Status: completed

This Could Work

The Stench and The Butt

“Come on Ella, cheer up! You’re going to a new place to meet a new friend!” My father poked at me as we bumped along in our carriage. I always hated the carriage.

“What if he’s icky?”

“He won’t be icky!”

“Yes he will. All boys are icky.” I said as I crossed my arms. I didn’t see why we had to travel so far and stay for so long just so I could spend time with some stupid boy.

“But girls have cooties!!!” I whined to my mother. I couldn’t believe she was going to make me see some stupid girl all summer. No girl could climb trees or play in the dirt or any other fun stuff.

“Straighten up!” My mother ignored my protests and squealed, “They're here!!!”

A gilded carriage pulled around the corner. It stopped in front of us and a footman popped down to open the door. A very tall man exited the carriage. He had a lot of hair on his face, but none on his head. Most of it actually was coming out of his ears.

“Gertrude!” he greeted my mother warmly. He bowed to her and she curtsied in return.

“So lovely to see you Thomas,” she replied, “and whom might this be?”

Coming out of the carriage was a very small six-year-old blonde girl. She was wearing a frilly pink dress. Yuck.

“Ah!” said the King as he raced back to the carriage to shoo the girl forward, “This is my Ella. Princess Ariella Marquis.”

“Very pleased to meet you Princess Ella. This is Prince Henry de Coeur.” And my mother pushed me towards the frilly girl.

There was about a foot between the two children and they were both squirming to get away from each other. Arms crossed, they looked back at their parents. Both king and queen were making “shooing” hand gestures at their kids, nudging them forward.

Henry finally sighed and said, “Pleased to meet you Princess Ella. I’m very glad you’re here,” he said in a monotone voice, remembering the script his mother had given him.

Ella sighed heavily like him and replied, “I’m very pleased to meet you too, Prince Henry. Thank you for inviting me.” She didn’t sound pleased at all. Henry turned and scurried back to his mother, but before he could reach her, she uttered-

“Aren’t you forgetting something Henry?”

He reluctantly turned and trudged back to the princess. She lazily lighted her hand out in front of her. With both hands behind his back, Henry slowly lowered his face to her hand. He stuck out his lips as far as he could, and after they had brushed her skin for about a mille-second, he jumped a foot back.

“Gross!” Both children exclaimed. Ella wiped the back of her hand on her dress while Henry wiped the back of his hand across his lips.

The parents just laughed. “This will go swimmingly!” They both agreed.

Here’s how my awful summer went. I would try to be nice to the boy and he would bite me. And it always hurt and so I would cry and he would laugh at me.

Here’s how my awful summer went. I would try and play with the girl, but all she would do is cry and run to her daddy. Then I would get yelled at.

One night we were out in the back yard exploring the bushes. He wouldn’t let me go first through the shrubs because he was boasting about how brave he was.

“I have to go first because I’m a boy and you’re a girl. Boys are brave and girls are biiiiggg scardy cats!”

“If you’re so brave, why don’t you prove it?”


“Kiss me.”


“What? Have you never kissed a girl? I thought you were brave!” Of course I had never kissed a boy, but I wanted to look brave too.

“Of course I have!” I lied. I had never kissed a girl, but I wanted to be brave.

“I’ll prove it!” I said as I stuck out my lips. She did the same and I leaned closer and closer to her. But at the very last second, I chickened out, jumped back, and fell on my butt.

“Ha ha!!! Chicken!” She pointed and laughed at me. I needed an excuse quick.

“I’m not chicken! You just… smell really bad!”

“Do not!”

“Do too! They should call you Princess Smella!” Then I pointed and laughed at her.

“Oh yeah! Then they should call you Prince Hiney, because you got scared and fell on your hiney! Ha ha!”

“Did not!”

“Did too!”

And this is how the first summer went.