‹ Prequel: In Over My Head
Sequel: P.S I'm Dying,
Status: Finished(:

Loving The Jerk Who Might Have Feelings

Character Info

Athena Night

Age: 16¾

Likes: Being pretty, putting on make up, reading, impressing people, the feeling of love, combing her hair, laughing, having fun, poetry, classic novels, being the center of attention, homeostasis, and eating pretzels.

Dislikes: Alex Winters, gothic people, when her mom babies her, her brother’s attitude, that Mase wants to eat her, Joy’s strangeness, her family’s lack of desire to fit in, her past, unhappy endings, when someone dies in a book, and the color yellow.

One Unique Thing About Her: She got raped by her last boy friend.

Strength: Pretending certain things never happened.

Weakness: Her heart.
Alex Winters

Age: 17

Likes: Sex, partying, having wild fun, making girls swoon over him, hanging out with Joshua, making fun of Nate, getting on Athena’s nerves, hooking up with hot chicks, talking with Athena, eating junk food, chilling out, doing nothing, Athena, (what?! He didn’t say that?! Psh,) and just doing whatever the hell he wants.

Dislikes: His father, the fact that he doesn’t really remember his mother, abandonment, remembering that his life is pointless, feeling sorry for himself, when Joshua feels sorry for him, nerds like Nate, feeling lonely, being alone, being untruthful to Athena, and basically just his life in general.

One Unique Thing About Him: The secret he’s keeping. Only Joshua knows and he’s not planning on telling anybody else.

Strength: Lying.

Weakness: Love.
Nate Night

Age: 16¾

Likes: Being alone, listening to music, Lilith, his little sister, Joy’s sense of humor, his mom’s motherness (though, he’d never admit it), being compared to his dad, feeling happy, and being in love.

Dislikes: Every hateful person he has ever met, Alex Winters, Athena’s attitude, being about to explode, bring driven insane, Dave (one day he’ll kill Dave), having to stick up for his sister when she’s the one that screws up, and that time he fell in the lake.

One Unique Thing About Him: Despite Athena’s constant teasing him of his ‘innocence’, he hasn’t been a virgin since 7th grade.

Strength: Zoning out of life.

Weakness: His insecurity.
Joy Night

Age: 17

Likes: Rainbows, unicorns, happy thoughts, pie, dancing in the rain, eating ice cream, smiling, laughing, talking to Joshua, staring at the moon, walking around the graveyard (don’t tell anyone), ballet, staying up all night and still being full of energy.

Dislikes: Thinking about certain things, remembering suppressed memories, the evil in life, fighting, violence, cruelty, and anything sinful.

One Unique Thing About Her: Her mom was killed by her stepfather and then he abused Joy until she was around eight. Despite all that she’s still happy with her life.

Strength: Being happy and energetic.

Weakness: Other people’s emotions.
Joshua Hanson

Age: 17

Likes: Music, man.

Dislikes: Sadness, his best friend’s predicament, when things don’t work out, falling out of love, eating bananas, spelling, drugs and anything negative.

One Unique Thing About Him: He’s from Indiana, completely poor, got into the Academy on a scholarship, works every single weekend at the mall, and has never told his best friend about his home life situation. Not that he’s ashamed, of course, but Alex might try to give him money and that’s not what friendship is about.

Strength: Music.

Weakness: Caring too much.
Lilith White

Age: 18

Likes: Feeling important, being sexy, drugs, sex in general, hot guys, doing wrong things, being a rebel, behaving naughty, inappropriate things, and kissing.

Dislikes: Preps, geeks, losers, do-gooders, school, grades, teachers, the education system, being dumped, bitches that can’t shut their mouth, sluts like Lucy, and eating.

One Unique Thing About Her: She comes from rich parents in Tennessee but they couldn’t stand her so they just shipped her off here.

Strength: Sex.

Weakness: Feelings.
Mase Night

Age: 4½

Likes: Frogs, sparkly things, eating stuff from under the couches, poking random people, yelling at humans, biting people, coughing rudely, spanking her dolls, talking to Tom, and being the baby.

Dislikes: Getting yelled at, when mommy gets mad, when people don’t pay attention to her, normalcy, scabs, blood, and pie.

One Unique Thing About Her: She looks up to her sisters and plans to take over the world… after she graduates kindergarten.

Strength: Yelling.

Weakness: Staying quiet.