Status: completed

This Could Work

This Could Work


Some twittering music was coming from the second floor foyer. I climbed the steps to see Ella plucking away at the keys. The song she was playing was light, quick, airy and unmistakably girly. It was much different than the slow and powerful pieces she usually played. She didn’t miss a note as I approached her and sat down next to her on the bench. She probably heard me coming. Ears like a hawk.

I heard him coming from a mile away while I was playing my stupid airheaded piece, but I ignored him, as per usual.

“This sounds like crap,” he said as he sat down. Always the brutally honest. “Why aren’t you playing that booming, dark melody you usually play?”

I sighed, “My governess says that ‘that’ kind of music is too passionate for young ladies. Proper girls should only know songs that can be entertaining and lighten the mood.”

He scoffed at that. He probably thinks that rule is as stupid as I think it is.

Ladies always had these stupid rules to follow, like not being aloud to play certain types of music.

“At least you’re part will be easy”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“I mean after…. we…you know…” We both shuddered at the thought of getting married. “All you have to do is follow these stupid rules. You’re only involved with the socializing side. You just have to be sweet and nice and play dumb fruity music. Easy.”

“Easy?” She retorted. “You think my job will be easy? Yeah all I have to do is be perfect. Wear the perfect outfit, say the perfect thing, and sit perfectly still as I get to watch you have all of the fun.”

“Fun? You think shaking hands with over 300 diplomats whose names I don’t know who all want money from me is fun? You think it’s fun hearing my elders yell at me about what they think is best for the kingdom? You think it’s fun when the people protest?”

“No, you’re looking about it all wrong,” she said as she shook her head, “You get to do what I’ve been dreaming about for years! You get to test out actual political theory on the masses! You could sell the overproduction of crop we usually have and build schools. You could help debtors instead of throwing them in prison, thus freeing up our prisons for real criminals instead of shipping them to the Americas. You get to help our kingdom grow and prosper. You actually get to do something worthwhile, while I get to dance with the Duke of ‘like-who-cares’!”

And it was at that moment that it struck me.

“Ella, this could work.”

“What could work?”

“This! This whole marriage thing. You could help me make decisions for the kingdom, and in return I could help you with all the protocol!” I said it rather defiantly.

“You could really help me with becoming a ‘perfectly proper queen’?” she asked sarcastically.

“I’ve been watching my mother do it for 19 years. I know a thing or two about her little tricks.” A smile grew on my face, and I saw one spread on hers.

“Alright. Henry de Coeur, Crown Prince of Denmark, do you solemnly swear to teach me to be the best queen you’ve ever seen?”

“I swear. And do you Ariella Marquis, Princess of the Netherlands, solemnly swear to provide me with your political input with matters of the kingdom?”

“I swear.”

“Let’s shake on it,” and I spat into my palm and extended it out to her.

“Gross!” she interjected.

“It’s not legal until sealed in spit,” I said with a smile.

She winced a little, then turned away from me and ever so daintily spit into her hand.

“Ew,” she said as we shook, her nose wrinkled up. But nevertheless, her shake was firm. We both knew that no matter how many formal arrangements and engagements would shortly be made, nothing was as binding or meant more to us than that handshake.

After I shook his disgustingly slobbery hand, I knew-and he knew it too- that out of all the stupid formal marriage agreements that had been made, our spit shake would be the most meaningful.

After our agreement at the piano, things between us had become a lot smoother. I now quizzed him daily on various political theories. To my amazement, and to his, he got really into it. I would read something from a book, put it in my own words, and he would debate it. Despite how much I hated our usual annoying bickering (which we still did constantly) I rather enjoyed our debates. In fact, I enjoyed them more than I though I would. It was immensely invigorating. For the first time in my life I could discuss real topics (real meaning any topic that didn’t involve the word “lace” or “tea” or “how to have proper posture”). For the first time in my life I could bounce ideas off of someone who honestly enjoyed the complexity of politics.

I didn’t realize that I would become so enamored with politics. After our little piano treaty, Ella and I spent hours in the library debating what was best for the kingdom. The girl was feisty, and unbelievably smart and I found myself desperately hungry to win our debates.

Other days we would sit at the piano, and I would ask her to teach me how to play something. All I really could accomplish was pounding at some of the keys, but I loved to learn any new skill.

Henry could not play piano to save his life, but it was rather amusing watching him try. Between our little lessons, he would give me tidbits on how to be a good queen. He was the one who taught me how to sit properly in a chair. And for the first time in my life I figured out which spoon and fork to use with which meal. For years my governesses would try and teach me these things, but he made it all seem clear. He was really a good teacher.

He even taught me how to dance. He was a surprisingly good dancer.