Status: First Frerard. Please be nice! *In progress.*

'Cause You Stop The Noise.



I rolled over. "Whhhhaaaaaaaaaaat?"

A tall brunette with glasses smiled at me. She looks too happy to be real."I'm Lauren, I am one of the people who work the night shift. Dr.Tak would like to see you before she leaves."

I sighed. "Okay." Then got out of bed and followed Lauren down the hall to another pair of locked doors, that she opened. A short blond lady with her hair in a bun smiled at me.

"Frank Iero?" She said in broken english. She sounds a little french. I nodded. Lauren waved at her and left.

"Hello Frank," another fake smile, "I'm Dr.Tak. Come this way."

She walked around a corner and stopped in front of a door, "This is where we will be talking, take as long as you would like. Would you like a drink?"

Take as long as I'd like, if I could, I wouldn't be here.


"Okay. So explain to me why you're here."

Oh God, not this again. I've already seen so many counsellors, psychologists and psychiatrist and told them this. Shouldn't she know anyway?

"I tried to kill myself."


"Because life is ugly and I want to get away."

I looked away from her.

"Frank, why is life ugly?"

"My dad left when I was a kid, for another woman. She doesn't like me. My mom works too hard and we can't even afford to buy milk. I'm not doing well in school, and on top of that, I have no friends. I have no one at all."

"Frank, it's not your fault."

I stood up, "I know it's not my fucking fault! Everyone says that! Just shut the fuck up! Please!"

I didn't notice I was crying until Dr. Annoying blond woman with broken english handed me the tissue box.

"We're going to start you on an SSRI, okay? It's called paxil, for major depression. I usually give it to teens and children. You know the way back to your room."

I ignored her and stormed out of her office, making sure to slam the door.

That fucking bitch.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gerard is going to talk to Frank in the next chapter, they're going to end up showering next to each other.
Now get your minds out of the gutter! Nothing dirty.
And I'm giving Frank similar problems to mine ahahah. Same with Gerard.
Thanks to commenters again! I love you guys. Seriously. Every time I log in I have a new comment, it feels nice. :)