New in School

Ice Cream

I was eating lunch at the school with the guys, when Mikey said something that made my face pale. "Oh yearh, Gerard had a girl home last night." he raised his eyebrows up and down several times fast.

"Seriously?" Ray asked surprised. Mikey nodded and took a bite of his sandwich, "Uh-huh..".

Pedicone raised his eyebrows high up into his forhead, "Wow..". Mikey's food hang slightly out of his mouth by giggling of their reactions so he covered his mouth 'til he had sunk.

"Cool, who was it?" Bob asked and all eyes was curiously on Mikey. He shrugged, "Dunno, didn't see her face, but I think they were about to have sex.."

Then Pedicone broke out laughing. I narrowed my eyes at me. What could be so funny? He didn't think Gerard could score anyone? Asshole.. Aargh, knock it out Frank, you only get pissed fast at him because of the kiss..

The first we had met after the party he had just for fun made mocking kissing noises.. But otherwise it was just as always.

"Gee-Gee has a guuuurlfriiiiiiiiend!" Bob sang mocking. The others laughed, but when I didn't Mikey nodge my shoulder.

"Hey man, you okay? You're all quiet." I looked up at him. "Yearh, I just don't care about your brother's lovelife, that' all.." I said and fucking hell I was a good liar! He just nodded.

"Who do you think it was though?" Ray asked Mikey. Mikey pulled on a thinking face, "I don't know, maybe that Lyn-Z girl.. They seem to like each other."

My stomach turned of the thought of Gerard liking some chick. I thought I had heard the name some where before, but I couldn't remember where from.

"Hah, then maybe he could come out of his nutsheld as a virgin and become a real man." Pedicone joked. I stared at him, this time I didn't care who it was, I just thought he was a motherfucking asshole for saying something like that. I mean so what if Gerard wa... Wait.. Gerard's a virgin?! Holy fuck!

Bob noticed my weird look and waved a hand in front of me. I glared at him making him furrow his eyebrows. "What's up with you?" he asked.

"I just think it's shameless to talk that way about another. It doesn't matter if you're a virgin or the fuck-king, it's just bloody respectless." I said with my arms crossed. The others stared at.

"You're kidding, right?" Mikey said. I shook my head, "Of course not. If someone wanna wait for 'the right person' or what ever then fucking let them.."

"Dude, are you a virgin?" Pedicone asked with a raised eyebrow. I rolled my eyes, "No, but that's non of import. See, it shouldn't matter if I'm a virgin or not."

"I don't give a shit about if people are virgins or what ever, but you're allowed to joke about it when it's your friend.." Ray said. "Yearh if they're here. Otherwise it's just talking behind their back."

"It's actually true, but why are you taking it so seriously?" Mikey asked. What the hell was I going to say? Oh yearh, it's because I have almost fucked your brother more than one time, but yet I didn't know about it. And also I'm probably in love with him so I'm very sensitive about you talking about him and I just didn't think when I opened my mouth? Yearh, sure, that would work just fine..

"I'm not, I'm jusy saying.." I muttered. The others nodded and left the topic. Hallelujah..

I walked down to the ice cream parlor after school together with Pedicone, not because I wanted anything, but I was going to talk to Brendon.

"Frank, we got to plan." Pedicone said out of no where. "Huh?" "Mikey and Alicia. I need to plan."

Oh god, I was finally going to know what all his rumbel tumbel talk was about. "I need you to find a straight, single, random guy." I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why?"

"Gotta make lil Mikes jelly." he winked. "Uhm, what?!" "He will then probably get moving." he said simply. Jeez, that kid was a madman!

"What do you have in mind?" I asked. "We're gonna make your random guy kiss Alicia and make Mikey jealous that way. Very simple."

"You're an evil man, Pedicone!" I said shaking my head. "Maybe, but I have a pretty good feeling about it. Wanna go through with it?" he asked. I thought about for a moment. "Sure."

"Awesome." he grinned. "But why me? You have kept talking about that you and me was going to make things right.."

"'Cause you seem best for the job. Everyone else would have said no.." "True."

We walked into the parlor and Pedicone sat down in a booth, and I looked around to find Brendon. I couldn't see him so I walked over to another waitress and asked if he was here. He was out in the kitchen and she told I could just go out there. I made a sign to Pedicone telling him that I would be right back and he nodded. I walked in where the girl had told me to and saw Brendon lean against a giant freezer.

"Hey Bren!" I said and he looked at me with a big grin. "Heey! How's my little dude?" he asked giving me a hug. "He is fine, how is my, uhm, big dude?" I said smiling. He chuckled "I'm just fine, but I need your help!"

"With what?" I asked. "I wanna ask your friend Ryan out, but he is hard to get to!" he said. "I can ask him to come down here?" "Really? That would be awesome!" he said smiling big.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed in Ryan's number. I brought it to my ear and waited for him to answer.

"Yearh?" I heard Ryan's voice. "Hey, RyRy, wanna come down to the parlor? I'll give ice cream!" I said happily. "Uhm, sure, I'll be there in 10 minutes." "Okay, bye". I dropped the phone back down in my pocket.

Brendon looked at me with big eyes waiting to hear what Ryan had said. "He's coming." I said and he throwed his fist up in the air happily, "Hell yearh!"

I giggled and watched his big grin. My gaze then caught a Soft Ice machine and I stared at it. Brendon saw my gaze and laughed, "You want some?". I nodded and walked over to it. It was different from others tough, it had a lot of buttoms. Brendon nodged my arm and handed me a paper cup. I looked up at him, "I can do it myself?" I asked with big puppy eyes. He laughed and nodded. "Yaaay!"

I looked at the different buttom for a little while and when I thought I had worked it out, I pressed some and held the cup out to get my ice cream. For a moment there didn't some anything out and I looked worried at Brendon. His eyebrows was furrowed and he stared t the machine. Suddenly it sprayed out with the cold cream and splashed out on our clothes and the floor.

"Holy shit!" I shouted and hold my hands up to stop it, but the pressure was big and send my hands back down. Brendon pressed desperate the buttoms trying to shut it off, but if keep going. I tried to move my feet, but there was so much cream on the floor that I slipped. without thinking I grabbed Brendon's shirt in the fall sending him down with me. It was everywhere on our clothes, hair and faces now. I removed the cream from my face to I could see. We tried stand up again, but slipped right down again. I landed hard on my hip and whined. Brendon grabbed the kitchen counter and lifted himself up. He held out a hand for me and had a good hold on the counter with the other while he leaned against it. I grabbed it and tried to pull myself up with help from Brendon, but the machine shoot out a even bigger and stronger fload of cream, pressing me down to floor again together with Brendon. He landed on top on me and we stared into each others eyes for just a moment before both breaking out laughed. I pushed off me while still laughing. We grabbed each other's arms and yanked us up. We tried to keep our legs together, but they kept slipping apart so we stood with our legs spread. We laughed even harder which made it tougher to stand up proper. Our legs danced around involuntarily. We could hear someone come into the kitchen.

"Hey, Frank, what is taking you so long..?" Pedicone trailed off when he saw our mess and the way we tried to stay up and get away while the cream continued to come out. "Oh my god.." he said giggling. He tried to walk over to us too help us out of the cold mess, when he slipped himself. We all laughed harder and me and Brendon grabbed Pedicone. Now we all stood there and laughed with the white ice all over us.

"BRENDOOOOON!!" we all stared at the old fat man with his face red of anger. He stomped over to a power socket and pulled out a wire. The ice cream stopped coming out.

"You better clean this mess up! You can't leave 'til every stain is off, you understand?" he said pissed. Brendon nodded with wide eyes at the man. He grunted and left the room. We all looked at each other and broke out laughing again. After a little while we got out of it. "You better help me clean this up, Frank!" Brendon said.

"Yearh, of course!" I said and Pedicone smiled, "I'll help too because I'm fucking awesome!"

We giggled and stared cleaning up. I looked at the door frame and saw a surprised Ryan. "What the hell happened?" he spat out. "I let Frank take his own ice cream." Brendon stated with a goofy smile. Ryan blushed and nodded looking down into the ground. Pedicone looked confused back and forth and Brendon and Ryan. I gave Brendon a 'go for it' look and he nodded and walked over to Ryan.

"Hey, Ryan?" he said and Ryan looked shyly up. "Wanna go out on a date with me?" Brendon asked and Ryan looked dumbstruck at him. "Wha-what?" he stuttered. Brendon smiled warmly, "Do you wanna go out with me?" he repeated and Ryan stared at him for a moment. He then flung his arms over Brendon's shoulder and half-shouted "Yes yes yes!".

Brendon giggled and hugged Ryan back, resting his cheek on his shoulder. I smiled at them and couldn't help but think that now Ryan had soft ice on him too..

"Yay, gayness!" Pedicone shouted happily.
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