‹ Prequel: In Over My Head
Sequel: P.S I'm Dying,
Status: Finished(:

Loving The Jerk Who Might Have Feelings

Mase, The Dinosaur Killer


“We’re spending Winter vacation at Winter’s place”

“Is that supposed to be a lame attempt at a pun?”

“I wish”

I stare at Nate until he finally sighs and tells me the whole story. Alex’s dad used to be in love with my mom, he used to be my dad’s cousin, and he’s our godfather.

“And I repeat; What?!”


I sigh in exasperation, “I heard you, god! But I’m not gonna spend my vacation with that jerk! He broke my heart!” I exclaim trying not to remember our last conversation.

Nate rolls his eyes, “He bruised my stomach, you don’t see me complaining about it”

“That’s cause you’re a masochist, Nate, and anyways you don’t know what it feels like to have your heart—“ I pause, recalling something, “I never did ask you; why’d you break up with Lilith?”

At that he looks uncomfortable, “None of your business”

But before I can argue, the nurse comes in to change my bandages. Mase growls at her and does a Godzilla impersonation. Somehow she ends up breaking a lamp.

The nurse gives her a reproachful look as she applies some sort of antiseptic cream on my stitches, making me wince, but doesn’t say anything.

Nate stands up, picks her up into his arms (while she thrashes violently), and then sits back down. “Calm down, Mase”


Nate gives her an incredulous look, to which she responds by biting his nose. “Ow!”

I snort, but the nurse hurriedly walks out of the room as soon as she finishes with my head.

Good thing I only needed stitches, god I couldn’t stand having to walk around with a cast or something. How embarrassing.

“Where are our parents?” I ask, wondering why they weren’t here when I woke up.

Nate shrugs, “Mom’s packing your things. She made us all pack an hour ago. Joy’s with Joshua, in case you’re wondering”

“I wasn’t”

“They make a lame couple”

“Says Single McSingleton”

“Your lame”

“Yeah, well you’re just jealous everyone else has a love life”

“Correction; everyone but you”

“And you”

We glare at each other for a long time, neither of us blinking, Mase trying to eat Nate’s shirt.

“I never got to thank you, though, thanks for standing up for me” I finally say. I’m on way too much morphine to be in a bad mood.

Nate’s expression shifts, but he rolls his eyes to mask the brotherliness he’s feeling (possibly), “It was a pleasure to punch Alex Winters in the face”

“Nate, I love you” I say half-teasingly half-earnestly.

“Gross” he wrinkles his nose, “God, you’re starting to sound like Mom, what’s with women and feelings?”



“Don’t you use your Russian accent with me” My mom scolded at my father. Dad tries not to roll his eyes, but Mom’s right; Dad’s been nothing but mean to the chauffeur Mr. James sent for us.

It’s amazing, I’ve never seen Dad jealous.

“Here we are” says the driver as we pull up to a humongous mansion. The walls are of brick like the Academy, only more elegant, and less schoolish, if that’s even a word.

I stare in amazement as our driver opens the door of the black SUV for us and then gets our luggage from the back. Of course Dad intervenes, apparently thinking he can prove something by carrying a hundred pounds worth of clothes on his own... up a hill.

The cold wind rustles my hair and the snow crunches beneath my feet as we trudge up the steep ground. I feel like if I’m in some kind of fantasy. I’ve never been to an extravagant place.

The chauffeur opens the double doors for us and then disappears. This servant guy appears in front of us as the door close and he clears his throat. Joy watches him with amazement, and I can tell she’s suppressing the urge to poke him. He’s a peculiar old man. He’s barely taller than

Mom (who’s rather on the short side) and yet he holds himself up like he’s the tallest man on earth. I don’t know how he can possibly see is since his long nose is raised up so high it blocks any view of his beady little eyes.

He has one arm behind his back and the other in the inside pocket of his coat, as if to pull out a gun. His withered lips are in a permanent grimace and his peppered white hair is jelled back.

What’s weird is that his mustache is jet black.

“Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Night, welcome to the James Manor, you may address me as Phillip”

“Phil?” My mom asks, trying to break the ice. I swear I saw the servant roll his eyes! But as I blink, he’s wearing a formal face again, “If it pleases you”

Mom gives a feeble laugh before she just shuts up and shrinks closer to my father.

“Let me escort you to your rooms; Master James has requested your company at Dinner” then he leads each of us to our new bedrooms. Of course Mom rooms with Dad and Nate rooms by himself. Then it’s just Mase, Joy, and me.

Our rooms are side by side; me in the middle because it seems to be the most extravagant. The servant assures me that he’ll bring up my luggage immediately (which Dad had left in the entrance) so I can get ready for dinner.

I thank him earnestly then shut my door. I take a moment of peaceful silence, take a deep breath, fighting this week’s emotions, until I am finally composed.

Then I hurriedly go into the bathroom. Oh dear God! The bathtub is solid gold (probably not) and looks like a hot tub and the shower has at least ten shower heads. Although I usually prefer a good clean shower, today I feel like relaxing my body, so I decide to go with the hot tub-bath tub hybrid.

I carefully remove my clothing, so as to not damage my head bandages, and then sink into the liquid sauna that is the bath water. Although the doctor said not to, I remove my bandages and gently brush through my hair with my fingertips. I close my eyes and breathe deeply for a long time, “We don’t need anything or anyone. If I lie here. If I just lay here; would you lie with me and just forget the world?” I sing quietly. Okay; I admit it. I sing in the shower (well bath tub/hot tub hybrid). Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol is just such a calming song, that I have trouble not singing the melody.

After an hour or so of soaking in the luxurious, jasmine scented water, I finally step out. I wrap a large fluffy towel around my bodice and step into my room. Thankfully my luggage was already on top of my bed. Careful not to drop the towel, I zip open one of the suitcases and find, um, essentials.

Once I am dressed in simple blue jeans and a long sleeved green shirt (my mother failed to pack anything half decent), I make my way down stairs.

Of course I end up getting lost a million times and at some point one of the maids pulled me out of a closet, but I eventually find the dining area. It isn’t that large, but its decorated in warm colors to emphasize the cold weather outside. I smile at my mom and Dad and take a seat next to Nate and Mase. Nate barely looks at me before he’s back to eating the roasted pork they’ve already served. I notice Mom having an animate conversation with Mr. James.

I also notice Dad scowling at his delicious food, refusing to look at Mr. James.

I suppress a smile; for some reason it’s sweet that Dad’s jealous. Even if it is irrational and completely ludicrous. I mean my mom didn’t date anyone while he was M.I.A (so to speak). Don’t get me wrong; a lot of guys asked her out (I mean a lot), but she never took interest. But it’s still sweet seeing Dad so insecure.

Just then, Mase starts to talk to me. Well, scream and spit would be more appropriate.

She yells, “NAUGHTY PIG, HANKY!” and throws her spoon at my face. Gravy splashes my whole body and everyone stares at me. Then Mase proceeds to thump my head with her other spoon until she strikes my stitches and Dad makes her stop.

He eventually has to carry me to my room because I couldn’t stop crying. So, all in all, it was bloody magnificent. The one good thing was that Alex hadn’t been present. It didn’t lessen the nightmares, though.

Mase was Godzilla trampling all over New York and I was some plane she kept throwing chocolate pigs at until I crashed and died and Mr. James was sitting on a pedestal patting Mase approvingly.

Go figure.
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