Status: First Frerard. Please be nice! *In progress.*

'Cause You Stop The Noise.


"Alright, get in the shower and take off your clothes and leave them on the corner where they won't get wet. I'm going to trust you boys to be good while I'm gone, okay?"

Gerard and I nodded at her, and she left.

We both got in the showers and undress- and since I'm a horny 14 year old boy, I may or may not have been a bit turned on by Gerard being naked in the shower next to me.

"Why did you try to kill yourself?"

I didn't think he'd talk to me after my awkward blushing.

"I feel like a burden to my mom. My dad left me when I was young.. We can't afford good food or clothes, and I can't find a job to help her. She would be better off without me, you know? I don't have friends who would care.. So I just think being dead is best for everyone."

He's too easy to talk to.

"I see.. My parents are too busy with my little brother Mikey. I love the kid, I just wish that sometimes I were an only child. My parents didn't even notice that I've been an alcoholic and drug addict. I hate it. I just wish people would notice me."

"Aw, Gerard. I notice you," he smiled, "why did you do drugs?"

He laughed, but it was sad. Not a real laugh. I have yet to even see a real smile.

"There's something very romantic about drugs, and I fell for it."

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"That you had to go through all that."

"Oh. Well thank you." He attempted to smile.

I like that Gerard isn't fake. When I see him smile, I'll know it's real.

"So you're fine with me wanting to be your friend?"

"Are you sure you want to be my friend?"

"Of course. I think we both need friends."

We finished our showers in silence. It wasn't awkward, it was comfortable.

I love this.
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Your comments make me smile. :)

I need to know how I'm doing! Please. I'm so scared that this is horrible.