "Do he?" "Yes, yes, yes, yes for crying out loud!" I said. She looked me into my eyes, "You not kidding, rought?" she said messing up another word. I nodded "I’m death serious."

She then stood up while smiling like a crazy person "'Kay. Thanks for your help, Fronkeh!" she said and walked away.

Holy fuck that girl should not be allowed to drink!
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The Leto brothers FTW!:D