White Raven

In the Bowels of a Hell

It was deserted on the streets around this time, always was, no one was allowed out at this time of night. Well- no one who couldn't hold their own, and by the looks of the thugs and thieves that passed his way, everyone who was smart would leave him the hell alone.

"Kicked out, again, mate? What's that bitch to ya anyways, for you ta take that shit from 'er?" A weaselly looking alley rat came crawling out from the shadows, smiling a little too friendly to be cautious, but being a little too cautious to be friendly.

"Fuck off, Kimbs. Get a life would you, and stop getting into mine." He almost walked away from the socially wounded rat- but then his eyes locked onto another, scurrying away. He chuckled a deep, throaty, menacing laugh and practically materialized right in front of the fleeing shadow, causing said creature to gasp and choke on a cigarette freshly bit into two. He waited for the ember to sizzle out in the damp ground below, all of two seconds, and then pushed his company into the cold, brick wall hard, sending the man's skull back into the building. "Georgy..." He whispered through steel teeth showing from his wicked grin.

"Ro-Roti! My best-" His brief pause was sounded by a loud and uneasy gulp as the man tried to stop himself from shaking so violently and keep his eyes looked into his predator's, however frightening that was. He didn't dare risk spitting on the man threatening him, so he bit back the other half of the cigarette and forced herself to swallow again, holding down his violent chokes and gags. He let his heaving, disagreeing stomach settle to a controllable level before he opened his suddenly dry mouth to gasp for air and continued. "- friend! How are yo- uh!" Georgy's head hit the brick again and this time the predator smiled at the smell, and now sight, of blood, matching the red brick almost perfectly.

"I told you, Georgy..." He hissed through a smile, enjoying every moment of his prey's shivering spine and swimming eyes due to the abuse. "It's Rotikele. Not Roti" this time no trace of a smile was found. The name 'Roti' annoyed the shit out of him, and usually things didn't last long if they annoyed him, but he needed this man alive today. He watched the pure horror as Georgy grasped at Rotikele's fist gripping into his collar, pushing just short of suffocation on his windpipe. Rotikele saw Kimbs' shadow inch away and without breaking his intense gaze into his prey's watering eyes, he pointed right at Kimbs' nose and smoothly stated that he would hunt him down if he ran too. It was only natural, you know. If a monster sees movement, they are going to chase.

Sweat dripped like rain from the brow of the small and gasping man he was assaulting, Rotikele's smile back and full force. He clicked his tongue, shaking his head slowly in disapproval as his grip, to Georgy's point of view, impossibly tightened. "Georgy, Georgy, Georgy..." He purred, baring fangs. Again his intense, amused stare met the man's horror stricken one and Georgy gasped as the grip suddenly loosened, but he wouldn't rejoice just yet. "You owe me some money, Georgy."

It didn't take long for his prey to fall apart and throw his terror and misery all over the place. Rotikele grimaced as the man rambled something about a bigger loan he needed to pay and how he had a family or something, mindless, useless, annoying rantings from a man who's life hanged in the balance. A life Rotikele simply wouldn't care to waste. Hell, he might even try and find this family of his and have some target practice. The grip tightened again, but full force this time. Georgy would not be able to breathe now. His fish face grew even more so resembling as he gasped, finding only that he could breathe out, and never back in. Rotikele waited with an exasperated face, watching, until the suffocating man turned the most pleasant shade of purple. "Georgy. You know I don't give a damn about your personal problems. And you sure as hell know that begging only annoys my to my breaking point, right?" The squirming man didn't answer and Rotikele smiled widely when he heard the concerned gulp of Kimbs as he stood as far away as he could, scared to death to stay a second longer, but not that stupid to even consider running. Rotikele threw the man into the wall again. "Right?" This time Georgy responded with a painful, desperate nod. "Good, now. Where is my money, Georgy? I want it right now. I don't care how you get it, or what it costs you. I want it now, understand?" Georgy's eyes went hazy and unfocused, they were about to roll back into his head, but he wasn't letting him off that easily. He had to answer, or die. Simply as that, really.

This time, Rotikele didn't need to push for an answer again. The man squeak out the word yes, or something similar to it, it was good enough for Rotikele and he released the man altogether and watched him fall to the ground, holding onto his neck like it might fall off.

"Two days." He answered hoarsely, but this time he played it safe and remained bowing at Rotikele's feet, which amused him to no end, softening him, if you could put it that way. The man coward on the ground, shaking uncontrollably. He had to smile.

"You're an useless fuck, you know that, Georgy?" He was letting him off with this small little warning. He could wait two days. "Fine, I'm patient, and quite generous, so I will allow you that time to get my money ready, but if you are just one minute late, you're dead. Simple as that." Suddenly Rotikele turned his hard, terrifying gaze to Kimbs who sank back at the sight. "You." Rotikele pointed again, setting the man into an uneasy laughter.

"Me?" He questioned innocently. "I already payed you this week! True to my word, always Roti- Rotikele!" Kimbs had caught himself, but had earned no reward for it. Rotikele turned to leave, still staring just as harshly at Kimbs as he went.

"If Pathetic over there doesn't show up, I'm killing you too."

"Bu- BUT! BUT SIR!" He stopped short in his protest and started to smile again. Rotikele grimaced inside, he really was disgusting to look at, both of them. "Sure, sure. I'll make sure good ol' Georgy comes through on this one! Count on me, mate!"

Rotikele snorted and finally left, leaving the rats to settle this between themselves. He was hungry, after all, and it was almost three. the bar would be closing soon and he'd be damned twice if he'd left them take him from his chance of alcohol before he went back to face his punishment back at the apartment. It would either be a very great night, or a very cold one. He was fine with both, he didn't care. There were plenty of- company, lingering on the streets, and no one would miss those women. No one would care, especially the other whores who would be glad in the fact to find less competition in this damned city.

Rotikele rubbed his eyes, annoyed more than once today, like every day. He needed some time to just relax, but in the bowels of a Hell, not even he could rest...
♠ ♠ ♠
Rotikele: (Row-tick-el)