‹ Prequel: In Over My Head
Sequel: P.S I'm Dying,
Status: Finished(:

Loving The Jerk Who Might Have Feelings

Prologue: A New Beginning

California, San Francisco

December 31st; 11:03 p.m.

The shadowed figure at the corner of the street did not move once that evening. People who passed hurriedly, on their way home, barely even glanced at him once, for their mind were filled with thoughts of another festive New Year.

Ever cringed as a particularly cold breeze struck him, full on the face; he cursed himself for not bringing a coat, or mittens. Then he shook the thought away. It was almost time. And after eight long years being the hunt; persistence was about to pay off.

It was a matter of luck that he had even come across Goddard Bobbles at all. Or should he say Jo Bark? He had been reading the Sunday’s newspaper at a local coffee shop and hadn’t even glanced at anybody there. The waitress had given him a strange look for he looked like a homeless guy, with his shaggy hair, unshaven face, and dirty clothes, but when he tipped her extra, she minded her own business.

Then the oddest of words traveled across the coffee shop and into his ears, “No, she won’t be having any of that, will you, Margaret? No, no, sensible young ladies do not temper with caffeine”

It wasn’t that what the man was saying was strange; ;many people had prejudiced views, as well, but it was his voice. It was old and scruff with a touch of bitterness that only the people who’d witnessed it at it’s cruelest, could detect it.

Ever spun around. The man! The man! It was his—no, Ever must not think the word, but still it swirled in his mind. Father.

The horrible man was seated at the booth table, along the end of the shop. He had the same grey-black hair and cruel black eyes that Ever remembered, but a new kind of glow to him. That’s when Ever spotted the little girl. She was a small thing. Fragile-looking with jade green eyes and limp wheat-blonde hair. No older than nine, he supposed. Side-by-side they say, like father and daughter, but, as the saying goes, it takes one to know one; and somehow, Ever knew the man was abusing her.

“Afternoon, Jo Bark” nodded a passing man to the man named Goddard Bobbles. Jo, huh?

Ever contemplated calling the police, but by the time they’d get there, he would surely be gone. No, no, he should stalk him to find out where he lived, and then do what was necessary, especially if he had Violet tied up somewhere in his home.

That’s why Ever was currently waiting next to a streetlamp, in a Godforsaken neighborhood. He sighed, this was nerve-wracking. Originally, Ever had hoped to break into the man’s apartment while he went off to work, but he quickly figured out that that wasn’t going to happen.

Whether to keep out people, or to keep them in, the man called Jo had drilled bars on the windows and kept nearly ten locks on the door. Ever tried his best, but after so many hours, he resigned to wait for Jo to make an entrance.

That’s when the man showed up.

Ever’s breath hitched in his throat, and his hands automatically balled into fists. He silently watched as the man got out of his car, traveled up the steps to his apartment, and spend close to two minutes unlocking the door. Ever’s mind was whirling. Should he attack while the man seemed busy? Or should he wait for him to open the door?

His question was answered, when the man suddenly lost hold of his keys and they dropped into the bushes next to the stairs. As the man cursed and went to look for them, Ever quietly approached. His heart was racing, his palms were sweating, and his head was pounding.

His hand snaked to his pant pocket and he withdrew a silver knife. With much adrenaline, Ever approached the doubled-over man still searching for his keys. As he lunged for him, the man suddenly turned around with a wicked sneer and a gun in hand. “Thought you could surprise me, son?”

Ever grimaced, “I’m not your son” But he couldn’t back away in fear of getting shot.

The man smiled but shook his head, “You couldn’t leave well-enough alone, could you, boy? You just had to come looking for me, not satisfied with the death of the slut you called your mother”

Ever growled. Anger was ripping through his veins, and though at first he felt awkward for handling a weapon, he now wanted nothing more than to stab it into the man before him.

“Don’t make any sudden moves, boy, I want you to slows walk into the apartment, or I’ll shoot you” the man commanded.

Ever glanced around quickly, but there was nobody. This act did not go unnoticed by the man, “No one’s going to save you this time, boy”

Ever gulped, but held his poker face, as he reluctantly turned around and walked up the steps. Once he crossed the threshold, the man pushed him inside roughly and closed the door, locking all the locks before Ever got up.

The were in the living area, which was the size of a closet, quite dirty, and extremely smelly. “Drop the knife”

His hand clenched on the handle before he released it. It dropped on the stained carpet with a dull thud, then he kicked it back to the man. The man gave a snort and picked it up, “Children’s toys”

Surprisingly the man dropped onto the couch facing Ever and just watched him for a few minutes, while the point of his gun never wavered.

“Where’s Violet?” Ever finally asked with a trembling voice.

The man laughed a malicious laugh and suddenly called, “Violet! Your brother wants to see you!”

Ever’s heart gave a lurch, so she wasn’t dead? This was something he had never wanted to hope; but if it was true, then Ever would die knowing his sister lived on.

Five minutes passed, but Violet did not appear. Ever turned away from the door that led to another part of the house and looked back at the man. “Oh, silly me, how could I forget? I killed her two years ago”

I killed her two years ago…

I killed her two years ago…

I killed her two years ago…

The words replayed themselves in Ever’s mind for a long time and the man laughed as he watched Ever’s face descend into miserable agony.

“I’d like for you to meet someone, boy” The man suddenly announced, and he turned towards the door opening, “AMANDA!” he called out.

Although Ever could hardly stand to look, he did; it was the little girl he had seen at the coffee place. She was as small and fragile looking as ever, more so as she stood in the doorway and looked at ever with scared wide eyes.

“Amanda, meet your Uncle Ever; boy, meet your new niece” The man sneered at Ever.

Ever’s mouth popped open and he looked at the man with so much revolution, it was a wonder he didn’t crumble under it’s weight. “Y-you raped my sister?!” the question was both amusing, yet annoying to the man. He replied, “If you want to call it that”

That’s when Ever lost it; he lunged at the man with all the power he could muster. Automatically the man shot at him, but missed by millimeters. Ever felt the bullets whir past him, but hardly gave it a thought. Then he was on the man, and the were on the floor, struggling to kill one another. Ever did his best to pull away the gun, but the man kept a firm hold, while his other fist punched at Ever’s side.

And then, suddenly, he had it! He wrapped both his hands around the pistol and pointed it at the man, who immediately stopped struggling. Ever was currently straddling his chest, so the man had no way to escape.

Ever was panting hard, and his heart nearly popped out of his chest. This was it. This was the moment he had been waiting for nearly a quarter of his life. And yet, even as his hate for the man had increased tenfold in the last thirty minutes, the urge to kill had depleted from his system during the fight.

The man noticed; the fear in his face melted away into a sneer, “Never had the balls to kill me, boy, do you really expect that has changed?”

Ever hand twitched, but he knew he couldn’t do it. He knew he couldn’t kill this man. Somehow, the blood that would be shed, would somehow taint Ever’s innocence, if he had any left, that is.

Then there was a bang at the door, “POLICE, LET US IN!!”

Ever’s heart beat with gratitude as he yelled back, “He’s locked it! Please help!”

And then they were there, the police men with guns of their own, “Drop it!” The commanded at Ever, but he hesitated. What if the man got a hold of it?

Suddenly a sharp pain struck his back. Ever gasped and dropped the gun. The man laughed and pushed Ever off him. He had stabbed him with Ever’s forgotten knife. Ever hit the floor on his stomach as his hands inched to his lower back. Had he struck his spinal cord? But all he could feel was the warm blood gushing at immense speed from the knife wound. He struggled to breath, but his eyes stayed focused on the little girl at the door opening, behind the police men who were hauling Goddard Bobbles out the door.

Ever now noticed the resemblance between her sister and the small girl. The hair, the eyes, the aloofness. And suddenly Ever couldn’t breathe, and his eyes became droopy. He thought he heard shots, but maybe it was just the firecrackers? But all thoughts left his mind as he drifted out of consciousness, and possibly out of the living world.


One Month Later

“Why’d you pick rainbow?” Ever asked the newly named ‘Joy Violet Rainbow’, “Is there something wrong with my last name?”

The little girl shrugged as she concentrated on not falling off the monkey bars, and answered, “If you like common surnames, I suppose ‘Evans’ is fine for some people”

After Everard recovered from the gash in his back and adopted his new niece, he quickly discovered that the young girl was rather mature for her age. Of course Ever took her to a children’s psychiatrist twice a week, but even the Dr. said her mind had taken the abuse in such a way that allowed her to move on with her life. Although heartbroken that his sister was dead, he was glad he could have a second chance to protect her, through Joy.

Ah, Joy Violet Rainbow. The psychiatrist had suggested that he took her to get her renamed, and he finally did, today. She said it was a stepping block towards a new life. A new beginning. That reminded Ever that he had something to tell Joy.

“Hey, kiddo, how’s about we move out of this place? I’m kind of sick of all this sunshine” Ever suggested as Joy began to run to the slide. She paused at the top, before sliding down, and gave him a strange look. “Where to?”

“Oh, y’know, I thought we could have a road trip, and go to, say, Ohio?” Ever said cautiously.

Joy grimaced, “Ohio? But it’s so rainy there”

Ever snorted, “You haven’t even been there, Joy, isn’t that a bit prejudiced?”

Joy rolled her eyes, “Okay, as long as I can start going to school”

Ever shot her an incredulous look, “What eight year old would voluntarily attend school?”

Joy shrugged as she began to slide down, “What can I say? I’m not normal. So, what’s in Ohio?”

With a look toward the bright sky, Ever shrugged as well, “Lincoln’s Pass, my hometown”

“Sounds like History” Joy said as she ran towards the swings and Ever chased after her with the brightest of smiles.
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