Status: New Story :) Keep or kill?

Silence Is Key

I have no friends. I have no dad and most importantly I have no voice. I was born a mute meaning I can’t speak, scream, or even laugh. The only way I can communicate with anyone is by signing or writing things down. I’ve lived in downtown Los Angeles my whole life with my mom because it was all we could afford. As for my dad he left before I was born and I’ve never got a chance to meet him. I don’t think I ever will. I’ve been homeschooled since kindergarten after many incidents of people making fun of me. I don’t hate my life, but I don’t love it I’m just content. I always isolate myself from people from fear of rejection. All I wish is that one day I’ll be able to speak and actually have a voice.
  1. I'm broken
    I’m living, breathing, my heart is beating, but I guess because I have no voice I’m broken.
  2. Asylum
    Like my whole world was changing and there was nothing I could do about it.