Status: completed

This Could Work

Only A Fairytale

One day we found ourselves bickering as usual, over one of the stupidest topics.

“It’s the classic fairy tale!” She said.

“Ok first of all, the prince marries a commoner. You and I both know that in real life, that is strictly forbidden. It’s unrealistic,” I combated with a nonchalant shrug of my shoulders.

“Well that’s why it’s called a fairy tale. And to be fair when the prince first saw her, she didn’t look like a commoner.”

“She’s still a good-for-nothing pansy”

“What! She does all of the chores in the mansion and puts up with her horrendous family!”

“But what does she do the night of the ball? Sits at home and cries. She lets her fairy godmother do all of the work. All Cindy has to do is sit there and wait for someone else to solve her problems.”

“Well of course she sits there and cries. She’s oppressed by her wicked family!”

“But if she were a true heroine, she would rise above her oppressors. It’s like THE biggest characteristic of a tragic hero: overcome your inferiority to become strong. And a glass slipper? That thing can not be comfortable.”

“It’s probably better than what they make us wear,” and at that we both laughed, “but I still think it’s the iconic story of romance.”

“I don’t see how a guy can fall in love with a girl named ‘Cinderella’. I mean really, who names their kid ‘Ella’?” I smirked.

She scoffed and pushed my chest lightly. My skin tingled where she had touched it. She shook her head, but a smile grew on her face. My heart skipped when she smiled like that. And her hair was like a golden waterfall in the setting sunlight. She really was beautiful, and was so easy to talk to! We could debate anything, even something as stupid as a fairytale.

Maybe this marriage wouldn’t be so bad.

He really was witty, even when he was taking a crack at me. I thought back to all the years when he had made me laugh with his stupid jokes. I could feel the smile grow on my face. My fingers tingled after I had pushed his chest and my heart skipped when I looked back at his midnight blue eyes. He really was handsome.

Maybe this marriage wouldn’t be so bad.

But just as both had the same thought, the giant wooden doors behind them busted open.

“How dare you let him read that! As if he has any say over this matter!” roared Ella’s father.

“It’s addressed to him!” retorted Henry’s mother, Queen Gertrude.

“The mere thought that you would consider breaking this union….”

“I have to be practical King Thomas, and if a better offer arises I must consider it!” She scurried over to her son and handed him a letter, “Go on dearie, read it.”

He glanced down at the letter, and his jaw dropped in shock.

“It’s an invitation,” he explained, “to meet Princess Maria of Spain. It says that they hope I find her amiable because they would like us to be very well acquainted… and that perhaps one day even our countries can be united.” He shook his head in disbelief.

“Think of it dearie. Spain! They’re much richer and more powerful!” exclaimed the Queen with a greedy smile on her face.

“IT’S OUT OF THE QUESTION!” blared the King.


“I want to discuss this later when the rest of my advisors and my attorney arrives. Come along Ella!”

Ella glanced at Henry. Both of them had the same confused and frightened look in their eyes.

“Ella!” her father screamed again. She jumped at the sound, and solemnly turned to follow her father.

Henry watched her go with a churning sensation in his stomach.