Status: completed

This Could Work


This summer my mother decided that it was a good idea to get some wedding arrangements in, since our wedding was approaching fast. She liked to repeat this constantly. “Your wedding is approaching fast!” It twisted my nerves so much I swear my insides had turned to pudding.

Part of these wedding preparations was dance lessons. “You have to look good as you share your first dance!” my mother would say. So one night she sent me out into the castle to find my partner.

I found her curled up in and oversized armchair by one of the fires, her nose stuck in an enormous book.

“There you are! Of course you’re in the library,” I said. She glanced up at me, and then looked back down at her book, as if she had only noticed a fly buzzing around.

I was just getting into Machiavelli’s theory when a buzzing noise interrupted. I glanced up and sure enough, a large fly with chestnut colored hair and deep blue eyes was buzzing around. I tried to ignore it and focused back on my book.

“My mother wants us for dance lessons,” I groaned.

“Then why didn’t she come get me herself?” She always had to be difficult.

“You know why. Every chance they get to shove us in a room together… and I always know where to find you. Hiding out in the library. You’ve been doing it for years. You must have read every book in here.”

She shrugged her shoulders, “Almost”

“What do you read anyway? Fairytale stuff?”

“No! Are you kidding?” She said it with astonishment, and only a little defense. “I’ve read everything from astrology to zoology in this library, but my favorite has got to be political theory. At home I have my servant Beatrice pick me up all of the latest pamphlets on the newest theories. But even just your library collection is much bigger than ours at home. That’s the one thing I can look forward to on these summers.”

“Har Har,” I retorted.