The Asshole and the Cry-baby


Frank flew over to the boy that had just seen kiss his girlfriend. He felt the anger boil inside him, the idiot knew she already was with someone.

Two days ago at his girlfriend, Catherine, had told him she was too sick to go to out. She knew he wouldn’t go out at a party without her, but that night she was wrong.
He had walked in to their friend’s house, and found her and a guy from some of his classes kissing. At that moment he couldn’t do anything, but as soon as he saw the motherfucker at lunch in school he could really do shit.

“HEY YOU!” Frank yelled at the boy and he, together with the rest of the school turned around. For a moment he looked confused, but when he saw Frank coming towards him, his face turned angry. They had never really been good friends. At all.

“What?!” he said loudly back and suddenly Frank was all up in his face. He stared up at him with barred teeth.
Nobody did anything, all of them just stood still and watched the scene unfold. They all loved when there was drama, because it was the only time something exciting happened in their boring lives.

“I saw you at the party, Way.” Frank hissed and the boy snorted mocking. “You think this is funny?” Frank asked daring. Way raised an eyebrow, “No. I just find it hilarious how pathetic you are.”

The was a loud “uuuuuh..” from the audience at the insult. Frank stepped closer – they already were so close it was a shock he could – so their chests was slightly touching.

“Fuck you, Way!” he snapped and for a moment they just stood there, sending each other mean looks.

When Frank hadn’t made a move, Way shook his head and laughed while turning around. Frank gripped his shoulder and turned him back to facing him, and lifted his fist.
All Way had the chance to do was make a shocked face before it collided with his cheekbone. People around them gasped and some cheered for Frank.

Way stumbled backwards and hold his hand up to feel his cheek. He made a pained face before looking angry at Frank, who still had his fist in the air.
Way barred his teeth before running into Frank’s stomach, making him gasp out all the air in his lungs. They both fell down with Way on top of Frank with a hold of his sides.

Frank whimpered in pain and when he opened his eyes he saw Way stare down at him before his fist hit his jaw. Frank shouted in pain and roughly pushed Way off him. He stood up before Way and crashed his foot into his side.
He kicked him about three times before a teacher grabbed his arms and pulled him away. A couple of teachers were there now, three holding Frank back and two helping Way up, before he went crazy too and they grabbed him.
The boys yelled at each other about how much they were going to beat them up. The other students gawked stupidly at them.

The teachers brought the boys in two separate rooms and asked what had happened. None of them answered.

“Fine, if you wanna do it the hard way.” One of the teachers sighed and walked out of the room Frank was in. A bit later two teachers came in with Way.

“Sit down, Gerard.” A male teacher said and sat a chair in front of Frank, so the boys could sit opposite each other. Gerard made a face, but did as told.
They were in an empty class room.

“Can I trust you two to not fight if me and Miss McRow leave the room? We want you to sit and talk things out.” The teacher spoke and after giving Frank an evil glare, Gerard looked up and nodded. The teacher then left the room.

The boys didn’t do anything, didn’t talk, didn’t move, just stared at each other. After a while the teachers came back and saw that the boys weren’t talking.
They told them they had to and left the room again, only to come back to find the boys still wasn’t talking. The left the room and came back five minutes later and told them that they had talked to their parents, and they had allowed the school to keep the boys until they worked things out.
Both boys felt betrayed to their parents and muttered annoyed comments to the teachers.

Yet again they sat alone in the classroom. Both of them wanted to leave so they knew that they had to talk. Finally Gerard sighed, “Why do you even care?”

“Care about what?” Frank asked confused and annoyed. “That I kissed her, du-uh.” Gerard said and slammed the foot of his palm against his own forehead.

“She is my girlfriend, try to think a little, asshole!” Frank said and crossed his arms over his chest. “You didn’t answer my question.” Gerard said simply. Frank stared dumbfounded at the black haired guy sitting opposite him.

“Uhm, yes I did..”, “Nope. She may be your girlfriend, but that doesn’t answer why you care.” Frank stared at the boy like he was some kind of weird alien.

“Well I care about her, and that’s why she is my girlfriend…” Frank said slowly not understanding what Gerard was headed at.

“Why do you care about her? She’s a bitch.” Gerard said. “EXCUSE ME?!?” Frank spat out.

“You’re kidding me, right? We kissed!” Gerard said in way that made Frank feel like an idiot, like there was something he didn’t know.

“Uhm yearh, that’s the reason you got that bruise on your cheek, dumbass..” Frank said with furrowed eyebrows. Gerard rolled his eyes and sighed loudly, “We! Her and me! That means that she also did it! I may have kissed her, but whatever?! She is YOUR girlfriend remember? She should not have done it, I’m just the third wheel on this one..”

Frank looked at the boy in disbelieve and Gerard added, “She’s a bitch..”

“Stop saying that! She is not a bitch!” Frank said angry. Gerard narrowed his eyes at him and said “Only a bitch cheat.”

“She didn’t cheat! She just..” Frank shouted, but then trailed off. Gerard smirked, “She just what? Needed to get a little away from her Frankie?”

Frank clenched his jaw and sat proper up in his chair, before he could speak Gerard cut him off, “Just admit it already.. She fucked up, it’s not that hard.”

Frank made a weird expression and Gerard could tell that he was wondering why. Why would she do that?

“I just don’t.. I mean.., why?” Frank looked down and bit his lower lip. “Why would she do that against me.. And then with you..” Gerard stared a hurt at him.

“Hey fuck you! There is everything fucking reason why she replaced you with me!” he spat out without thinking. Frank looked up with a raised eyebrow.

“Yearh, and what is that? You’re taller than me? Hah, that’s pretty much it, but I doubt that’s the reason.” Frank said mocking.

“No, probably more because I’m not some sad little cutter.” Gerard said looking down at Frank’s sleeves. Yes, Frank had been cutting, but that was some while ago now, he didn’t need it anymore. He had Catherine to take the pain away now.
Gerard only knew about it because once Frank didn’t think, he had taken off his long sleeved shirt and relieved the scars.
It was a very touchy subject for Frank and he stood up fast while grabbing his scarred wrist.

“Nice talking to you, Way.” He said hurt and with tears building up in his eyes. He quickly ran out the door, pass the teachers telling him to come back and asking that was wrong.

Gerard leaned his head back and sighed, he had really fucked up with hurting that kid’s feelings. Awesome, now he probably wouldn’t get any sleep tonight because of the guilt.

When Frank came home he ignored his parents and ran up to his room, throwing his on the bed. He lay there for a while when his phone rang. He picked it up from his pocket and looked at the caller id. Catherine.

He sighed and pressed the green button, placing the phone to his ear. “Hello.” He said hoarsely and Catherine greeted him happily back. She told him about something that had happened at her school, but Frank didn’t pay attention to what she said.

“Frank? Frank! Hallo, are you there?” Frank’s mind woke u and he grunted back a “what”. “You are not even listening!” when he didn’t answer she said, “Frankie, what’s wrong?”

Frank still hadn’t confronted her because he didn’t know how to deal with it. He thought for a moment, taking his and Catherine talked again.

“What are you thinking at, baby?” she said sweetly and Frank felt his stomach turn over the fact that she showed to signs of guilt.

“I’m thinking that you are a cheating bitch.” Frank spoke simply. He could hear her gasp and she stuttered, “Wha-what?!”

“I saw you, don’t try to deny. I’m breaking up with you if you were wondering when we are going to see each other again, because for me it will only be when you come over to pick up your crap. Bye.” And with that he hung up.
He smiled a little to himself and actually felt kinda proud. He somehow was glad he had talked to Gerard earlier.

The next day Frank and Gerard didn’t have any classes together and didn’t see each other until Frank walked down to a local music store, not knowing that Gerard worked there.

When he walked in there was nobody at the checkout. He walked around and looked at the different shelves and wrinkled his nose when he saw a Kesha album.
After a while he found a Misfits album that he couldn’t believe he didn’t already own, and walked over to the checkout and saw a little old fashion bell.
He smiled down at it and gave it a tap. A few moments after a black haired guy came from a door behind the desk and froze when he saw Frank.
Frank didn’t really notice see him at first, but then his mouth opened slightly at seeing Gerard.

“Oh.. Hey, Gerard…” Frank muttered and placed the CD on the counter. For a moment Gerard just stared dumfounded at him, but then he rushed closer and said fast, “Look man, I’m feel really bad about what I said yesterday.”

Frank nodded and looked down into the ground.

“I’m really fucking sorry…” Gerard said in an almost pleading voice. Frank looked back up and slightly smiled, “It’s okay… But you’re still an asshole.”

“Heeey!” Gerard said in a fake insulted voice. “Then you’re a cry baby!”

“No way! Buttface!”





“Mini brain.”









“Goat fucker.”






“Fuck you!”

“Screw you!”

“I hate you!”

“I hate you even more!!”

“Not possible!”

The both boys were now leaning over the counter and their faces the only a few inches away. Both of them had huge grins on their faces.

“You fucking motherfucking fuck of a motherfucker!” Gerard said happily.

“BELIEBER!” Frank spat out and laughed. Gerard made a shocked face and giggled “You win!”

When the laughter died the boys found themselves stare into each other’s eyes. Gerard couldn’t help himself when he slowly brushed Frank lips with his own, while leaning a forward.

When he pulled his face back, he saw Frank stare at him with huge eyes, but then slowly he closed them and leaned forward to gently press their lips together.

Gerard furrowed his eyebrows in disbelieve of what was happening, he was actually kissing a guy! It was weird... But he was weird so that worked perfect for him, he thought as he brought his hand to stroke Frank’s cheek.

When Gerard pulled away with giving Frank a peck, Frank could feel his stomach turn awkwardly happy. When opening his eyes he saw Gerard and thought about how weird it was that he had never noticed how hot he was.

Frank smiled and turned his slightly to kiss the hand that still was stroking his cheek.

“You know,” Frank murmured and Gerard tilted his head curiously, “there might just be something about the cocksucker thing..”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is just a silly piece of work, nothing serious :)