You've Been There All Along

New Beginnings

It's my first year at a new high school. I didn't really know anyone except the boy I've known since the 6th grade. His name was Alex. I used to (and maybe still do) have this MAJOR crush on Alex, but I'd never admit it. I walk into my Biology class on the first day and see Alex, we haven't talked in years, but he smiles and says 'Sam! I haven't seen you in so long!' He hugs me. He's changed. His hair is longer, his teeth are straighter, and his eyes. They looked so blue against the bright blue soft tee shirt he was wearing. Alex has always been that weird yet attractive kid. He's into hardcore music like Chelsea Grin, A Day to Remember, stuff that he got me into when we were in 7th grade. His hair used to be short, now it's long and it's gotten to a darker brown. He looked so good. Suddenly, our teacher's screams had awoken me from the daydream, she was assigning us lab partners. 'Samantha? You'll be partnered with Alex.' My heart leaped. Alex looked over to me and smiled. God, he looked so good. The teacher droned on about something else, but I couldn't stop daydreaming about Alex. The bell finally rang and I collected my stuff and headed for the door. Alex stopped me and said 'Hey! Do you need a ride home from school today? I can drop you off.' I was fumbling for the right words to say, feeling like a complete idiot, I replied 'Sure Alex! That'd be wonderful!' As I flashed a smile. He smiled back and said 'Great, meet me back here at the end of the day.' As he walked away.